SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...1/10



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So I decided to push myself yesterday, now I'm sore (I first typed sorry, which is also true, a little). I went to a yoga class before a yoga class - yes, I recognize I have a problem. We did almost the same things in each class, ugh. We also steamed up the mirror again - crazy yoga people don't know about good air circulation and that you need it even when it's cool outside. I found a spot near a door so the air was coming in underneath the door.

    I woke up way hungry this morning, so that's good. I will have an extra snack today before I go to class, so I don't feel dizzy like last time. Also - near a door or entryway. 6 hours today. Enough.

    Sorry, sore, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    My massage therapist just called, and she could barely talk. So, no help there today. It's snowing like crazy (I've been saying "Great white North, eh?" all morning in my best Bob and Doug Mackenzie voice) since last night. Maybe Sarah will get to use her snowshoes. Where is SJ, anyways?

    Today is continued rest, good food choices and plenty of water. Yesterday I was starving. I actually ate an extra meal at 9 pm. I went over on my calories, but it was real live hunger. (I'd inadvertently had too big of a deficit for a few days running.) I'm taking it as a sign my body is healing. I'm starting to notice specific areas of pain, vs. "hurts. everywhere." so that's a strange sort of progress...but I'll take it.

    I hear you on the yoga/air circulation, Mary...especially during a particularly hot class when it gets, um, funky in a bad way. When I did Bikram, I knew where every draft in the room was located.:laugh:

    Healing, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I can't work out in a warm/hot room. I feel like I will pass out. I at least need a fan going.

    Still sick. I have moments of: maybe getting....mmmm maybe not. It's moving around though so maybe it will just go without medication. We have no plans today. We woke up late. Not really the best combo but a day like that every once in awhile isn't too bad. It's rainy and cold, so nothing outdoorsy.
    I still haven't gotten back on the TM. Struggling to get moving again when I still feel like poo. I will get some stuff done today, just don't know what. Some ideas are to help Alex learn to tie his shoes (he's pretty close to having it down), have him read a couple of books to me, play a game or two with him, and then do a little rearranging in the living room. I also have like 6 books I'm trying to read (no joke) so I need to get cracking on those. I may walk today if all the other stuff doesn't wear me out. I've got to get over this.

    Doing stuff anyway boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry double post.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member

    I'm tired from yesterday, but only my abs are sore. Dang long plank holds - oh, and somehow they were made harder, but now I can't remember how, some sort of body positioning (inflate your kidneys, maybe? yoga people are weird when they describe subtle movements). I don't think I would take this teacher again. The class is supposed to be co-taught, but the guest teacher seams to take frequent breaks - once I saw her on her cell phone :angry: (this was when the class was being taught by the other teacher - usually one teacher walks around helping/adjusting while the other one leads) I was trying to make excuses for her yesterday, but you know what, there's no excuse - if it's that important, you should cancel your engagement. Really - if there is something going on, that can't wait 3 hours, you should be at whatever event is going on. We lived normal lives without cell phones, we can live 3 hours without them. I could go on about cell phones - how people update their facebook status when they're out with their friends ?!?!? But I think I should stop here.

    All that said, and I must say the guest teacher is quite funny. If it was a normal class that just she was teaching, I would go. When she is teaching, she's great. But a for a workshop, I expect more. So far, my favorite Anusara teacher is our own Christina Sell.

    So anyway, today is the last, and hardest day - hardest as far as poses go - but there will be less warm up. Going to see a movie this afternoon, so that should be fun.

    Cell phone, boo, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm there with you on the cell phones, Mary...I always feel like an old coot when I go out to meet some slightly younger acquaintances and their cell phones are all on the table in front of them, and they're constantly conversing with them. It's like the phones are another guest at the social event. We live in the future. I think also, the constant connectivity makes people feel more important/entitled than they really are...but I'm a codger.

    I've decided to take one more day off from hard workouts. I'll most likely pop in a gentle yoga DVD and call that my activity. I've hit the wall, and I need to respect that and heal before I jump back in again. It's a case of a little rest now vs. a lot of rest later (getting really very sick because my immune system is out of whack). I'm actually enjoying the resting (which I never, ever do) so I'm taking that to mean I really need it. :wink:

    Resting codger, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I'm resting with you. :wink:
    Mary, I'm with you on the cell phones, although I probably fall into unneeded cell phone use some times.

    I am trying to decide if I am doing better or not. lol. I still feel pretty sick but it is moving so I know it will go away on it's own. So tired of being sick. Yes, that was a complaint. :tongue:
    It's been kind of an emotional afternoon. Went to church, struggled through the whole service to keep from coughing. :grumble: Went out to eat. When I got home I got an email from a friend that I haven't really been friends with. Well, it turns out we both offended each other a year ago for different reasons, and we tried to work past it and apparently have not. So everything is out on the table and I think we will be able to move on and be friends again. It was stupid stuff and misunderstandings. I have had a couple of girls call me their best friends and then find out that I wasn't. I always thought a best friend was just that: A best friend. Not 30 best friends. Maybe it's just me but I really hate the terms "BFF" and "Besties". I do not have best friends. I friends that are closer than others but I feel like best friends are for high school. So I may not call you ladies my best friends but you are some of my closest....even though we've never met. :huh: :laugh:
    Rant is over. I'm going to rest today and try to get back to work tomorrow. The house is such a mess that it might be all I have energy for tomorrow but that's okay. I will also work on getting my eating back in check.
    Also I am super excited for my older sister! We have been praying for years, literally, for Mr. Right for her. It's a long story that I might tell some time, but she finally has a boyfriend and I believe we will be hearing wedding bells by the end of the year. :bigsmile:

    Just friends boogaloo.
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