SAHM 1/3 to 1/9



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    skinnydreams~good to know that with the lemon and soda water.

    Christi~I can't stand cherry flavored anything. I tried that one but it is def not my fav. I really like the raspberry ice one the best.

    Welcome to all newcomers! As Christi pointed out we just post what ever we want to share.

    Barb~My hubby would LOVE that kind of snow storm to hit here. The most we have gotten is about 12 inches.

    We went sledding today as a family fun activity. Didn't turn out so well. My 4 yr old was screaming quite a bit of the time. Turns out he is terrified of sledding. The hubby went down this wicked steep hill and flew off the sled and hit down on his tail bone and kept right on sliding and then hit another bump when he was not on the sled. He is now in A LOT of pain he can't even sit without it hurting him. Of course two of the kids think it is funny to hit him on the backside and watch him jump. Which imo is not very fun to watch. I hate seeing him in so much pain. We ended up leaving early and had our friend bring home our 3 oldest. Turns out that dd2 flew off the tube and hit her upper lip and it started bleeding and ds1 did something to hurt himself as well. I got to say that we probably won't be going back in a big hurry and def not again to that park. How is everyone else's weekend so far?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Katie, we received almost 3ft of snow!! And we're still expected to get another 4-8inches over night, yuck!
  • Snow--While I love snow for the first day, I hate it after that! Luckily, I live in California so no snow for me. I get enough snow when we visit family in Utah in the winter. I have to admit, I'm a wimp now that we live here. It's 42 degrees outside right now and I'm freezing!
    I never thought of putting crystal light in soda water! What a great idea. I think I may try that sometime.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi jill kris and sprite! we are very casual here. we don't do challenges or have a regular "report in" day. if you want the challenges etc, there are other threads that do that--black team, for example.

    sorry--that sounds snotty on a post. what i'm trying to say, is that you are more than welcome to chat here. if you want challenges in addn to or instead of what's here, there are also more threads out there. that's one of the best things about MFP--so many amazing people sprinkled all over the community boards! :happy:

    hope that clears things up!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    katie--i'm with you on the raspberry ice. hands down my fave.

    girls, you might also consider LaCroix bottled water for a lighter taste with the bubbles.

    and katie, where did you go sledding? up in park city? i've wanted to try it up there with kiddos--but given your experience, idk if that's a good idea.
    we have no set plans for going up to our condo this season---but i want to get it on the calendar. even if we don't ski this round, the kids love to play in the snow. :)
    we have our park city condo up for sale again--think good thoughts for a real offer to come thru. hubby and sil would be happy to get their money back out of it.
    (i'll be a little sad but dh assured me we can go up and stay in hotels often--for less than the cost of keeping the condo so that makes it easier)

    i'm rambling again....time to sign off and get dd1 to sunday school.

    later chicas!
  • Today is DAY 1 of Slim in 6!
    I will be doing it once I give my middle two lunch then put them down for a nap. The first (2 week) dvd is only 25 minutes so I can do that then should be able to get a quick shower afterwards and still have some time for lunch myself as long as baby cooperates!
    The dreaded part is the pictures, heck I hate pictures of myself with my clothes on can't imagine how I will look in a swimsuit. But I am doing it only so I can really see if/when I am making some progress. Sometimes how your clothes fit and how you look in a picture is a better motivator then what the scale actually says. Although I will be locked in my room & taking the pictures myself then hiding them deep in a file on my computer where no one can see them, haha!! Unless of course when I am done the after really does look a lot better then maybe I won't feel so bad about showing the before. :happy:
    I know some of you were asking so I will let you know what I think of it when I am done today & keep you posted as I go along!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~Nope this time around we did not go toPark City to go sledding. We went to a park here in Bountiful. The last time we went we went to Mountain Dell. That is on the way to Park City but not quite in Park City. I would recommend going there to go sledding. I haven't had any bad experiences going there and I have gone there quite a few times. This time we just decided to go somewhere closer to home. The good was that it was a good hill the bad though was that the snow was packed from all the sledders.

    Christi~Good luck with the Slim in 6 and the photos. I am with you on that one I have a really hard time with taking pics especially in a swimsuit.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whew...have my week organized for schooling. probably have too much planned but we don't have to get thru it all. this month is space, earth, inventors, van gogh (starry night) and science experiments.

    christi, good luck with the pictures. that is hard to do---tho i'm due for some too. reality check for me.

    katie--thanks for the suggestion.
    and hope dh is feeling better today.

    time to work on my goals sheet. see you all next week!
  • Baby woke up at 6 to nurse this morning so I am up and enjoying a bit of peace & quiet at the moment! It only dawned on me just now after being downstairs for over 30 minutes that I could of squeezed in my workout already so I didn't have to do it at naptime, oh well just sitting in the dark with a cup of coffee stareing at the tv was kinda nice.
    Well Day 1 of Slim in 6 wasn't to bad, the hardest part for me was keeping my arms up as long as she did & of course the push-ups but everything else I could pretty much do so I'm excited about that because it means I will only get better! I did the pictures and they were as expected horrible, I see myself in the mirrow but when you put it on the camera then look at it on the computer it's kinda scarey! I even made DS#1 go away when he tried to see what I was doing, haha! But it just makes me that much more determined to see a change.
    Now I just have to work on my eatting. I made Amish Friendship Bread yesterday and it was so good, which of course is bad because then I want to keep eatting it but I did log in every piece so I know and can't keep doing that. I have to be sure to thank my friend who brought me the starter for it, haha! I will just have to let the boys eat it all up or maybe freeze the second loaf until hubby is home to eat it cause the next batch will be ready to go in 10 days and I can't keep eatting it every time. I did make it to the store to replenish my fruit & veggie supply though so I can eat lots of salads while hubby is gone, luckily I really love salad so that will be any easy meal for me. Now I just have to be careful about the meals with friends I have planned for this week (all of us with hubbys gone try to do dinner together a night or two a week so we don't have to cook for just our kids), I will just make the thing I bring a salad & eat more of that than anything else.
    Happy Monday to everyone I better go wake up my oldest so he can get ready for school, have a great day!!
  • ...oh and I'm down another 1.4lbs which brings my total to about 8lbs since so far since I started on here, yippie!!
  • ...oh and I'm down another 1.4lbs which brings my total to about 8lbs since so far since I started on here, yippie!!

    Nice job!!!

    I'm putting my scale away until Friday. I'm getting obsessive lol.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member guys love the amish friendship bread...and you are right it is too yummy.....I have a loaf in the freezer that im not pulling out any time soon:0) good luck with your slim in 6.......I cant say I have a set workout each depends on my boys schedule and practice that day as to what I can do.....tonite I will run my youngest to wrestling practice, go to a meeting, then hop on the treadmill and run.....then go pick him up........tomorrow 2 of my guys have basketball practice and 1 hubby and I will split and I will take out oldest and the dog with me...while he is practicing I will walk our dog around the neighborhood where he practices......thursday will probably be another run on the treadmill day and Friday i will take 2 to practice and go to my Zumba class....(which I LOVE)....Saturday will either walk the dog for an hour or do an workout dvd....never know what a day is going to bring but I usually can figure out some kind of workout for each situation:0) Wed. and Sun....are usually rest days.
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