Fellow Mommies...



  • TLiv2011
    TLiv2011 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm new to the forum. I am a mom to an 18 month old. Trying to lose 5-10 pounds. I know my down fall is my binge junk eating on weekends, so, I am hoping by tracking my food intake will help me avoid eating so much unnecessary food. I have started peak 8 training as something different. Wondering if anyone else has done this and/or suggestions with it. I work full time in an office and have started coaching on the side. I play dodgeball and softball during the summer and do workout video's at home.
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm a mom of a 10 year old boy, and work fulltime. Feel free to add me. It's hard to juggle everything but I exercise when I can, even if it's just 10-15 minutes at a time. I haven't been to a gym in years (don't have the time or money anyways.) I walk or do workout videos almost daily.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    What does "bump" mean? I've seen this one many threads.

    Bumping the thread, so it stays active on the message boards
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I have a 9 year old boy and 5 year old girl. I work full time and my husband works 70+ hours a week so I'm pretty well on my own with meals, house work, home work, errands etc... I was told about MFP last June and it clicked. Good luck to everyone, it's not easy, but it's worth it! Add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Hi. I'm a mom to 3 kids, ages 11, 7 and 16 months. I work full time as well, so my days are quite busy. It's definitely a challenge to get "me" time, to focus on my health, weight loss and getting time to workout at the gym.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Arekha
    Arekha Posts: 45 Member
    Mommy to a 3 yr old and 6 yr old, full time job, 1 hr (one way) commute, husband who travels for several weeks at a stretch....all of which used to be excuses, and now are the reasons i want to be fitter!
  • HRForgione
    I'm mom to a 2 yr old and 4 yr old, work full time, and help my husband run his construction business when I can find the time. My goal this year has been to start trying to find time for myself, so I can relate to your frustration! I am the one who drives to school, picks the kids up, does the shopping, pays the bills, and often the primary caregiver o the weekend while he works to build the business.

    For me, the first step has simply been acknowledging that I need to find that time for myself. Even little things like taking an extra five minutes in the shower, or occasionally DVR'ing a favorite show and watching it once everyone else is in bed, can be a start to carving out time for yourself, little by little. I fall into the trap of doing everything for everyone else first, and always figuring my "stuff" can wait. And I have an extra 40 lbs I'm carrying around to prove it!

    It is definitely taking me a long time to mentally prepare myself to start making time for me. As a nursing and working mother, everyone else's needs have been more important than my own for, well, about 5 years or so -- that is a hard habit to ease out of. And now that I've stopped nursing, I am having to recondition my eating habits too. Figuring out a way to fit in exercise? That is the biggest challenge. I used to be very active, and I can definitely feel the difference now that I am just frenzied and sleep-deprived, rather than energetic and tired from exercising!

    Best of luck to you, and if I have any breakthroughs, I will let you know how I did it!
  • Terrush2004
    Terrush2004 Posts: 10 Member
    I have rejoined the new mommy team. I have a 24 year old and a 1 1/2 year old. Talk about an age gap. I was a SAHM until April 2014. I recently rejoined the work force. I work 40 hours a week and have a hard time being motivated to exercise. I bought a FtiBit through my job so I do wear it daily and linked it with my MyFitnessPal account. I had to be in my baby sister's wedding this past September and I dropped 15 pounds from March 2014-August 2014 by cutting out the bread and sugar and eating a low carb diet. I didn't think I was going to make it. I know I would have probably lost double the amount of weight had I worked out. I am still watching what I eat but I have introduced one serving of bread back into my diet per day. I have every intention on doing some sort of work out but once I get off work, pick my daughter up from my MIL's house (after she keeps me there talking for atleast an hour), get home unload the car, wash sippy cups and bowls, fix a snack and play with the baby for a little while, I am pooped. I just want to lay around and then I find myself ready for bed to start the next work day. I would love to go to the gym but alot of place do not have daycare or anyone I'd trust with my LO. I don't want to impose on my MIL since she does watch her 9 hours a day while I am at work. I need some motivation!!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Hey everyone! I am a stay at home mom of an almost 2 year old and a 2 month old. I've been on this site for I believe 3 years now and I just returned to start up again (after having my son and getting the okay from my doctor). Feel free to add me!
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    5yo and 3yo girls here and I work 24 hours a week basic plus about 8 in overtime as a nurse. Keeps me busy. 107lb left to go, feel free to add