calorie calculator

Just wondered what people's opinion is on the best calorie calculator. I've used and Scooby workshop and there is a 200 cal difference between them for the stats I've entered.


  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    For me, I gave up on any online calculator and bought a BodyMedia Fit. It measures your personalized day to day burn and averages as you go, and it was way different than any calculator online gave me... By at least a full meal most days. Anyway, once I used personalize stats, I started dropping weight a lot easier. I know for a fact that Scooby's is most people's go to, but it's not designed for people more than moderately overweight.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you. I'm looking to find my correct bulking calories to gain muscle. Do you know if the bodymediafit would do this?
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    The Bodymedia Fit can tell you how many calories you burn day-to-day. I'm just not sure if the app/website guides you on what you need for a bulk (I can't access it from this computer). I just have mine push the data to MFP so it can eat back my workout calories. So, it can still be valuable for that.

    There's actually a thread on another forum where bulkers are using it. I'm not sure if I can link to another forum here, though. Just try Googling "Bodymedia+bulking."
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't think you need to rely on any device or calculator to establish your intake. If you have accurate tracking data then use that along with changes in weight to establish maintenance.

    And if you don't have accurate tracking info then just start with one of the calculators, eat at that calorie level, track accurately and consistently and adjust your intake up or down based on how your weight responds. You should consider averaging your weigh-ins and keeping a rolling 7 day average weight and use that to make decisions on calorie intake/activity.

    My overall point here is that you don't need to try to find perfection with a calculator or HRM. You just need to track accurately and monitor your results vs your intake and it will lead you to a reasonable intake.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I agree with SideSteel.. you can get an idea of your numbers with a calculator, but your true numbers can only be discovered with consistent tracking. It can be frustrating and slow but worth it to find your maintenance especially if you want to bulk.

    Not sure where your calories are now but you can keep adding each week to your current intake and monitor until you reach maintenance. Then you can keep adding until you start seeing the gains you want.
  • loveiscloser
    After 3 months of weight loss, Scooby has been the best for me from the start and for current. 1300 from the start, and now that I've been able to go back and recalibrate with my weight loss, to still lose about 1.5lbs a week, I can eat 1,600. It's accurate for my body and what I'm trying to do.