Ladies, does HE drive u CRAZY during ur weightloss journey?



  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Ok so here's the thing, I have around 30 more lbs to lose for my goal and I want that loss to be mostly fat (don't we all?) so Ive been doing a combination of cardio and strength training and lost 70 lbs in the process.
    Here's the issue, whenever my fiancee hears the word weight training he panics and gets upset thinking I am doing it wrong because I will be "bulky" and look "manly" and what I should be doing is cardio and 4 lbs weights!!

    I am a petite woman at 5'.05 and currently weight 160 lbs with ~29% bf and 117 LBM, which adds to my fiancee's concern because he believes I already have "too much muscle" and more lifting will only make me look masculine

    I find it frustrating. I was wondering if anyone else in the same boat?

    P.S subject too long, hence the "ur"

    I'm in your boat in that I'm petite (5'1"), but have naturally larger muscles than most other women my height. However, Mr. Pineapple is currently bulking (while I'm losing), but wouldn't mind if I did. He's a fan of the muscle definition that's been revealed as I've lost fat. (He's a bit jealous of my family's natural muscular build.) :wink: But you won't physically bulk or increase muscle mass unless you're trying; eating a surplus, increased protein, regular heavy lifting, etc. It's unlikely your muscles will get bigger while eating at a deficit.

    What bugs me about your post is his commenting that you already have "too much muscle". Negative comments on your appearance, especially about something you generally can't change like natural musculature, is not cool.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    My boyfriend was like that, I've only lost 10lbs so far but I've lost over 4" around my body and once he realized that the weight lifting is giving me something closer to visible abs and not bulging veiny muscles, he is more supportive. He doesn't lift because he doesn't want to get bulky and assumes women will look like body builders by lifting weights so that in and of itself doesn't help my case. I think he'd still perfer it if I was a cardio bunny but there are other *kitten*-pects of lifting that he is enjoying the view of :blushing:

    I say you keep doing you. Personally I wouldn't mention specific weights that "scare" him too often, let him see the progress you are making through your own transformation then give him a bigger update at once. He should realize that you aren't going to get scary muscular, you're just not going to jiggle in places you shouldn't jiggle anymore :laugh: