Slacking on cardio



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    no- but at some point you have to eat an insanely low amount of food - where as with 2 sessions or so of 30 min of cardio or a few sessions of HIIT you can get you the same result without the stress of eating so little.

    I dislike doing cardio- but guess what- I do it- why- because I'm already eating 1500-1600. More cardio = more food plain and simple.

    I do HIIT workouts- sprints- or the stairmaster or the spin bikes- I am particularly "fond" of the stairmaster/bikes- only because I put on my netflix and watch shows- easy peasy - watch one whole episode of whatever- and the time flies by.

    I suppose it depends on one's preference. Personally, I dislike cardio more than I like extra food. I agree that HIIT is the way to go if one chooses to do cardio.

    at the point where I"m eating below 1500 calories- cardio wins out over the lower food- for me it's not a matter of "I get to eat an extra cookie" cardio means I get to eat another meal.

    I would rather go sweat it out- than just starve- sitting around starving to me is pointless.

    Haha I get where you are coming from! Some days I know the main reason I'm even at the gym is to keep me away from my kitchen.!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member

    at the point where I"m eating below 1500 calories- cardio wins out over the lower food- for me it's not a matter of "I get to eat an extra cookie" cardio means I get to eat another meal.

    I would rather go sweat it out- than just starve- sitting around starving to me is pointless.

    That's pretty much how I am, though my lower calorie limit is higher than yours. 1650 is about as low as I can comfortably go and even that is not something I can maintain for more than a couple of days. I'd just rather eat more and be comfortable and lose weight rather than eat a bit less and have "ugh, I'm hungry" thoughts hanging out in my head all day.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Dudes, why all the machines? Clear a space in your house, and grab a DVD. Set up a small TV with a DVD player in a spare area, that's what I do. Try some Billy blanks or any tae Bo or Kickboxing video. No need to worry about the dark, the rain, or the gym.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    no- but at some point you have to eat an insanely low amount of food - where as with 2 sessions or so of 30 min of cardio or a few sessions of HIIT you can get you the same result without the stress of eating so little.

    I dislike doing cardio- but guess what- I do it- why- because I'm already eating 1500-1600. More cardio = more food plain and simple.

    I do HIIT workouts- sprints- or the stairmaster or the spin bikes- I am particularly "fond" of the stairmaster/bikes- only because I put on my netflix and watch shows- easy peasy - watch one whole episode of whatever- and the time flies by.

    I suppose it depends on one's preference. Personally, I dislike cardio more than I like extra food. I agree that HIIT is the way to go if one chooses to do cardio.

    at the point where I"m eating below 1500 calories- cardio wins out over the lower food- for me it's not a matter of "I get to eat an extra cookie" cardio means I get to eat another meal.

    I would rather go sweat it out- than just starve- sitting around starving to me is pointless.

    Haha I get where you are coming from! Some days I know the main reason I'm even at the gym is to keep me away from my kitchen.!


    Plus- Even though I don't LOVE cardio- esp steady state- I really love working out- and the whole thing about it- feeling- and sweaty and dirty and going out and doing things.

    I'd rather do that than eat. LOL but yeah- there are Friday nights where I go to the gym just to get out of the house. LOL
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I really hate steady state cardio at the gym; it's so boring! I try to get mine in more fun ways like mountain biking, kayaking, or even just taking the dog on a fast-paced walk.

    Great idea! Playing football with the kids, dance classes, nightclubbing, pole dancing, there are so many ways to burn fat and get fit.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    did you have to eat less calories than you would if you were dong cardio?

    Certainly, but it's a lot easier for me to not eat a cookie than it is to spend 15 minutes (or however long) on the treadmill.
    I completely agree. This works for me as well. And, I'm NOT hungry or missing a meal or denying cravings. I eat for fuel and am enjoying great results from lifting mainly. I do 2 - - 30 min. HIIT cardio sessions per week, mainly for my heart-health.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Dudes, why all the machines? Clear a space in your house, and grab a DVD. Set up a small TV with a DVD player in a spare area, that's what I do. Try some Billy blanks or any tae Bo or Kickboxing video. No need to worry about the dark, the rain, or the gym.

    I'd rather stick my finger through my eyeball and swirl it around in my brain than do a Billy Blanks, Tae Bo, etc. video. Just not my thing. I can do some sprint/interval stuff on the treadmill and while it's not as nice as running outside, it doesn't make me dream of lobotomizing myself.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    To each their own. I find my Library of tapes and DVDs a great source of all over body cardio workouts that never get boring and to which my body never adapts. I find running mind bogglingly dull, not to mention outright dangerous in Florida heat and humidity. We have an untouched treadmill that I really wish my SO would let me get rid of, its been a dust collector for 8 years. Between 4 large dogs that need walking, bicycles for fun, our stash of free weights and a simple 6' by 8' area with an old TV and a TV/VCR combo, there is zero need for machinery and expensive gym memberships.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    I would love to eat at maintenance and just lift.. but I also want the bod I'm working for asap. I lift 6 days a week now so sometimes I find myself just too exhausted for cardio.. but I also love eating. I'm alright at denying myself the cravings but sometimes I slip because its mentally tough
  • HopHead28
    HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
    Long time lurker first time poster. This topic is one I battled for a long time.
    I think the goal is to find something you enjoy doing for a cardio activity... sounds weird to anyone that hates cardio but I think there is something for everyone.
    My personal experience: I knew I needed to lose weight but hated most cardio activities in standard gyms. I decided to buy a bike thinking I could ride around the city and also ride to and from work. My goal for riding to work was 1 - 2 days a week. As I became more comfortable with my route and riding I found myself riding to work very often, 3-4 times per week. My ride is 10 miles each way and over the summer I have seen enough improvement that my commute is almost as fast on bike as it is by car.
    It gives me an opportunity to clear my mind pre/post work, get 2 great workouts in and catch some awesome scenery along the way. On top of that I am doing it for a reason... to get to work. In the morning I don't have time to make excuses since I have a deadline for when I need to start work.
    Just my $0.02 for what helped me get addicted to cardio.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Long time lurker first time poster. This topic is one I battled for a long time.
    I think the goal is to find something you enjoy doing for a cardio activity... sounds weird to anyone that hates cardio but I think there is something for everyone.
    My personal experience: I knew I needed to lose weight but hated most cardio activities in standard gyms. I decided to buy a bike thinking I could ride around the city and also ride to and from work. My goal for riding to work was 1 - 2 days a week. As I became more comfortable with my route and riding I found myself riding to work very often, 3-4 times per week. My ride is 10 miles each way and over the summer I have seen enough improvement that my commute is almost as fast on bike as it is by car.
    It gives me an opportunity to clear my mind pre/post work, get 2 great workouts in and catch some awesome scenery along the way. On top of that I am doing it for a reason... to get to work. In the morning I don't have time to make excuses since I have a deadline for when I need to start work.
    Just my $0.02 for what helped me get addicted to cardio.

    that's great! I would love to find something I really thourougly enjoy but right now I absolutely LOVE weights and cardio I just force myself to do.... I will consider other options besides running/elliptical...
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I don't know where you live, but I put on my earphones and go run out in nature and I LOVE it... it's like therapy to me. I can't do cardio at the gym, it's extremely boring. Id suggest get outside and do something and find some type of cardio that you like, whether it be riding bikes, swimming, playing a sport, etc...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I get my steady state cardio through sports, which I LOVE. It actually motivates me to do more HIIT activities when not competing. That, along with some functional low weight/high rep lifting works wonders for me.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You need to try something else then. I f{%^#^*ing hate running, elliptical, walking fast, swimming, jump rope, dancing, etc.

    I've recently started going out and riding my bike to any location within 5 miles. For everything. It's helped a lot and I get to see the city, use my brain while navigating (no mindless running to nowhere on a treadmill), and I feel more free to just get up and go.

    *shrug* there's got to be some sort of cardio you'd enjoy. Maybe even something like racquet ball, tennis, kickball, soccer, etc.!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I would love to eat at maintenance and just lift.. but I also want the bod I'm working for asap. I lift 6 days a week now so sometimes I find myself just too exhausted for cardio.. but I also love eating. I'm alright at denying myself the cravings but sometimes I slip because its mentally tough

    But you still haven't said what you want. Lose fat? Bulk? Get more curvy? Add muscle then cut? Have a butt that reduces grown men to tears?
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    I want to cut the last bits of fat, and have that killer *kitten*
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I would love to eat at maintenance and just lift.. but I also want the bod I'm working for asap. I lift 6 days a week now so sometimes I find myself just too exhausted for cardio.. but I also love eating. I'm alright at denying myself the cravings but sometimes I slip because its mentally tough

    But you still haven't said what you want. Lose fat? Bulk? Get more curvy? Add muscle then cut? Have a butt that reduces grown men to tears?

    I'd like all of the above lol.