I challenge all of you



  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Okay...COUNT ME IN!! I will do it! But, I have to weigh in tomorrow...I want to see if I've lost anything since joining on 10/22. So, after tomorrow I vow to NOT weigh myself until 11/22. I have to know before I have Thanksgiving dinner tho...that's why I'm weighing in on that day.

    GL (good luck) everyone!!!:happy:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hehe, guys, I think it's great that so many of you want in on this. I hope everyone understands why I am doing it. I tried it for 2 weeks before and it was awesome stepping on the scale after 2 weeks of not looking and seeing 6 pounds off, but that's not why I did it.

    The main reason is because I feel that by checking the scale every day, you are just replacing one dependancy (food, and unhealthy lifestyle) with another (obsession over weight loss). While I know that sounds fine, it's really not, a healthy lifestyle starts with the right attitude and frame of mind. If you start obsessing with the scale and have a bad week, you still can be thrown into depression (at best you are sad all day, at worst you quit the program). If your only measuring tool is the way you feel and the things you can now do, any setbacks are as short as the time it takes to change into your workout gear! Sound silly? Ask yourself this, what happens when you replace a pound of fat with a pound of muscle? does the scale tell you you are any better off? Does the bmi calculator tell you you are less overweight? No, they don't.
    That pound of muscle will now make your metablolism work harder to keep it fed, it will help you work out longer when you work out, and best of all, it looks a heck of a lot better in jeans!

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Ok I understand your reasoning now and I have to say it does make sense because by Sunday night I'm worrying about weigh in on Monday morning. But I just bought it:sad: and I'll miss it, it has been my friend:bigsmile: . By the way I originally come from Massachusetts, Chicopee. But it's been 30 years and I was officially adopted as a vermontah after 25 years here, its takes a little while for them to warm up to ya.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Chicopee, my wife is from North Hampton. Small world. I love VT, try to get up there 2 to 3 times every year, Quichee gorge (spelling?) is beautiful! As for the scale, I don't mean to say you shouldn't have one, I just think, this is a great little exercise in how to make it work for you instead of vice versa.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Day two, haven't looked.
    SUGARPLUM098 Posts: 60 Member
    Day Two and I haven't looked either! This is tougher than I thought it would be. I'm craving to know how much I've lost
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have the urge to look...must fight it....

    I think the fact that I want to look so badly is why I need not to look. I've been looking for that reinforcement, which is not "real" rather than the real stuff...which is how I feel and how the clothes fit (or fall off....time for new jeans).

    Damn the numbers, full speed ahead!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    EXACTLY viviakay!
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    Ok, I had to weigh in this morning so I start tomorrow.

    10/30: 161 lbs
    My goal by 11/22 is: 155 lbs.

    I know I can do it... It's only 6 lbs for goodness sake!!!

  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member
    Day 2, I looked! I Know I know Shame on me!!!!! But really tomorrow - I am NOT looking, and won't for a month. Wow, that's a long time.

    I usually weigh myself and take my measurements on Wednesdays - is it still ok to take my measurements?
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Well I picked the scale up and moved it but I didn't get on it :laugh: But a little:devil: inside me said "go ahead" but I ignored him:wink:
  • tdroseler
    tdroseler Posts: 165
    Banks...thank you for adding this thread, lol...it is great.

    Unfortuantely i too belong to a group that weighs every week...although, im wondering if i told them of the challenge if they would let me not weigh in.

    Concidering the stress i put myself through the other night, this idea really hits home. It never ceases to amaze me how our mind controls us and we haven't got a clue, lol...

    I'm addicted to my weight.. :devil: Granted it is the number game that is represented...but im obsessed with it. Does this help with loosing wieght, i think not. I think the more i think about everything i do, the more i think about eating, food, or the resistance of it all. Could very well be how i have sabatoged myself in the past.
    when we put so much emphasis on making something go away, how can it?
    Thank you for offering a different light on the same old subject.
    I have been looking for a way to "let go" of some of the stress i take on needlessly.
    Would you look at that, not even noon, and ive learned somethign today:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    that's a kick *kitten* attitude. the saying that fits best is "the best way to avoid temptation is to remove it!"
  • mamatusa
    I'm a day late, but I'll join you guys! This is going to be hard though, I'm addicted to my scale.
  • babblingbarbie
    I truly hate my scales so this is something i can do! I agree that it can get depressing when you think you are doing great and then get on and weigh and everything falls apart. I exercised all summer on my bike and only lost 6 lb but in reality lost the fat and gained the muscle because my clothes are a lot bigger on me by a LOT! I try and not go by weight because I have been a body builder most of my life and I just get depressed when I read that my body weight is too much when I can see in the mirror a different picture. But I do get sucked into the weighing thing so this will motivate me to feel better about myself! barb
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    You know, years ago when I was in GREAT shape, I hardly ever weighed myself. I just always was truly conscious of what I ate and whether it was considered healthy. This will help me to do that again.

    However, it did confuse my dog this morning. He is used to me stepping on the scale first thing before we head downstairs to let him out. I skipped that step this morning and it took him a minute to catch up to me going down the stairs. :laugh:
  • babblingbarbie
    too funny!:happy:
  • rachelfrear
    Hello Banks! I'm new to this website, I'm totally in as well! I didn't weigh myself this morning but instead of waiting two weeks (which is extremely hard to do) I'll weigh in once a week like they do on biggest loser :laugh:

    So I'll weigh in Next Monday and see my progress

    Good Luck!
  • rachelfrear
    Ok, I had to weigh in this morning so I start tomorrow.

    10/30: 161 lbs
    My goal by 11/22 is: 155 lbs.

    I know I can do it... It's only 6 lbs for goodness sake!!!


    Good luck Angela I'm 157.5 and my goal is 150 by December 1st! Keep me posted on your progress and i'll keep you posted too... We can do this!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Wow, this is great support everyone! I really hope we can all stay strong with this. Good luck guys.