Food Inc.



  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm not entirely ignorant I know a lot of what's in there but I don't need to see it. Just like I don't need to see PETA's videos to know that there is animal cruelty going on.

    PETA is the worst. When I was much younger I got really into PETA and ended up being so disgusted with the human race I attemped suicide. To this day my Husband has all of their sites locked from me. I have fostered animals for many years, donate to the SPCA, and do my best to avoid companies with known track records of poor animal treatment.

    Just because it's an American film it is a reality here in Canada as well. A lot of abuse/neglect is easily dismissed by the offenders because it "Canadian Heritage" to do it that way.

    Shock treatment can have a very negative effect on certain people. I'm one of them. So if you don't feel up to it, don't do it.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    The more I think about this movie, the more grossed out I am. I was seriously considering giving up meat. Even if I don't, I will cut back on how much I eat, and make sure I know where it comes from, and it is organic. I think what bothered me so much too is the amount of hormones put in the meat! Ugh!

    Oh well, in the meantime, I'm enjoying eating lots of plants.

  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Aye, it bothered me enough that I have 2 freezers full of pork and beef I raised myself this year, prior to the move back to the city anyway. Maybe next year I'll just buy a quarter buffalo from the farm near where I raised my animals. So nice knowing that the animals had a good life on their way to fulfill their aim.

    Now if only the chickens would hit the freezer soon, I've had to buy a couple poultry products just recently and much rather be having the ones I raised. Wonder if this city is progressive enough to allow backyard chickens for my personal egg use.
  • Shawnalee0703
    For me it wasn't so much the mistreatment of the animals.... yes that is devastating! But what gets to me are the steroids, chemicals, pesticides, manure coated, genetically modified EVERYTHING! It certainly makes me want to give even more business and thanks to local farms that do thing properly with good health intended.

    My mom has cancer and we just watched Beautiful Truth. It was amazing! Touched on some of the same things but talked more specifically about how important real food is for healing your body and prevention as well!

    I will be switching to organic almonds and coffee, leaving out the soy milk and sticking with local farm milk and coconut milk. I will also continue to juice juice juice my own fruits and veggies! :-D Calories or not... it is natural medicine!

    I do recommend "Beautiful Truth" for those who are interested.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    So I can find this later...thanks for the recommendations...need to check some of these out.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Most of them are available on Netflix.

    This is a list I was suggested by a family friend who owns 3 Health and Wholeness studios in Arlington Virginia.
    Beautiful Truth
    Food Inc
    Food Matters
    Dying to have known

    Some of these were recommended because of my mom's diagnosis. But they are all important for everyone! :)
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I was always aware of how the proper foods can be used to heal, but this just made it even more clear. I'm making an effort to really make good choices based on the nutrients I will be getting from them. I suddenly do not want to eat that salad with the main goal to lose weight, but instead I want to eat it so I can fill my body with healthy things.

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    bump for later
  • Shawnalee0703
    I was always aware of how the proper foods can be used to heal, but this just made it even more clear. I'm making an effort to really make good choices based on the nutrients I will be getting from them. I suddenly do not want to eat that salad with the main goal to lose weight, but instead I want to eat it so I can fill my body with healthy things.

    My look on this whole process has become more meaningful (besides just weight loss) also in the last year or so. I want my body to be thanks for everything it does for me and will continue to do as long as I keep treating it well. :) Ditto!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    I know that it was mentioned earlier, but I highly recommend "Fast Food Nation" The author, Eric Schlosser, was involved in Food Inc. and I have heard him speak on more than one occasion. I heard him interviewed on the radio, and I stopped eating ground beef. I read the book, and I stopped eating all meat. It is very compelling from a health standpoint, more so than from the "I love furry creatures" stand point. It is a fast read, and very interesting.
  • gethealthyincali
    Not to be a downer or anything for you all up North but there were cases of listeria, salmonella, food tampering, food with unusual objects (like metal) and lots of cases where uhndeclared foods (such as peanuts etc) were in Canadian foods. Sorry about that but I think you all have to be diligent also. :(
  • greengold
    greengold Posts: 34 Member
    Good film - with some really hard to watch moments. We are fortunate to live in the country where we can raise our own pork, beef and organic veggies (for at least 3/4 of the year - ahve to buy some in the winter) and can trade or easily buy local free-range chicken, eggs, venison and turkey. Besides the immediate ethical and food-chain implications, there is another benefit to eating food that was raised as food, not mass production profit - it tastes SO much better! Just for example: have you ever compared a backyard grown tomato with a "tomato" from the supermarket? Or taste a burger made of grass-fed free-range beef?

    I also recommend the book "Omnivore's Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food" (both by Michael Pollan and "the Shear Ecstasy of being a lunatic farmer" by Joel Salatin (although that one is probably more interesting if you are actually involved in farming yourself)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    What really ruined food for me was the documentary "Earthlings." Some books that I've read that were interesting were the "Omnivores Dilemma" (kind of long and lengthy) and "Fast Food Nation" (a fast read).
    Omnivoires Dilemma is a big contributor to food inc...
  • funnygirl0940
    we planted a garden & got chickens...if I could have a goat & cow, I would! ;o) I was so impressed with it that I recommend it on my profile. Never buying hormone injected chicken breasts again, sick! We eat the whole chicken! Is it really so hard for us to understand how much money the markets are making off of us with processed food???? Incredible! I completely look at processed food in a new light. It says, "Don't buy or eat me" all over it! I make our food now.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Oh, my favorite subject! I'm a huge Michael Pollan fan. I eat about 95% organic, and as much local as I can get from farmer's markets and whole foods. The only non-organic foods we eat now are the ones we buy in restaurants. Another reason to avoid eating out! I used to be really good about at least eating vegetarian at restaurants but have let that slip big time. Thanks for the reminder!
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    I have that movie sitting here, thanks for the reminder, I will watch it tonight. Food Matters is excellent too and eye opening, I watched that one twice.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Just watched Food Inc last night and wow! Makes you very afraid of non-organic meats. We live on a farm and have horses so it's really making me think we should invest in a couple of cows to process ourselves and eat more deer.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    King corn is another good movie, makes you think. Support your local farmers market.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    For the Canadians Food Inc is on CBC their 24 hour news/documentary type channel tonight, 10Eastern. I plan to catch it but if I miss it, yet again I'll find it again.
  • greengold
    greengold Posts: 34 Member
    Oh yes - King Corn - I was going to mention that movie as well. Definitely worth it! Really eye-opening as to what Big Agri-business is doing to our food