Warning: Men may wanna stay away.



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My wife bought a ring that indicates when her period starts. When she is not on her period , it is a briliant Cobalt Blue.

    However, when she is, it leaves an ugly red welt on my forehead.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Seriously, do some exercise, drink your water, watch your carb and sugar intake. You've had a period before (presumably), you know your weight will fluctuate during the month...move on


    I saw this avatar and read the post and thought, "I don't remember writing that!"
  • mealprepping_fit4life
    I believe this is what I am dealing with right now. I gained like 3.7 lbs overnight and I haven't been eating bad at all and have started TRX classes. I think its going to be time for my Auntie Flo soon. The thing is I am perimenopausal and mine isn't all that regular.
  • Relentless_0ne
    Is it your first period?

    we are friends.....calm down.

    I would allow him to stab me in the face.

    With anything in particular?
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Yup, yup totally normal! I'd say for me it's about 2-3 extra pounds and then it comes off a few days in. ;) Just take a deep breath and drink lots of water.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I DON'T weigh myself during this time of the month. I gain up to 10 lbs during my period and it still bugs me a lot seeing it on the scale even though I know it's temporary, so I just don't even look at my weight during this time lol. I try to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. The cravings aren't usually THIS bad for me, but I've definitely been overeating the last two days compared to other months. =/
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    My wife bought a ring that indicates when her period starts. When she is not on her period , it is a briliant Cobalt Blue.

    However, when she is, it leaves an ugly red welt on my forehead.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Aunt Flo is due for a visit. Normally I don't gain weight to much around this time BUT I have gained 3 lbs and feel like a puffer fish. Its so aggravating because I'm eating good ( although I'm extremely hungry and the only thing I want is a big bag of chips.) Ugh! I'm really hoping that its all just due to my up coming ( .) and not my body going on strike! Anyone have this problem? And if so how much do you gain? And does its come off fast?
    3 lbs?! Girl, consider yourself lucky. I'm 6-8+ every time. Sleepy? Propping my eyelids open and yawning through every workout. Hungry? Park a recliner in front of the fridge and count me in. After sharkin' for a day or two though, it tends to subside.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Is it your first period?

    we are friends.....calm down.

    I would allow him to stab me in the face.

    With anything in particular?
  • robrsmith
    robrsmith Posts: 7 Member
    Blood contains roughly 1000 Kcal per liter. With the additional caloric deficit incurred by blood loss, you're probably going into starvation mode. That's why you're gaining.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Is it your first period?

    For some women, when they start losing weight or changing their diets, their periods drastically change. I, for one, am going through pre-menopause at the age of 33, so yeah it's like having to learn my period all over again. Watch your karma.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Just because Thread Title

  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    Each month I rage war against myself. Seriously, it's downright mayhem with the bloating, fatigue, not to mention the overpowering urge to polish off the left side of my pantry. However, I always come out victorious after 4 days of hell. Minstrels sing for days celebrating my triumph against temptation. I grim and bear it. Some give into chocolate. Your call.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Each month I rage war against myself. Seriously, it's downright mayhem with the bloating, fatigue, not to mention the overpowering urge to polish off the left side of my pantry. However, I always come out victorious after 4 days of hell. Minstrels sing for days celebrating my triumph against temptation. I grim and bear it. Some give into chocolate. Your call.

    ...oh, the minstrels.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I eat all the foodz during this time and I'm not sorry. I still workout and in a few days, the cravings are gone.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I, for one, am shocked and baffled when this happens to me.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Just curious. Was the title of this thread meant to mean men should stay away from this thread, or from you?

    I should have stayed away too.
    Both? Men get all squirmy on the subject. Also not cool when a man tries to give advice on this matter.

    Why is it not cool when we know as much or more about it than you?
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I could eat the fridge door if it had ketchup on it.

    I'm so glad I'm not the only person in the world that feels like that when my hormones come out to play! This is a perfect description. :heart:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I, for one, am shocked and baffled when this happens to me.

    Your profile pic looks like your hand is on your hip, I lol'd at this response because of this :laugh:

    Edited to add that I had to click on it to make sure this wasn't the case.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    I could eat the fridge door if it had ketchup on it.

    I'm so glad I'm not the only person in the world that feels like that when my hormones come out to play! This is a perfect description. :heart:
