4 months now... and nothing....



  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sorry! I didn't mean the last post to sound snarky =( I value her opinion, and everyone's.
    it's the meal planning, not the day planning, that i'm having a problem with.. i'm phasing out the hamburger helper, as it's my boyfriend's favourite, and phasing in more stirfrys (minus rice) and healthier options. I am honestly looking for a few good dinner ideas that match the 40/30/30 ratio. i don't do day planning well, so if i can focus on meals, it seems i may do better.
    I realize you're all trying to help, and I honestly do appreciate it. that's why i posted, i wanted ideas and tips on what i could be doing wrong. I honestly didn't mean to sound snarky... =( I apologize kdiamond.
    I'd love to measure my food, but that's a something my boyfriend and parents look for as "warning signs", so unless i catch my boyfriend in an understanding mood and explain what i'm doing, it's just going to cause problems. I try to go with half a chicken breast, say, or half a bowl full of something (i tend to eat out of bowls instead of plates). I do buy the low sodium soups, or try to make my own, but i guess i'll look a little further into my sodium intake, etc.

    I'll go stalk kdiamond's posts now, and the food/nutrition forum :)

    Again, I'm sorry for sounding snarky. Totally not my intention. =(

  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    No apology is necessary, believe me!!! I am here to help! Thanks Jamie! I have done so much research over the past 5 years I love sharing it with people who are just starting out or aren't sure where to begin!

    Alot of people refer to the Zone Diet when trying to figure out how/what to eat within those ratios...I truly believe it is the best for nutritional and weight loss purposes. I also get a lot of my recipes from Cookinglight.com - you can search for various methods of cooking, ingredients, etc.. I know there are probably Zone forums out there too. I read a lot of Paleo blogs, which is 95% how I eat. Any specific questions feel free to ask!