Black Girls ROCK! Challenge



  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I'm too old - can't enter
    I'm not female - can't enter
    I'm not black - can't enter

    What can I do... I can follow your progress, encourage your efforts and be inspired by you over coming challenges and helping your peers with problems specific to their lives/culture/backgrounds etc.

    Black girls rock!! :)

    Well said!!!

    Yes it was!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I don't understand why you would only let 6 girls join? That's a bit....... eh, I'll shut up about that part. I do think that it's an awesome idea to promote a good challenge for a younger group of women that you can relate to a bit more, though. I applaud that. People thinking that this was a racist gesture are taking it wrong. Truth be told, with different races, there are health problems that go along with each, or are more common in that race. You DO rock. I just don't know why it's only 6 people able to join.
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Ok, Saturday:
    TurboFire HIIT 20 + Stretch 10, 40mins, 210cals
    Jillian Michaels Shred, 20 mins, 198cals
    Belly dancing class, 30mins, 160cals

    Water: 130oz

    Good exercise day, went out for dinner and ate more than usual. Still under my cals though.

    Now I just want to crash, good night ladies. Lets ROCK again tomorrow :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't understand why you would only let 6 girls join? That's a bit....... eh, I'll shut up about that part. I do think that it's an awesome idea to promote a good challenge for a younger group of women that you can relate to a bit more, though. I applaud that. People thinking that this was a racist gesture are taking it wrong. Truth be told, with different races, there are health problems that go along with each, or are more common in that race. You DO rock. I just don't know why it's only 6 people able to join.

    Yeah, why only 6? Anyway, I'm off to start a black women (26+) rock harder thread :grumble: :laugh:

    Good luck ladies
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    They are not taking it wrong they just want to be controversial, anyone thinking that this was a racist move, obiously is not aware of the health disparities faced by people of different races, it is a true problem. Every race IS entiltled to support the well-being of their own kind and others for that matter. But honestly when I joined on 1/ wasn't until 1/8 after going through post topic to post topic that I even saw a 'Black" first I was like...WTF...I didnt even think we were on here at all...Im just glad 2 see Im not the only one...and even though I too am too old to join the challenege I wish everyone on here good luck at accomplishing their goals!!!
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Come on ladies!! I hope you just havent updated the thread but
    you're still on track for the challenge :)

    TurboFire 30, 35 mins, 330cals
    Wii fit 30 mins, 201cals

    no TurboFire because all my muscles were screaming!!
    Wii fit 50 mins, 284cals
    Belly dancing at home, 10mins, 70cals

    Jilian Michaels' Shred, 20mins, 190cals
    TurboFire 55 EZ Class, 60mins.........(not done yet)
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Uhm some how I just found the thread for the challenge. I did get your e-mail last week, but I wonder if there is an easier way for me to find the updates for the thread.

    Anyway, I guess my introduction is a little late.

    I am LaReisha. I started MFP at 211 lbs in August. I have lost almost 30 lbs. My ultimate goal is to be around 165 pounds. I was very motivated before the holidays, but since then there has been a lot going on in my life and the motivation has decreased. I am pretty sure that I will get back into the swing of things once I move into my new apartment this week, and redevelop a routine schedule. I hope I can provide some support for the rest of you ladies!

    Oh yeah, I am 23 years old. ( I may have forgotten some of the things I was supposed to include in my introduction.)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I don't understand why you would only let 6 girls join? That's a bit....... eh, I'll shut up about that part. I do think that it's an awesome idea to promote a good challenge for a younger group of women that you can relate to a bit more, though. I applaud that. People thinking that this was a racist gesture are taking it wrong. Truth be told, with different races, there are health problems that go along with each, or are more common in that race. You DO rock. I just don't know why it's only 6 people able to join.

    Yeah, why only 6? Anyway, I'm off to start a black women (26+) rock harder thread :grumble: :laugh:

    Good luck ladies
    :laugh: go for it cutmd!
    I think that the 6 limit is ok. It is more managable for the thread and I think the OP put a lot of thought into how she wanted this challenge to go. Which does not always happen when people throw out a challenge thread! Also it holds those 6 much more accountable to each other! Rooting for you girls! :drinker:
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    My computer has a virus that is so strong my anti virus can't even scan. So I'm going to to make it quick and please excuse any errors.

    Week #2 Challenge
    Find a weakness and try to fix it thus week. Whether it's exercise habits or eating.
    For example : I'm doing pretty good with my foods lately, but when I review it I go over by sugar intake by a long run. My challenge this week is to decrease my sugar intake.

    Also, last weeks challenge didn't work out so well for me because I've been snowed in and I'm from the south and not good at driving in the snow plus everything is closed it looks like Christmas. I usually work out at the gym so I got more strength exercise in than anything.

    So repeat last weeks exercise challenge if needed. If you completed the challenge successfully add thirty minutes to your cardiovascular along with at least 15 minutes of strength. Strength exercise helps not only strengthen you but helps you lose weight when you do cardiovascular.

    Please remember to share your challenge for this week and stay on track. Also our first weigh in is tomorrow.
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Last day of week 1:
    Jilian Michaels' Shred, 20mins, 190cals
    TurboFire 55 EZ Class, 77mins, 768cals
    Wii Fit, 45mins, 207cals.

    Week 2 challenge:
    My weakness is getting enough sleep. A rested body and good sleep is so important for weight loss
    I usually sleep at 1220am, and wake up at 620am = Not good
    This week I will try to be in bed by 1130 and up at 7am.
    An extra challenge for myself will be to workout for 30mins before work,
    then at least an hour after.

    awalk105, i'm hating this snow too!! i'm in the midwest so it's horrible
    you should try out some home workouts so you have something to
    fall back on :) Plus for me, it seems I work harder because noone is
    watching so i'm not self conscious, lol.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Good job on recognizing your weakness. Let's just make sure you can overcome it.

    I think that I am going to purchase some at home DVDs because I use my gym membership every time I work out because it's expensive lol :-)
  • LGIFitness2K11
    Sorry I haven't been coming on here I thought we would be getting updates instead of using the same thread.
    My weakness is getting back on track after vacation. Starting this upcoming week I am going to do a DVD in the morning before work AND workout at the gym on my lunch break. I am supposed to be starting P90x Monday so I will probably just be doing cardio at the gym!

    This week has been awful in terms of working out but I have been under all week except for one!

    Have a great weekend ya'll :)
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    Hey ladies sorr I have been MIA due to this weather and I was very sick...but I am definately going to get back at it. As far as the exercise piece the 1st week didn't get to do it. I have weighed in it was a drastic loss but didn't think I should log it b/c it was due to the sickness? I was 188 when starting I am now 174, don't know if I should try and put it back on or just start from here? I don't know but good to see you all doing well, oh, but the only h2o piece i have definately been doing that. I am definately craving some sugar lol. But a weakness of mine is learning to eat in moderation.......when I see something I like I just want to over pile my plate so I will work on that when my appetite gets itself together
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    Today well yesterday I made it to the gym to do 45 min on the elliptical and walk about 20 min on lunch. I had water only all day. Hope to do the same on today but it's my off day and I get caught up snacking @ home so I hope I can do better.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    WOAH! Some people need to chill the f**k out!!!!! lol
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    Hey ladies how has it been going? Just wanted to see how everyone was doing.