What do you do to make exercise fun?



  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    Use a buddy if you can. I use great music that keeps a great pace moving for me. My music varies from Tina turner to country to rap. Variety is important.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure it is fun per-say, But it definitly helps pass the time. When i am doing my morning work-out (prior to work) I watch T.V. and when I do my afternoon work-outs (on my break and on lunch hour) I have a friend I work-out with.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.

    I do activities that just happen to give me exercise. Riding my horse, training him at liberty, hiking, ballet, bellydancing, bike riding.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I set long-term goals and short-term goals as stepping stones to getting there. Achieving and sometimes exceeding the short-term is what makes it fun for me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When I feel less motivated my husband asks me to exercise naked. It helps make it fun.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Learn a new language while you exercise?

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    It's an obligation to get some things I really do love. A price to be paid, a job to be done.

    Whether it's "fun" or not is pretty much irrelevant.

    That was something it took me awhile to learn. Not everyone enjoys it. That's okay. They just do it anyways.

    I don't think it is fun at the moment. Maybe, that will come later

    I do have a goal, to join a hiking group. I think that will be more fun but I am too out of shape to join yet.

  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I like to lift weights so I don't need to make that any more fun. I do get bored doing cardio sometimes though, especially now that I can't run while I'm resting my shins. I haven't done it yet, but what I want to do is have a season of a TV show that I REALLY want to watch ready to go on my phone. And the catch is, I can only watch it while doing the exercises I find 'boring' in the gym (walking, stationary bike).

    I figure if it gets me in the gym for 45 minutes at a time, or 1.5 hours if there's a cliffhanger, I can't complain!
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Look at all of the yoga pants while I run on the treadmill.
  • __Bad_Leroy
    Running => Music
    Lifting => Podcasts
    Indoor Cardio => TV (through phone)
  • staceybradleywells
    staceybradleywells Posts: 331 Member
    To make exercise fun I do stuff I love. I don’t like the gym so I walk when I can. I love taking my do to the park so more walking there. I love to dance, and I am in a performance level Dance Troupe we perform Middle Eastern and Bollywood style dancing. I find if you don’t love what you are doing you won’t keep doing it.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    edited October 2014
    Set goals - I have found that I'm more motivated when I'm working toward something and then accomplishing milestones. (Not just a scale goal.)
    Zumba - or other dance type "workouts"
    Friends - find someone to walk with, or elliptical or other like activity.
    Bragging - Call me vain - telling other people what I did at the gym is motivating!
    List - OK IDK why but making list of workouts that I want to do in a day is motivating - maybe it's the whole "checking them off" thing.
    Books/Pod cast
    Rewards - I don't use this often but it is helpful at times - If I burn X amount of calories then I can have that cheesecake! And not go over on my Calories for the day.

    ETA - If I go to the gym I get to look at two types of people - the ones who have nice bodies (like I want) and the ones who don't look so fab (what I'm trying to get away from). Makes me work hard so I don't jiggle when I run LOL
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I try new things.
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    Make goals and try to crush them ...
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    i enter competitions , gives me a goal and something to work towards. 5Ks are fun to train for and even more fun to participate in.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Life is too short to not love whichever activity you choose to stay fit. I love hiking, kayaking, riding my ATV, taking classes at the gym (yoga & zumba). I find with the gym classes the awesome teachers make it great! Really anything that gets me outside is my favorite!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting?

    I don't. I choose exercise that is already fun/interesting to me.

    I'm lucky because I love running.
    Skateboarding is cooler than running but not quite as good of a workout.
    Wiffleball is AWESOME.

    You're going about it backwards. Don't think "This is exercise, and it needs to be fun."
    Think, "I'm going to find something fun to do that makes me sweat."
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    I go to Zumba classes. Having it be a class makes it more fun, and convinces me to show up. You pretty much show up, dance your *kitten* off, have a blast, and leave drenched in sweat. It's great.
    Watching The Big Bang Theory or Sons of Anarchy has kept me entertained on the elliptical, and I like to read on the stairstepper.
    Like a lot of people above mentioned, you don't have to do typically "work out" activities, my boyfriend and I are taking ballroom dance classes.
    There is a certain amount of raw discipline, I don't always have a blast at zumba, but I go anyway.
    Finding something I enjoy has really helped me get into a routine. Now that I'm in a routine, I just show up because that's what I do.
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    I try not to think about whether exercise is fun or not. It's like brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, doing yard work or house cleaning. It's something you should just do and make a habit out of.

    Sure, find something you can do and listen to music or whatever but don't fall into the trap of it having to be fun so that you'll do it. If you really need something to look forward to, think how good you'll feel about yourself when you're done.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Following a program with progressions built in doesn't necessarily make it fun but it does make it more likely for people to stick to it and get hooked. I'm doing Strong Lifts now and it starts fairly easy but has gotten progressively harder. I love the strength gains I've made as well as the improvement of what I see in the mirror. Similarly, I followed a running program when I trained for a half marathon. The same can be done with workout DVDs and other cardio or strength programs. There are groups here you can join for specific programs and get support.