deficet to lower body fat or recomp?!?!



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Can i still get noob gains at mantinence i feel that i have had some already. Legs n butt r toned (not big) lil bicep muscle n i found a back muscle growing. Im trying the jamie eason 12 week program. No cardio this mo. Nxt mo adds moderate cardio to fat burn but not eat away muscle

    I don't suggest Jamie Eason's program without a baseline of total body strength. I suggest maintenance and StrongLifts 5x5, then reevaluate after the 12 week program is over.

    I agree with the SL 5x5 as well...

    above is a nice summary....

    I did that for a year (switched to 3x5 for the summer) and recently started Wendlers but loved Stronglifts.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I think several people have given you good advice in here, OP. You are at a low weight with a high body fat percent and you can expect to see some reasonably good changes at maintenance with a good lifting program and keeping your nutrition in check (adequate protein, not too much of the non-nutritious stuff, adequate calories, progressive loading).

    I started out at 5'7", 120 with a high body fat percent. I recomped for close to a year before I started a bulk. The changes to my body were pretty impressive in that time even if my weight was within a 5 pound margin the entire time. When I bulked, I gained 14 pounds, so not a lot really, and I saw drastic changes. I am the exact same size as when I started but with 14 pounds on my frame. At that point, I thought I would cut. Instead of cutting, continued to recomp at the higher maintenance for a few months. I've continued to see minor changes primarily in my stomach and back since maintaining, but I'm not seeing more changes in my hips and thighs. I'm eating at a deficit again and slowly cutting. I'm in no hurry to rush this process.

    The key no matter which path you take is to get adequate protein and pick a lifting program that will develop strength through progressive loading and incorporate hypertrophy lifts. (5x5 with accessories is good for beginners).
  • bebenevaeh
    bebenevaeh Posts: 65 Member
    Any good strength program from home? I have a cable machine dumbells n small non olympic weight bench. I dabbled in 5x5 at home n i cant really throw more than 45 over my head for a squat w out struggling. So w such a upped weight so often i cant do 5x5 wo a squat rack n i cant go to a gym at the moment. Lil ones at home
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    bump for later
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Bumping for later as I am in the exact same boat!

    I'm at 180ish for my 6' frame, dropping to about 175 before I start slowly recomping and wondering if I should slowly rebuild the muscle, or just finish dropping before bulking around the holidays.

    All the info is super helpful, thanks! Hope you've got dome answers too bebe!