HELP!!!! someone brought donuts!!!



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I do not think OP is coming back to this thread.

    Carry on.
  • I'm one of the lucky few who isn't attached to donuts. I just think about the friedness and calorie loaded witch they call donuts, then that's very persuasive for me. If you need to see the numbers that are in donuts, I suggest googling calorie and nutrient's information through google. I guarantee those numbers will help make that donut less appealing to you.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but...

    Punch that lady in the face and throw the donuts on the floor.
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but...

    Punch that lady in the face and throw the donuts on the floor.

    Thank you for the laugh. Once on the floor then yell crap someone dropped all the donuts on the floor.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but...

    Punch that lady in the face and throw the donuts on the floor.

    Finally... a voice of reason!
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    We have junk at work all the time and most of the time it is provided by the company (and I work for health insurance lol). Today they have cheese popcorn, regular popcorn, chips and salsa and peach cobbler. Next week is customer service appreciation week and they are having something EVERY day. I can't remember the entire line up but I know it includes chips, salsa, cheese, pb&j, bagels, fruit with hot fudge dip and pizza...i'm sure i'm forgetting several things. The food is always set up directly behind me about 10 feet away. I don't believe in depriving myself so if I really want something I will find a way to have a small portion and fit it into my calories for the day but I've found that more times than not if I really think about it I will decide that it's really not worth it to me. It makes me feel good and I guess empowered in a way to be able to make healthier decisions for myself and not be a slave to the food anymore. If you really want a donut, have one...if you are honest with yourself and think that you are going to wind up feeling bad about it and guilty later then resist and chances are you'll feel very proud of yourself later instead.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but...

    Punch that lady in the face and throw the donuts on the floor.

    Thank you for the laugh. Once on the floor then yell crap someone dropped all the donuts on the floor.

    *hurriedly dive to the floor to retrieve them and yelling* "Five second rule!!"
  • This always puzzles me. Be strong.
    A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
    Also, remind yourself that you'll never be sorry you didn't eat that donut.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

    Never heard it like that.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I like donuts. I think I would eat half, making sure it fit in my day.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • allofme32
    allofme32 Posts: 92 Member
    Dont behave like you have to deprive yourself of one donut. Have one donut and make sure you are accountable for it. Dont go for seconds. One is enough to satisfy your needs.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    This always puzzles me. Be strong.
    A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
    Also, remind yourself that you'll never be sorry you didn't eat that donut.

    I'll be sorry I didn't eat that donut. Especially if it's a chocolate glazed donut....

    I can't remember the last time I put a donut all over my hips.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    these are clearly cupcakes. This is a different topic entirely.
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    You know, I don't really like donuts. Now, if your coworker had brought in a smoked salmon platter, I could understand having control issues...
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but...

    Punch that lady in the face and throw the donuts on the floor.

    Thank you for the laugh. Once on the floor then yell crap someone dropped all the donuts on the floor.


    hdu, there may be Boston crème donuts in that box!