Intercorse bruns calories toO!

So I saw someone had asked how many calories having sex burns, cause lets face the reality, even though we are Chubby, doesnt mean we stopped having sex, or at least I hope that you have not! After investigating it, I found that intense intercorse burns 300-400 calories an hour!!

SO, If ya don't feel like hitting the treadmill or going to the gym, or playing the xbox, grab a hold of your honey and enjoy the excersise!!:wink:

~Chubby Bunny


  • mamaisis09
    lol, now how shall we log this;) Or, perhaps I'll just say, "hey hun, hold on just a sec, let me grab my heart rate monitor." What a way to set the mood ;)
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Depends on who's doing all the work. You don't get to log it if you just lay there.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    woops double post
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    So I would have to have sex like 60 times to burn 300 calories...hardly seems worth it :-)
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    An hour??? Really???? LOL
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Hahahaha! I love this! I totally think it should be an option in the exercise database...I mean really, it's a natural thing! :blushing:
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I wear my bodybugg 24 hours a day and sometimes i am curious after 'naughty' and look to see how many claories i burnt. I'm not sure if im having the wrong kind of sex but, i am not burning quite that many calories. And i don't even know how to just lie there. :)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    So I would have to have sex like 60 times to burn 300 calories...hardly seems worth it :-)

    O.o oh it's so worth it. It's the chaffing that puts a stop to the fun.
  • meganva
    LOL>>>>> That's tooo funny ;)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Waiting for Mike to swoop in and make this thread go bye-bye. :bigsmile:
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    So I have read the posts and seriously, it is a natural thing, and somehting that has been talked about on national television on "The Doctors", and "Dr. Oz"

    for those of you who don't know how to log it, well, 30 min is equal to 150 cal, 15 min is equal to 75 cal, and so on.

    Chubby Bunny
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    I just added to the cardiovascular 10 min of Intercourse burns 60 check this site it helps me alot it isn't exact but helps...
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    So I would have to have sex like 60 times to burn 300 calories...hardly seems worth it :-)
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    It's a coincidence that you posted this. I was just thinking about it yesterday. I bet you could use light aerobic exercise.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    it should be in the calorie database....sperm boyfriend and I looked it up AS A JOKE though people!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    ROFLMAO 35 calories
  • mckara
    mckara Posts: 37 Member
    ok eeewww! Sperm has calories Who'd of thunk!!! There is a good excuse ladies!!!Honey I can't it has too many calories it will put me over my intake!! Wonder if it'll work! ROFLMAO
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    An hour??? I wish, lol.
  • jmelhouck
    ok eeewww! Sperm has calories Who'd of thunk!!! There is a good excuse ladies!!!Honey I can't it has too many calories it will put me over my intake!! Wonder if it'll work! ROFLMAO

    It's only around 7-14 calories depending on the amount, but good luck with trying to use that to get out of it. I give you an A for effort. LOL

    I have this as an app on my iPhone and I tried searching using varying terminology and couldn't find intercourse on there anywhere. I thought it was odd as it is a natural thing. Odd.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    sex does not burn that many calories, its more like 100 to 200 per half hour, depending on how crazy you are.. i looked it up, several places...