The Master Cleanse- Lemonade Diet



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I did it. I suffered no ill effects -- also did not maintain permanent weight loss. No substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Good way to detox though.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It's expensive but it has all the nutrients your body needs. iF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE CORRECT SYRUP. DON'T DO THE PROGRAM.

    Syrup (no matter how nutrient-rich) does NOT have everything you need. You need protein and healthy fats - neither of which the cleanse has.

    There are no legitimate studies that show your body builds up the types of "toxins" that these type of cleanses say they rid your body of. Your body is designed to cleanse itself - that's what your liver and kidneys and digestive system do. This cleanse does nothing for you that a healthy diet with adequate water and fiber won't do for you.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    She said she never got hungry, well, it's hard to believe but she said the maple syrup keeps you from getting hungry. You need to make sure you DON'T skimp on the grade of the syrup. It's expensive but it has all the nutrients your body needs. iF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE CORRECT SYRUP. DON'T DO THE PROGRAM.

    pfffff dumb. :noway:

    maple syrup does not contain all the nutrients your body will need for even one day, much less 10 or whatever. You get sodium, calcium and of course sugars. Pardon me, but where are the proteins? The iron? Vitamin A?
  • kmahly
    kmahly Posts: 39 Member
    Your kidneys and liver do all the "cleansing" you need.... I wish this whole "cleanse/detox" fad would just go away. :ohwell: lol

    If you feel like you need to "cleanse" do so by spending several days eating lots of healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. :heart:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Yes, you lose weight.

    The weight you lose is:

    a) the weight of the food that would normally be in your stomach (because you have to go ten days without eating solid food)

    b) the weight of the poop that was inside of you (because you're taking laxatives)

    c) water weight (because you're drinking so many fluids, it flushes out water retention)

    and maybe a LITTLE fat/muscle because... well, you're starving yourself. But mostly, it's just brutal. You'd get the same results eating fibre, drinking lots of water, and watching your caloric intake.


    Plus it's important to realize that even if you drank enough of the cleanse mixture to have a non-starving calorie intake, there's NO WAY you're getting all the nutrients/proper nutrition while on the cleanse - you're getting virtually no protein (there's like, 1g of protein in a cup of lemon juice), no fats and almost all your calories are coming from sugar (the maple syrup plus some from the lemon juice). It's NOT healthy.

    Thanks for mentioning that- because it's pretty critical information.

    Flat-out, no. You do NOT get NEARLY the amount of nutrients you need doing this 'cleanse.' You're basically living off sugar and water over a week... how could anyone argue that it's good for you?

    I will admit it, I tried this diet about three or more years ago. I wanted to lose weight, and I wanted a 'quick fix'. Read that Beyonce had lost ten pounds doing it and thought, 'Wow! If BEYONCE did it it MUST be good!' (*eyeroll*)

    Spent a buttload of money on the book, the 'proper' syrup, and everything else. It was disgusting, I was hungry ALL the time, and I stopped after a few days because I was so irritable and tired I could barely function. I had a friend who did the cleanse for about a week before giving up, and did video diaries to record it (I wish I still had the addy of the blog she did...)

    It's remarkable, how sickly she looked by the time she decided to stop.....
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