What do you do to make exercise fun?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.

    If you need ways to convince yourself that being active for health is fun, then well... you have some issues to work on.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I do Les Mills fitness classes: BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyFlow, BodyStep, BodyCombat, (CXWORX - if I'm more or less lost and looking for extreme pain, ) etc. I also read ThickMcRunFast's write up about running and have been putting in a couple miles here and there
  • rkerbrat
    rkerbrat Posts: 5 Member
    I never liked to exercise either but I wanted to be healthier so I found someone to exercise with - it makes it a lot more fun - we alternate activities too which helps - rowing, biking, HIIT on the elliptical, walking, dancing. I also got a fitbit which motivates me to meet my daily goal - whether it's steps walked, active minutes or flights of stairs climbed. It's a drag at first but then you start to feel better & look better and eventually it gets to be kind of fun.

    Good luck!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.

    If you need ways to convince yourself that being active for health is fun, then well... you have some issues to work on.

    You have to like what you're doing in order to stick with it. Someone going to a gym that gets bored with machines, isn't going to last long. Racquetball is FUN. To some playing basketball is FUN. Others love to swim, and many love to run. If they didn't like it there would be no point in sponsoring marathons, no one would show up--ha ha.

    That's why it is so important that people try several different things to find something they have FUN aka enjoy doing. None of us came out if the same mold we are all different.

    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    While I do (luckily) enjoy running and going to the gym, I have the most fun playing competitive team sports. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I'm done with college and likely won't have that activity at my disposal.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i have a wide range of favorites, i actually did learn to like it. but not everything. and i dont do the ones i dont like. i run treadmill or outdoors, do various cardio at the gym, where i do 10-20 minutes each on many machines until i reach an hour, so i dont get bored. play tennis against a wall, weight lift at home or at the gym, swim when the season is right, walk above and beyond my 10,000 step daily goal, ride a bike, im learning some belly dancing, do yoga... basically, i have a bunch of things i like enough, and only do what i feel like doing that day. i dont plan in advance just follow my instincts.

    i have an awesome playlist for running that brings me into another world.

    finally, i push myself harder every day to keep it challenging and not repetitive. and i push myself to the point where when i am done i feel so amazingly alive that i forget all the rest of it.

  • DaFibble
    DaFibble Posts: 152 Member
    • Uplifting or high energy music while doing aerobic exercise - very good.
    • Listen to audio books while doing something methodical and boring.
    • Mood music while doing yoga and stretching.
    • Used to live in rural areas. Went for walks for hours with music, audio books or other stuff to entertain the mind.
    • Dancing to music when feel the mood - always good idea!

    On a more detailed note, I think you need to find a "hook" for your exercise. Almost everyone I try to encourage to get more exercise, who needs it but doesn't engage, has negative feelings about it. Exercise should make you feel good. Start with that. Find anything that makes you feel good and expand from there.

    Working out on the stationary bike, going for a long walk or going for a run used to be the best I'd feel all day. Seriously. Not at the start but after completing a half hour to an hour. Trying to get back to that right now. If you can find a way to make it fun exercise doesn't feel like a chore. It shouldn't be! That's crucial, especially if losing weight, because it doesn't feel like a willpower drain if its fun. Its a break from the grind and difficulties of other aspects of life.

    My favorite set up when I was more into cardio was to have my most energizing euphoric house music tracks from way back always available when I worked out. I also liked psychedelic visuals via computer, privacy - because I'd get into some weird head-spaces while working out and loads of water, preferably with electrolytes because I'd sweat like crazy if in a good state of mind.

    I also find its helpful to have a natural dopamine boost, like having someone you find attractive or you want to impress in your mind while you work out or some kind of adversary to overcome. Dopamine = motivation.
  • LazyCatPame
    LazyCatPame Posts: 112 Member
    I pick +10 random songs to take a long daily walk, and turn left if the seconds are uneven or right if they're even (yeah... I know, pretty stupid), so I never repeat the route. I get sick of routines or having maps or that stuff, so I always get a different way. Sometimes, if I'm not tired or sore (from an excessively long walk) I jog a block and walk the next one.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting?.

    Go for a run or cycle, preferably in the woods.

    Outside. Anything that involves a machine in a gym or prancing around in front of a DVD just strikes me as absolute purgatory.
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    My favorite exercise is: 1) walking on the treadmill while using the iPad or watching TV (makes the time fly), 2) bike rides (weather allowing), 3) Zumba classes at the gym. Last spring I did some spin classes and a workout program called Yourself! Fitness on the Xbox. I'd like to get back into those, shake up the routine and build some muscle.
  • grannieannie11
    OH and I joined the gym. I do gym on Wednesday, but Monday and Friday I do an aerobics class. Although I am still not good at the moves, the teacher and classmates are a real laugh, so it gets me away from OH for a while (we are both retired) and helps keep me fit. I also just bought Rosemary Conley's Salsacise DVD which I've just played. Again my moves look different to hers, but I enjoyed it.

    I am sure the exercise has helped me lose the 7stones I've just got rid of! ;)
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I enjoy riding a bike, so as soon as I have the opportunity I will buy a bike. I am kinda used to the spinning class but wouldnt class that as fun. In the meantime I just add exercise to my routine because its making me healthier and stronger. I only exercise @30/40 mins so before you know its over with. Its not my type of fun but its worth it in the end.
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    I listen to podcasts or Audio books when running or walking.

    When cycling it takes enough attention just to cycle safely on the UK's roads what with pot-holes and car drivers who seem to think that bikes are only 6 inches wide.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I have 10 gB of music on my phone. I got no problem finding whatever I am in the mood to listen to while I do slow steady cardio.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I do Zumba mostly. And now I have a friend that I am walking with in the evenings. Zumba makes me want to burn calories though. It doesn't feel like work. :)
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I actually enjoy biking. I like doing family rides with my husband and daughter on their bikes our 2 year old riding with hubby or myself. I also really enjoy solo rides. It's nice to be alone and get a break from the kids. I like riding as fast as I can. I enjoy the speed and the physical exertion kind of resets my mood and gets me back on an even keel when I'm irritable or low on patience.

    Before I started biking, listening to audio books really made walking less boring.

    Remember you don't have to kill yourself and be dripping sweat for it to count as exercise. Just getting your heart rate up and keeping it there for a while is enough
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Step one: find an exercise that you like to do. Then its just fun on its own.
    Step two: When I run I either listen to music or, even better, audiobooks. It keeps my mind engaged.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.