Shakeology or Lean Shake



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hgodfrey32 wrote: »
    Yeah im being extremely careful with it and trying to stay at 1300 calories a day. Key word trying because o do have splurge days but still keeping those not too much over 1300 calories. Im a sucker for sweets and football party foods. So my nutrition and calories are coming from the wrong types of foods. I wanna strictly lose body fat for now then eventually tone up. Just cautious on not wanting to bulk and gain weight more than what I am right now. Thank you everyone for ur insights. Really helps when other people can tell the what to do and what nots :)

    unless you are getting 100% of your calories from "the wrong types of foods" (whatever those are) then you can meet your goals, while, at the same time, eating the foods that you want.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hgodfrey32 wrote: »
    I just started insanity so my cravings for food has increased and Im afraid my body isnt getting enough nutrients or supplements. I have looked into shakelogy but the price kills me and I dont want to spend a lot if it just isnt right for me. I was also looking at gnc lean shake for after workouts. I want to cut my bad cravings, lose weight and not gain a whole bunch of muscle drinking protein shakes. Can you help me with some insight?

    oh, and the reason that you are "craving food" is becuase you are not eating enough….
  • hgodfrey32
    hgodfrey32 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks. Yeah its foot all season and too many good foods made that are just unhealthy thats what I mean from wrong foods. But ive been trying to have control for the most part and splurge enjoying these foods yet not too much at one time. Yeah ive never been a healthy eater so im hoping that slowly but surely I will start.
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    edited October 2014
    The least expensive protein powder supplement I've found is the unflavored whey protein isolate in the bulk bins at Sprouts grocery. Here it's about $13.50/lb, which contains 45 servings of 9 gm protein each. I really prefer the unflavored, which is a bit hard to find elsewhere. No artificial sweeteners or other additives.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I haven't tried either shake, but I just buy a whey protein and put it in my green smoothies. I use Eidopro's unflavored protein powder. It has no extra additives and I think it either has 0g or 1g of sugar. I get it from Amazon. It's 110 calories for about 27g of protein. I use about 1/2 a serving for calorie reasons.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    protein shakes are just a form of supplementation to meet your daily protein goal. personally i wouldn't go with either of the two you listed.. just get a whey protein with a pretty decent make-up (low to no carb, etc.). gnc lean shakes are full of garbage - just read the ingredients, if you can tell me what even half of them are props to you.
  • QueenKristine7
    the best thing post work out is chocolate milk and that is way cheaper than protein powder
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    Having done both Insanity and P90x a few times I was inundated with suggestive marketing that this is the "shake" that was needed. I am an advocate for any cardio and if it comes from a DVD/company so be it and way to go! srs

    Perhaps a better alternative answer can be: purchase the shakes now (if needing assistance to build good habits for intake) but learn what they are providing you and see how you can do that outside of those shakes (real food, good multivitamin, hit required macronutrient daily, get your fiber in too) and you'll quickly see how you can do it without the Brand specific shakes that are very overpriced for what is provided.

    In the end, to quote the Hodgetwins "eat whatever you want to eat" :) and best of luck with Insanity!
    I'll always recommend real foods and "supplement" when necessary.

    By the way, there are many sites out there and local warehouse stores that sell protein from many reputable companies and are approximately about $10/lb after promotions.