I want to lose weight, but cannot find motivation?



  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    If you wait until you find motivation, you may find that it never comes. I'm amazed at my lack of motivation. I literally can't believe some days that I drag myself to workout or mentally fight with myself so many times a day. Try to just go through the motions and physically drag yourself outside to go for a walk, or put down the junk food and walk away and go find ANYTHING else to do. It sounds ridiculous, but that's how I get through some days. Just physically go through the motions without listening to my thoughts on it. Of course, I do have good days where I'm on top of the world...but generally, nope. Just make yourself do it until like others have stated, it becomes more habit than anything. Good luck!
  • kkaycam
    kkaycam Posts: 7 Member
    hi, I never cared much for exercise either until I found something I enjoyed doing to be honest. Try taking a local gym class you think you might like or look up a good dvd or app. I recently started C25k and I actually really like it even though I despise running. It keeps me motivated.