Kinda gross question...



  • cassandra77
    I am sorry but, really...........GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weigh the same way everytime and be consistent!!!!!!

    Sorry :embarassed:
  • cassandra77
    Make sure you poop, trim and clean out from under your fingernails, get the toe jam out between your toes and remove any lint from your belly button. Then, and only then, step on the scale. LOL.

  • MsTrudy66
    MsTrudy66 Posts: 24 Member
    I LOVED this question because I was just thinking the same thing this week and weighed myself after. I think it's a question that EVERYBODY has asked themselves. Haha, thanks.
  • eyeballer
    Thanks for asking this! Today, the difference for me was a whole pound!
  • cassandra77
    Thanks for asking this! Today, the difference for me was a whole pound!

    Haha no problem guys ;)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    There is nothing gross about it. I don't know why so many people have issues with discussing bodily functions. We all do it.

    I never see that much of a difference if I poop before weighing.
  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    I usually weight myself in the morning, before I eat with no cloths on. So my question is, and I know it is gross lol, but do you weight yourself before or after you poop? Again, sorry this is gross, but I usually poop in the morning and I weigh myself after. Am I cheating???

    haha you crack me up! I say after for sure! I do!
  • HeatherBunnell
    Make sure you poop, trim and clean out from under your fingernails, get the toe jam out between your toes and remove any lint from your belly button. Then, and only then, step on the scale. LOL.

    Don't forget to shave the legs and armpits too!
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    I am sorry but, really...........GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weigh the same way everytime and be consistent!!!!!!

    It's not gross its a natural part of life....atleast people were calling it a BM or poop instead of saying ****. Anyway I wish my body had timing like that since I just had a huge BM bet I would have dropped another pound. But I agree if you can try to not drink or eat anything get all your waste products out and then jump on the scale naked. I actually hold my breath because I think the air in my lungs might change the scale a wee bit LOL!
  • Denita
    Denita Posts: 28
    hahahaha... you're funny. :) not gross at all.. i'm sure we've all thought it. i weight in the morning first thing so i don't always get to do my thing before but it will work out in then end at my next weigh in. :o)
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Make sure you poop, trim and clean out from under your fingernails, get the toe jam out between your toes and remove any lint from your belly button. Then, and only then, step on the scale. LOL.

    Don't forget to shave the legs and armpits too!

    So freakin' funny!! LMAO!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    After. Similarly to not caring what my clothes weigh, I also have no interest in what my poop weighs. Clothes and poop are excluded from the party on my scale.

  • ChauncyMac
    Defintely Afterwards!! :wink:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I try to wait until after I poop to weigh in. Trouble is Im not a regular pooper. May take me 2-4 days before I poo. So.,.........
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Make sure you poop, trim and clean out from under your fingernails, get the toe jam out between your toes and remove any lint from your belly button. Then, and only then, step on the scale. LOL.

    Don't forget to shave the legs and armpits too!

    So freakin' funny!! LMAO!!

    ALL of this just cracked me up!!!! LOVE IT so happy people have a sense of humor!!!! :laugh: :happy: :tongue:
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I wake up, poop, get naked, and then weigh myself. If you don't poop in the morning then you're crap out of luck! haha.

    Really, just be consistent and you'll be fine.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    if you consistently wight yourself after a poop then you are fine....its being consistent that is the key...
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    Make sure you poop, trim and clean out from under your fingernails, get the toe jam out between your toes and remove any lint from your belly button. Then, and only then, step on the scale. LOL.

    That is hysterical!! hahahahahaahhaha..

    I always weigh in after I use the restroom in the morning too and I am totally naked. Then I go work out.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I didn't know so many women poop. LOL

    I have the same routine. Get up... Pee... take pre workout sup with 10 oz water...check emails, poop, workout, shower...pee again the get out of shower then weigh after drying off. I do this on the same day of the week every week.
    To get accurate weigh in you have to recreate the same conditions as the 1st weigh in.
    It's definetly NOT cheating.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'd go to the bathroom before I weighed myself too, silly as it sounds. It's bad enough us gals have to deal with water weight, why keep all those exess waste products in our bodies on top of it?!*LOL* I think the main thing, though, is to be consistant. Weight yourself the same time everyday, and at least try to go to the bathroom beforehand if you're going to do it this way.
