Mommies supporting Mommies



  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member

    Good Luck to all of you!! We're moms, we can do anything!!! LOL

    I totally agree!! I keep telling myself if I can go thru labor 3 times and squeeze out 3 little people, then I can do anything! Those deliveries are my greatest accomplishment....running 5 miles is a breeze....i am still working on that goal, but nothing near as painful as contractions!
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member

    Good Luck to all of you!! We're moms, we can do anything!!! LOL

    I totally agree!! I keep telling myself if I can go thru labor 3 times and squeeze out 3 little people, then I can do anything! Those deliveries are my greatest accomplishment....running 5 miles is a breeze....i am still working on that goal, but nothing near as painful as contractions!

    Oh man, you are not kidding there! I don't know if anything is as painful as contractions!
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Here's a cool video for moms. Enjoy!:flowerforyou:
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    Checking in ladies!

    I did pretty well yesterday. Stayed within my calories and got in a one mile walk with my DVD routine. Just finished today's mile and have had 4 cups of water so far. Joshy (DS) and I will be doing lunch here pretty soon. Looks like a PBJ day.
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    Hope I am not too late to join!

    I am a working mom of three beautiful girls - ages 6, 3, 1. I work 3 days a week in the office, 1 day from home and 1 day off. It is the perfect schedule for me!

    I have lost 12 lbs so far...been working out with a trainer who has really helped me not only with exercise but with nutrition too. I found this site after I started with the trainer. It has been a godsend!!

    I look forward to talking to all you Mommies!

  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    Hope I am not too late to join!

    I am a working mom of three beautiful girls - ages 6, 3, 1. I work 3 days a week in the office, 1 day from home and 1 day off. It is the perfect schedule for me!

    I have lost 12 lbs so far...been working out with a trainer who has really helped me not only with exercise but with nutrition too. I found this site after I started with the trainer. It has been a godsend!!

    I look forward to talking to all you Mommies!


    Welcome to the Mommies Club!
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda and am a mom to three kids, 10, 3 and 7 1/2 months. I've been overweight since I was about 12 and decided that now that I'm done having kids I'd better get this baby weight off and get healthy so I can keep up with them all. I could definitely use some support as I've tried just about every "diet" in the world and, of course, they never worked. Now I'm just trying to learn to eat healthy without going overboard and denying myself too much - that's what always makes me quit. I've only been on MFP for a week but so far it's been really easy and it's worked well so I hope to keep up my hard work and get off these ugly pounds!!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Hi, I am a full time working mom to 2 girls, ages 8 and 3. I too never had weight issues until I started having babies, but they are worth it!! I don't have much weight to lose. I just want to lose those few extra pounds and then stay healthy for my girls. I don't want them to have a mom who is always dieting and worrying about her body image. Exercising is my problem. I can never find the time to get in a good workout unless it is late at night, and then I am wired and can't go to bed!! I need to just stop making the excuses and MAKE time.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member

    I'd love to have some gloomy weather. I'm in Central FL and it's so stinking dry here right now (and HOT!!!)!!! It rained a bit last week, but it dried right back up. :sad:

    What part of Central FL? I'm near Tampa.:smile:
  • kaychic
    kaychic Posts: 8
    What a great idea for a thread!

    I'm new to MFP as well - just joined last week. I never had any weight issues until my first baby, born this April. I lost the first 20 fairly easily, but the second 20 lbs is much more difficult.

    I think the hardest thing is eating well with my hubby who eats huge portion sizes and must have desserts like ice cream in the house. If the stuff weren't here I wouldn't be tempted! I've tried to convince him to join MFP as well, but no such luck yet - he's just a little overweight... not too bad.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Hi Moms!
    I am a mom to a 10 yr old boy and 6 yr old girl.. I stay at home and homeschool my kids along with working full time as a nanny to a now 10 mo old baby who I have had since she was 2 months. This is my final year homeschooling the kiddies as they are going to school in September. Weight has been an issue with me since having my kids but I am determined now! I know how hard it is to be a stay at home mom...and also know how hard it is to hold a full time job... throw the weight into the mix and it is quite a challenge! I am a MFP addict now and seeing the weight melt away!! I think the Mommy thread is a great idea!
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member

    I'd love to have some gloomy weather. I'm in Central FL and it's so stinking dry here right now (and HOT!!!)!!! It rained a bit last week, but it dried right back up. :sad:

    What part of Central FL? I'm near Tampa.:smile:

    Between Ocala and Orlando. Near the Villages.
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    What a great idea for a thread!

    I'm new to MFP as well - just joined last week. I never had any weight issues until my first baby, born this April. I lost the first 20 fairly easily, but the second 20 lbs is much more difficult.

    I think the hardest thing is eating well with my hubby who eats huge portion sizes and must have desserts like ice cream in the house. If the stuff weren't here I wouldn't be tempted! I've tried to convince him to join MFP as well, but no such luck yet - he's just a little overweight... not too bad.

    I loooove ice cream. And it's kinda our nightly habit to have some ice cream as a snack after dinner. Hubby has always been thin, so it's no big deal to him.

    You should try getting some of the double churned varieties they make now. Breyers, Publix, Edy's, they all have the double churned ice cream. It's got usually about 50 calories less per serving and half the fat as regular ice cream. And it actually tastes good.

    I would, however, stay away from the Breyers Fat Free ice cream. It comes in a red and white package. I've tried about 4 different flavors and they're all gross.
  • diser
    diser Posts: 9
    Hey Mandy,

    Good for you. This site is great. I have been on it now for a little over a week and it does help. I am a Mom of 7 kids (5 mine 2 from my new husband of almost 6 years) and 3 grandkids. It is so hard to get everything you need to get done - DONE! But you are right by taking some time out for you, you will be giving your kids the very best; an example of healthy living and because of that you will have more energy to spend time with your great kids and husband.

    I try to eat lower calorie foods so that I am not stuck hungry and not having and calories left to eat, I have also changed and try to eat small meals and like 5 -7 of them a day and also try to eat my bigger meal (more calories etc) for lunch instead of dinner. If that doesn't work then that's OK, it just seems to give my body more time to burn it off, instead of eating big in the evening and then going to bed with food still digesting. I have done lots of things to lose weight and one of the programs said that you should not eat within 3-4 hours of going to bed. So I do try to do that too, or at least have something little like an apple if I am starving.

    I am having more trouble losing weight now because of being older and in menopause, but I am sticking to my healthy way of eating, exercising and living and I will make my goals just like you are going to!

    Stick with it and you will start not feeling as hungry down the road.

    Diane (Diser)
  • BLammi
    BLammi Posts: 34
    Hi everyone,
    It's amazing how many similarities there are with all of us - emotional eaters, mom's with wonderful children and supportive husbands.
    I'm in the same boat - mom to Ayla, 3, and Travis, 4. Due to Travis's severe food allergies, we're unable to keep eggs, any kind of nut or sesame in the house. Our diet is definitely low fat (no cakes, cookies, minimal bread etc...), if we do have a treat it means I have to bake it myself and as I work full time, my opportunity to bake is limited. The problem for me was always quantity - not necessarily content.

    I'm pretty much on track for losing my two pounds/week for the few weeks I've been a member. What I've found is that the total daily cals has really helped me to adjust my quantity - and if I want to eat a certain amount of food, then I need to exercise a certain amount. Otherwise - no food!

    One snack that I count on - which feels like a splurge but can usually fit into daily calories without too much extra - is the flavored mini-crisps by Quaker. I don't know what I'd do without them! They're definitely a 'fix' for me.

    Good luck to all of you - I find this site so helpful, even just browsing through the messages is motivating.
  • nelleybelley
    nelleybelley Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning Mamas!

    Just wanted to check in and say hey! Today started off bad, I worked so hard on this stupid yard sale, clearing out the garage and the attic, tagging everything, and then loading up my minivan, and the kids and DH. And guess what- they canceled it without calling us! I was SO ticked. But oh well, we are just going to put an add in the paper and have it next weekend at our house.

    I weighed in today- another 1.5 down! Not to bad, especially seeing that it is the TOM. I have come up with a pretty good plan to lose 1.5 per week.
    So my scale treat- new flowers. I am late in putting out my annuals this year- we have had such a cool spring in Tennessee, but now I need to get my garden going. So off to the nursery I go.

    Have a great day Mamas!

    Oh- and to whoever was talking about ice cream- guess what I spied at Walmart last week? JELLO-PUDDING POPS! Oh my- Yum-O!! Those were my favs as a kid. I looked and they are only 90 cals per pop. I didn't buy them though- I don't trust myself around a whole box. LOL. So if you have self control they would not be a bad sweet.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all you mom's,

    This is a great site and I love all the support, its great to read everyone's story and know that I'm not the only one with a food addiction and need to lose weight to get my healthy body back.

    I'm a SAHM of 5 wonderful very active kids, 9 y/o Alexus, 8 y/o Jaydon, 3 y/o Kayla, 2 y/o Cobhan and 1 y/o Riah. Plus I work at home part-time. Since my very first was born, I've never got rid of the baby weight. With having the last 3 so close together I felt almost as if I couldn't work on getting rid of it. But now that we are done, our family is complete, I've decided its time........time to get back into shape from all those years ago. We are a very active family, love the outdoors, skiing, hiking, camping, soccer, etc, etc. So staying active has not been a problem, I'm even doing great with exercising, its just been the poor food choices. My husband had surgery in April up until that point he really didn't support any positive food choices in the house, but after being down for so long he realized how bad he was eating, (even though he's 6'2" and 162 lbs., he doesn't need to lose weight, he can eat anything) after the surgery he started eating healthy with me, more veggies, fruits, no soda or coffee, he realized how much better he felt, so since April he has been a huge help in keeping me on track. Plus we want to show our kids a healthy eating lifestyle, they can still enjoy their treats, ice cream, cookies just in moderation and really as treats, not an everyday snack after school. I LOVE sweets, of all kinds, this is a challenge for me. But I'm motivated I want to hit my goal weight by next June.

    I've been working on losing my weight for about 4 months now, really serious about it, but just recently found this site. What I've come to learn is that it not only takes watching what you eat and staying in your calorie count, it takes activity, all kinds of activity, and exercise. I have a step video, Elliptical and yes ladies I mow the lawn. We have 1/2 acre and it takes me about 4 hours (with kid interruptions) but I can burn 940 calories mowing. I try to do something active everyday. I love this site, I think its a great idea to help keep us all on track, I never realized before how much I was eating or how much exercise I actually needed to lose the weight and keep it off. I wish everyone luck!!!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I'm a single mom of a crazy 5 yearold psycho girl (no honest, I think she's insane).
    I am not gonna lie, I never cared really about my weight til I got divorced and had to start the game all over again. After having a baby, the a divorce, then being a full time student (to be able to support the tiny)..... Things just got all out of whack.

    I am not so much concerned about looking good for others anymore, I want to look good for me. I am not really overly worried about a size or specific weight per say. I just want to be healthier so I am around a long time.'s nice to see there a lot of moms out there.
  • romywill
    romywill Posts: 42
    No wonder you were a wreck. I am an emotional eater, too. Hang in there - so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. I lost mine 10 yrs ago - hard to be without a Mom - no matter what's our age.

  • romywill
    romywill Posts: 42
    Make sure he wears these glasses. My daughter's stigmatism improved a lot with the glasses. It is tough for kiddos to wear glasses. I have 2 in glasses!!!
