Feeling disappointment



  • dwozniak16
    dwozniak16 Posts: 146 Member
    I really feel for you on this one because it is my current situation..
    After I hit the 40 pound loss mark, I've been yo-yoing between 35 lost and 40.
    I've been very good about logging, staying under my calories and exercising 5x a week but for some reason these last two weeks have been just bad. I do notice from taking pictures that I am physically smaller in my stomach and chest, but I never bothered to take measurements before. I'm gonna keep trying my best, and be a bit more careful with the sodium consumption.. Maybe it is all just water retention. I drink roughly 8 cups a day, (around 5 bottles of water).

    But good luck! Hopefully you start to see the number go down more next week!
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I think you are doing really well! If you just keep going, the weight will continue to come off. I do know how you feel as I had a spell like that for several weeks. Just keep on keeping on ;)