Your most stupid injury



  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I was rewiring in my attic and stepped through the support boards I had set up so one foot broke through the lathe and plaster and have me a huge cut around 10" on my inner thigh. Now I have a scar that length but luckily it's very faint and not noticeable unless you know it's there. :ohwell:
  • lijepa1979
    lijepa1979 Posts: 16 Member
    I broke a toe some years back while pretending to fight with a toy lightsaber. I was 20 at the time.
  • Dropped a dumbell on my toe and broke it...v clever...

    Was on holiday in Thailand when my phone/bank card were stolen. Went to police station to get report. On way out of police station I fell down the stairs and smacked my head. Blood all over the pavement. Oops. Good old Koh Phi Phi...

    And the usual burning myself with the hair straighteners...
  • Oh and when I went with some friends to a roller-skating bar in London (yes)...had a few drinks, slipped up, bye bye tailbone. Had a long flight the next day too..
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    On a trampoline dressed as a fairy one minute, in pain unable to walk (for 6 months + 1year PT) from having my knee ripped to shreds.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Cut open a toe on a Kraft dinner box. Went to the ER for stitches and an updated tetanus booster (because, you know, Kraft dinner box which had been who-knows-where) and the doctor, while stitching me, said that I didn't need them because the injury (open skin under the toe knuckle) is fairly common and would just break open again. Thought I was being smart by going to the ER for help, but I just got told I shouldn't have bothered.
    Oh, you made me feel better.

    I was at home one day and decided to start practicing karate moves (my dad owns a dojo) in my bedroom. I was working on my crescent kick and didn't remember that the mirror that had cracked in the bathroom the previous weekend was propped against the bedroom wall. Long story short, I sliced the skin from the top joint of my middle toe clean off about 1/4 inch deep. Didn't harm the mirror any further, thankfully! It took what seems like hours for the bleeding to stop and that was only by keeping my foot over my head for a long period of time. It was a couple of days before it healed enough that I could even walk around without it leaking blood and much longer before I could wear closed toed shoes.

    I didn't go to the ER but wondered if I should. Now I'm glad I never bothered.
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    I sprained my wrist giving myself some self loving.

    I'll just let that sink in
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Several years ago I was carrying a large chop saw in my house. I tripped on the extension cord and literally put a hole in the wall with my forehead.... lol..........
  • Dian1701
    I messed up my hip and lower back using a clutch. It was my first car and I guess I was sitting too far away from the pedals. Apparently I was really stretching (didn't realize I was stretching THAT much) to fully engage the clutch. After awhile my lower back started to really hurt. Went to the doctor and was told I pulled a muscle in my back and my hip was strained as well. Couldn't drive my car for 2 months while I healed.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    5th grade. I thought I could sled ride under a truck and come out the other side-- cool right? nope. I didn't know there was some pipes/under carriage that hung down lower. I cut my head open from my eyebrow up to my hairline. Somehow I didn't feel a thing, since I guess I sliced all the nerves. Ended up with over 170 stitches. Good times.

    not my smartest moment lol
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I dislocated and broke 3 fingers while attempting a cartwheel.

    That was the beginning and end of my gymnastics career.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I dunno about stupid but this was certainly painful.... xD

    I used to be in martial arts. One day I was doing stretches before class and I was slowly sliding down into the splits. The punching bags were nearby but far enough away that I felt I wasn't going to be in anybody's way while they trained on them. I was sooo wrong.

    One of my classmates did a really powerful flying side kick on the biggest sand filled bag. It swayed forward and the chain broke, so the bag flew towards me and landed on the side of my ankle while I was in the splits position... >_< It was apparently so painful I blacked out. I don't mean black out as in I fell over unconscious. I mean I somehow "woke up" after limping into the women's locker room to check my leg out. It was almost like I was sleep walking or something for the first 2 minutes because I was awake and moving/talking/groaning but I was not aware of it or blocked it from my memory! Thankfully nothing broke, bad bad sprain had to have a boot on for a month.

    Second injury I got from a mix of lifting weights with bad form and DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Ruptured a disc in my spine that I ended up having surgery on. No more jumping for me. =/
  • kaatiee92
    kaatiee92 Posts: 132
    Well, im a horse rider, its what I do and I studied it at college...
    On a lesson at college I was riding the most dopiest horse you could think off, short fat and so easy to ride...
    The saddle slipped around its belly and I was around 15 inches off the floor, I dropped and broke and dislocated my shoulder LOL
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I broke a bottle a couple weeks ago, disposed of it thinking the whole time that's not a good way to do that and then walked into it. I already had cuts on my ankle from breaking in skates and the doctor kept questioning me about how I broke the bottle then I clued in and he gave me the "aren't you brilliant" nod.

    I also fell down the stairs, while talking on the phone, carrying a cooler that my probably 2 year old at the time was sitting on. Ya I thought my eye ball fell out. It didn't. But I'm an idiot
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    Just in case I ever get too full of myself I have a scar on my right temple that I got from closing a door on my own head. It serves as a not so subtle reminder of how dumb I can be.
  • LittleTonk1
    I'm a walking accident I can't pick one!
  • 30Sharon
    30Sharon Posts: 4 Member
    While standing on a rock in Lake Erie trying to take a photo of a big rock with 2 red chairs on it I happened to notice something out of the corner of my eye. It was a very large black water snake. I tried running back to shore from rock to rock, jammed my foot and I start therapy next Monday a.m. Hope the therapy works fast because I am doing a half marathon on October 19th.

    Moral: Never be afraid of anything. Fear hurts.

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
  • prayersinchairs
    prayersinchairs Posts: 35 Member
    When I was little I was playing hide and go seek. I went inside and hid in the tub. I stood on the ledge (like where people put their soaps). It was wet and I fell. I hit my head in the toilet, got a concussion, and broke my left arm. Not exactly my proudest moment. I had such a bad black eye for a long time I have a little but of extra skin there.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It's a toss-up. I once sprained my ankle by jumping out of bed to answer the phone. Another time, I pulled something in my knee by playing ABBA You Can Dance on Wii. I also managed to nearly sever a finger with a utility knife while working a project for an art class.