Quest bars...not so fast!



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Because I'm bored I even went and looked at this... Did you even read the whole thing? Cause here's a part taken from the link you posted:

    "But let’s pretend for second, hypothetically, that the claims ARE true. Even then, it doesn’t change my opinion of Quest Bars AT ALL from a nutritional PoV (ethics aside).

    The primary claim is a drastic overstatement of fiber content. Personally, I eat Quest bars — and I believe most others do, too — because they’re a clean, HQ protein delivery mechanism. The fiber is a nice little added bonus; like the sprinkles on top of a decadent red velvet cupcake. But they have so many other strong pluses — low sugar, HQ protein content, extremely clean ingredients, and a stevia sweetened line — that even if you cut the fiber down from 17g to 5g, they’d still be marginally better than almost every other protein bar anyway.

    And if you’re worried about a potentially *unthinkable* 20% jump in calories, it’s a net increase from 170 to 204 per bar. 34 calories. Gasp.

    The Bottom Line: Keep your Quest Bars and continue eating them without thinking twice about it."

    A company that lies about one thing, is sure to lie about others. I was just putting out info I found. Eat whatever makes you happy.

    What part of "Tested by independent lab on their own accord, product contains what label says" do you not grasp?

    Obviously, everything.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    I was just putting out info I found.

    No, you were stirring up *kitten*. You added an opinion to the 'info' you'd found.

    They aren't as good for you as you think.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Because I'm bored I even went and looked at this... Did you even read the whole thing? Cause here's a part taken from the link you posted:

    "But let’s pretend for second, hypothetically, that the claims ARE true. Even then, it doesn’t change my opinion of Quest Bars AT ALL from a nutritional PoV (ethics aside).

    The primary claim is a drastic overstatement of fiber content. Personally, I eat Quest bars — and I believe most others do, too — because they’re a clean, HQ protein delivery mechanism. The fiber is a nice little added bonus; like the sprinkles on top of a decadent red velvet cupcake. But they have so many other strong pluses — low sugar, HQ protein content, extremely clean ingredients, and a stevia sweetened line — that even if you cut the fiber down from 17g to 5g, they’d still be marginally better than almost every other protein bar anyway.

    And if you’re worried about a potentially *unthinkable* 20% jump in calories, it’s a net increase from 170 to 204 per bar. 34 calories. Gasp.

    The Bottom Line: Keep your Quest Bars and continue eating them without thinking twice about it."

    A company that lies about one thing, is sure to lie about others. I was just putting out info I found. Eat whatever makes you happy.

    Find me a company that does not lie and then we can have a discussion...

    You took the words right out of my mouth…

    So OP, if you don't eat foods from companies that you claim lie…is there anything you can actually eat?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    Because I'm bored I even went and looked at this... Did you even read the whole thing? Cause here's a part taken from the link you posted:

    "But let’s pretend for second, hypothetically, that the claims ARE true. Even then, it doesn’t change my opinion of Quest Bars AT ALL from a nutritional PoV (ethics aside).

    The primary claim is a drastic overstatement of fiber content. Personally, I eat Quest bars — and I believe most others do, too — because they’re a clean, HQ protein delivery mechanism. The fiber is a nice little added bonus; like the sprinkles on top of a decadent red velvet cupcake. But they have so many other strong pluses — low sugar, HQ protein content, extremely clean ingredients, and a stevia sweetened line — that even if you cut the fiber down from 17g to 5g, they’d still be marginally better than almost every other protein bar anyway.

    And if you’re worried about a potentially *unthinkable* 20% jump in calories, it’s a net increase from 170 to 204 per bar. 34 calories. Gasp.

    The Bottom Line: Keep your Quest Bars and continue eating them without thinking twice about it."

    A company that lies about one thing, is sure to lie about others. I was just putting out info I found. Eat whatever makes you happy.

    Maybe you should learn that you should read the entire article before thinking it backs up your claim.

    I will continue to eat what makes me happy, fits my macros as it seems to have worked pretty well for me so far. Not living in a delusional state that doesn't think companies or people are going to twist things to make themselves look better... kind of like what you attempted to do here but failed at.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Anything that comes as a "bar" wrapped in plastic is going to be highly processed and by definition not "clean".

    It's a fancier version of a Snickers bar - treat it in the context of your macros and obladi oblada....
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    So then don't eat them... what is the freaking problem?? :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :noway:
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    MRW reading the article...

  • The only thing that really annoys me about Quest bars is the fact that most of them contain almonds, which are deadly to me. There are only a couple of flavors that I can eat. I do like those flavors that I can eat, though. I just wish I could try some different ones. Oh well.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    The only thing that really annoys me about Quest bars is the fact that most of them contain almonds, which are deadly to me. There are only a couple of flavors that I can eat. I do like those flavors that I can eat, though. I just wish I could try some different ones. Oh well.

    See now THAT ^^, that right there is a valid reason to avoid a food. As for the rest, I've never understood the need to make something as basic as EATING FOOD more difficult then it has to be.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Anything that comes as a "bar" wrapped in plastic is going to be highly processed and by definition not "clean".

    It's a fancier version of a Snickers bar - treat it in the context of your macros and obladi oblada....

    Hahahaha.....yeah....Snickers bars are cheaper, too.....:bigsmile:
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Quest bars are awesome cause the alternatives taste like .. well worse than chalk.

    Too bad they are so expensive.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I'm just not a fan of sugar alcohols, so that is what keeps me away from protein bars in general. I'm OK with artificial sweeteners, but sugar alcohols pack a few extra calories than necessary (in my opinion, just my opinion perhaps) and those an alcohol, are not conducive to very usable energy. So I just fail to really see the point. Again, just my opinion on sugar alcohols. I know many think they are freaking great, and for them they obviously are.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I have yet to find a bar that fooducate doesn't give a poor score. I believe that one of the main reasons is because bars have so many ingredients and their logic is, " When is the last time you've made a meal with ___ amount of ingredients" At that point you need to realize their reasoning is stupid for bars. That's pretty much when I stopped using the app for the most part.

    I had my first quest bar last week. They're pricy so and don't really fit in my budget. THEY ARE AMAZING! I got the cookies n cream one and microwaved it for a bit - omgsogood. Will def be buying more here and there when I can afford them.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    The first rule of fight club SHOULD be:

    Don't state information about Quest bars.

    First rule of posting is "KNOW THY AUDIENCE"

    Second rule is avoid butthurt
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    They are totally healthy for me....because my diet consists of more than them....chocolate chip cookie dough for life!! Make sure you put them in the microwave for like 25 seconds.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    The only thing that really annoys me about Quest bars is the fact that most of them contain almonds, which are deadly to me. There are only a couple of flavors that I can eat. I do like those flavors that I can eat, though. I just wish I could try some different ones. Oh well.

    See now THAT ^^, that right there is a valid reason to avoid a food. As for the rest, I've never understood the need to make something as basic as EATING FOOD more difficult then it has to be.

    I can't have the vast majority of them because of ingredients as well. I have a medical condition that is very food sensitive so I have to be super careful or I end up curled into a ball in pain. Not fun. So, I would love to be able to try them and give them a chance, but I can't. Oh well.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    *takes bite from Quest Cookies and Cream bar*

    Saturday entertainment ya'll.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

    Even if they were overstating the amount of fiber, I guarantee it's enough. :embarassed:
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    Because I'm bored I even went and looked at this... Did you even read the whole thing? Cause here's a part taken from the link you posted:

    "But let’s pretend for second, hypothetically, that the claims ARE true. Even then, it doesn’t change my opinion of Quest Bars AT ALL from a nutritional PoV (ethics aside).

    The primary claim is a drastic overstatement of fiber content. Personally, I eat Quest bars — and I believe most others do, too — because they’re a clean, HQ protein delivery mechanism. The fiber is a nice little added bonus; like the sprinkles on top of a decadent red velvet cupcake. But they have so many other strong pluses — low sugar, HQ protein content, extremely clean ingredients, and a stevia sweetened line — that even if you cut the fiber down from 17g to 5g, they’d still be marginally better than almost every other protein bar anyway.

    And if you’re worried about a potentially *unthinkable* 20% jump in calories, it’s a net increase from 170 to 204 per bar. 34 calories. Gasp.

    The Bottom Line: Keep your Quest Bars and continue eating them without thinking twice about it."

    A company that lies about one thing, is sure to lie about others. I was just putting out info I found. Eat whatever makes you happy.

    Nice recovery, bra.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I love fanboys. Enjoy your snacks.
    Ha. I don't even eat them but I know that fanboys are more entertaining than fear mongerers.
    Enjoy your stick-poked hornet's nest. :p