Question for men who lift



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I tend to mind my own business at the gym. It has worked for me well so far.

    The question is what's best for the person who might need help, not for us.

    Some people do get in deeper water than they can handle, so there's nothing wrong with offering help. If that feels awkward, just build a little rapport first.

    Exactly what I said... goes both ways.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'll take a spot from anyone prepared to give it. I've worked hard to learn to leave my ego at the door when I hit the gym. It's probably just as well, since we have a dude that pulls 765lb ("I'd do more, but I can't fit more plates on the bars here"), and another guy that benches 400+lb, which is more than me and my max bench combined.

    But that's me, and I'm not the guy you saw. He may well take offense. But that's his problem. Offering a spot to someone that should probably be working with a spotter - i.e. all of us when pushing heavy weights - is common courtesy, and so long as you know what you are doing being a girl shouldn't stop you.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I wouldn't mind, having a spotter would be nice, I usually stick to dumbbells since i don't have a spotter
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Now I'm not so sure... Would you feel insulted? Or be grateful for the help?
    If I am in my later sets (85% and up of my 1RM) I would be grateful of the offer so I can push myself for another rep by anyone.

    That's very nice of you.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    I would hope that I wouldn't be doing something stupid like trying to bench too much weight without having a spotter, otherwise it would just be a matter of Darwinism coming into play.

    As far as the gender of the person spotting me, that is not an issue. At my gym there are some pretty badass women and they know what they are doing when it comes to lifting.
  • mrdwp
    mrdwp Posts: 17 Member
    Meh... Just focus on yourself to avoid awkward moments. If someone needs help, they will ask.

    I personally wouldn't mind... but some people would - and there is actually nothing wrong with that.

    Everyone is so quick to jump on the "check your ego at the door" trite-crap-bandwagon that they forget that some people are super focused and don't want to be bothered at all while doing their thing... and that is a personal preference.
  • I personally wouldn't have a problem with you spotting or assisting me at all. I work out with several of the women in our gym and as a matter of fact many of them out lift me and I use that to my advantage. I particularly like to do squats with two of the gals because they make me work so much harder. About a year ago I would notice that they were pretty much squatting as much as me or at least very close so I decided to start squatting with them. I knew my male ego would add at least 10-15 pounds and I was right.
    I am always inspired by the women in our gym. We cultivate that atmosphere where I work out. We insist that everybody leave their egos at the door.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    lol. the juxtapositioning is awesome there.
  • Personally if I am on my last set and struggling, I will always ask for someone to spot. I feel like I need to get the last rep(s) in to complete the workout, or if I am on incline press, for example, it can be hard to get those dumbbells up at first, but after I'm good, so I'll ask if someone is next to me to help out.

    As for someone asking me if I need a spot, I wouldn't be offended, but I think it is usually fairly obvious when someone NEEDS as spot. Some are too proud, but whatever, you're just being nice and lending a hand.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Always offer a spot if you think there's a chance the lifter will need one. It would be better to insult them than it would be for them to get trapped under a bar and possibly injured.

    I train in my garage and have my kids spot me. They're not strong enough to get the bar off of me but one time I got stuck under a bench and my son ran back and forth stripping weights off the bar until I could rack it haha.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    Always offer a spot if you think there's a chance the lifter will need one. It would be better to insult them than it would be for them to get trapped under a bar and possibly injured.

    I train in my garage and have my kids spot me. They're not strong enough to get the bar off of me but one time I got stuck under a bench and my son ran back and forth stripping weights off the bar until I could rack it haha.

    Such a sweet son! Agree with your point!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Definitely a good kid.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I could car less what gender is spotting me.

    The few women at my gym that lift heavy can and have given me a spot as I have for them.
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 301 Member
    If he's struggling on the bench press, he needs a spotter whether he knows it or not. If he's not struggling, it's optional. What's hanging between the spotters legs or not is irrelevant. If he's an *kitten* about it, ask him how he plans on pulling the bar off his chest or neck when he gets stuck at the bottom.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I noticed a guy struggling with his bench press yesterday. He looked like a beginner, because he was lifting less than I do(I'm still pretty much a beginner myself; been lifting for two months). I almost asked him if he wanted a spotter, but changed my mind at the last second. I thought he would feel insulted, having a chick offer to spot him.

    My husband agreed with me, that it was a good thing I hadn't offered.
    One of my fitness buddies(another chick) said it's better to have a spot than not, so next time I should offer.

    Now I'm not so sure... Would you feel insulted? Or be grateful for the help?

    I wouldn't have been insulted at all.

    However.. most males would be.
  • I noticed a guy struggling with his bench press yesterday. He looked like a beginner, because he was lifting less than I do(I'm still pretty much a beginner myself; been lifting for two months). I almost asked him if he wanted a spotter, but changed my mind at the last second. I thought he would feel insulted, having a chick offer to spot him.

    My husband agreed with me, that it was a good thing I hadn't offered.
    One of my fitness buddies(another chick) said it's better to have a spot than not, so next time I should offer.

    Now I'm not so sure... Would you feel insulted? Or be grateful for the help?

    Nice offer,but your husband is right.