Working out and dieting, but I am not loosing weight, please

I have been dieting and logging in my food on Fitness Pal for about 1 1/2 weeks. I have been staying within my allowed calories for the given day. I started going to the the gym and have now went 6 days in a row. Everyday I go to the gym I feel myself able to go faster and push harder.... which is great. I typically do about 45 minutes cardio, until I schedule a time with the trainer to show me how to use the weights and help desgin a work out plan for me. So I have been burning around 200-300 calories everytime I go to the gym.... Im bummed though because as I started this plan at 180lbs I find my weight not really going down... At one point I was 178 for a day then I gained weigh again..... Some will say I am getting muscle, but how do I loose weight and how do I know if I am pushing myself enough at the gym or if I am eating wrong? I have been eating egg whites, ground chicken burgers, salmon, salads, 100 calorie chip ahoy packets, CLEMENTINES, cottage cheese, cheerios.... I don't know what I am doing wrong and for the first time in my life I am sooo focused on loosing weight, I just don't want to get discouarged.... Any advise???????


  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    oh yeah... and I dont necassarly eat my excercise calories... and during the week when I work, I do have coffee with cream and splenda... and I realized that might be the issue, so I have decided to drink tea instead (need caffine)... I'm even trying to be sure to eat something in the morning even if it is cheerios or Special K bar...
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Have you taken your measurements, hips, waist, arms, thighs, chest, etc? I have read where it happens more in woman that sometimes we dont lose weight immediately but you will notice lose in inches around your body before you start to lose weight. Keep it up, you will get there, sometimes, its hard but when you do see the progress you won't regred it :)

    Add me :)
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    What are you using to calculate the calories you burn in the gym? I feel like you should be burning significantly more that 200-300 cals in 45 minutes. I would suggest you beef up your cardio either by making it longer or more intense so you burn more cals.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    make sure you are weighing your food and that your portions are in line with what you are putting in your diary. Maybe you could consider cutting back a few more calories--not sure how many you are eating already.

    Sounds like you are doing a great job making great food choices. Just hang in there. Take your measurements too, cuz sometimes it will show up there before it shows up on the scale. Just know you are doing a good thing and keep up the great job!
  • midgetrapper
    midgetrapper Posts: 60 Member
    i have 2 possible answers. the first (and most likely) answer is that you're losing fat & building muscle. muscle weighs more than fat. the 2nd is me answering your question with a question. are you eating healthy? or allowing yourself to eat junk because you're working out?
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    A week and a half is not too long; give yourself and your body more time to readjust to your new routine. :smile: I recommend you keep going for a month or so. Eat at least most of your exercise calories. Take your measurements now, and at the end of the month, see if you've lost any inches. :flowerforyou:
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    First, don't focus on weight especially for one who isn't used to diet and exercise. Your body needs to adjust first, and will do so by toning and building muscle. I really agree with taking your measurements, but recommend doing it every two-three weeks. After the first month, then check your weight once a week to once every two weeks.
  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    1. Take measurements! They will show more progress than the scale.
    2. Don't weigh yourself every day. Pick one day a week and do it. (I am really bad about it.) I went 8 days without losing anything, in fact my story sounded just like yours. Then, on day 9, I'm down 2 pounds. 2 more days later, I'm down 1 more.
    3. Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories and you are eating the calories you burn by exercising. That's my biggest issue.
    4. Snack and snack healthy... I'm not a snacker, but I have to force myself.
    Hope these help! Add me if you need any extra help!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    2 weeks just isnt long enough have to remember this is gonna take a long time hopefully its a lifestyle change for you and not a diet so just be patient and stay away from those processed foods and high sodium items...and keep working long as your consistent your making progress ....measure success by staying focused NOT by pounds you lose.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    2 weeks just isnt long enough have to remember this is gonna take a long time hopefully its a lifestyle change for you and not a diet so just be patient and stay away from those processed foods and high sodium items...and keep working long as your consistent your making progress ....measure success by staying focused NOT by pounds you lose.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    yea, that cream can sneak up on you. The label usually says for one tablespoon, but I know my husband uses at least half a cup in his coffee. I still drink my coffee but I switched to the lowest carb milk I could find, that being Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. I measure it, too.

    Also, wanted to mention that if this should continue, with the scale not moving, you may want to mention it to your doctor, as sometimes a thyroid condition could cause you to have difficulties losing weight. Just a thought.
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    I haven't taken measurements, but I am def going to start, hopefully that helps....
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I am on day 8 and very frustrated too but I lost 1 inch off my waist and .5 inch off my hips BEFORE the scale showed anything...truth be told the scale was showing higher than my starting weight on here which really had me mad! Take your measurements and use that for your motivation when the scale is not showing the results you hoped for! It sounds like you are doing wonderful and just need to (sorry in advance) be a little more patient? I must try to practice what I preach but this is what my new friends here are guiding me to do so trying to Learn it thenTeach it!
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not sure, because I'm in the same boat with you (I've been at this for a while and am seeing my weight drop eeevvveerr so slowly..) but my two thoughts are maybe 1. You aren't eating enough or are eating below 1200 cals/day or 2. You might be underestimating your calorie intake, but to me it sounds like you're pretty on track with your diet. Definitely keep that up!

    There's a bit of debate on this site about eating your exercise calories back, but generally it's probably a good idea that you do. The calorie deficit is built into your calorie intake, so if not eating them back takes you below 1200/day, I'd definitely eat at least up to 1200 net, if that makes sense.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I highly doubt its muscle right now, that takes time to build up. Because you just started working out I would put money on it being water weight. Our muscles store water to help repair, etc. So if you are working out your muscles might be storing water. Also, are you drinking enough water and keeping sodium down?
  • shadow9012
    shadow9012 Posts: 6 Member
    my advice is ,dont step on the scale everyweek.I have heard that the first few weeks is water gain,they say sometimes at first the scale doesnt change and I have even heard of people gaining a couple pounds because of the water!!! they say how you can really tell is how your clothes are fitting.:) I hope this helps,and dont give up!!!
  • sukeisme

    Good job with the committment to exercise and healthy eating! It's hard to get started but you sound like you are doing a good job!

    If you have just started exercising you are probably building muscle. I have always been told that your body cannot build muscle and have a significant weight loss at the same time, you either build muscle or lose weight. By building muscle you are probably gaining a little weight as muscle weighs more than fat, but in the long run you are enabling your body to lose weight faster because muscle burns calories faster and more efficiently. I don't know how long you have been exercising but if you started both your diet and exercise plan at the same time it may just be because you are building muscle.

    Taking your measurements is an excellent idea because you will see results faster than on the scale which helps to keep you committed.

    Keep up the good work and good luck!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It's only been a week and a half. You have to remember how long it took to put on the extra weight, it isn't going to come off instantly. Marathon not a sprint.

    What do you have your cal target set at? Have you stayed fairly close to it each day? Have you drank at least 8 cups of water per day? Are you eating a nutritious breakfast? (to kickstart metabolism)

    You won't gain "muscle" in a week and half of cardio exercise (especially being female) but it could definitely be water weight (especially if high sodium and not enough water)

    Lastly, weigh yourself once a week, same time each week. Before eating/drinking anything and before/after toilet, gives you comparable results. Also, take your before photos right now if you haven't already and measurements also.

    edit: muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb of muscle weighs the same as 1lb of fat, the difference is that muscle takes up less space to weigh 1lb.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Not enough water is very often an issue. You need one ounce for every two pounds you weigh. Since you are around 180, you need at least 90 ounces a day. That's almost 3 quarts. If you don't like it plain, try some Crystal Light in there. Without drinking enough water, your body will not lose weight. Your body is like a machine, an engine that without the proper cooling and hydration will not run right. Try drinking that amount every day and eat some of those exercise calories back and see what happens. Drink an extra cup after your workouts, too. Good luck!!!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    I understand completely! I started tracking what I eat and exercising regularly mid-December. Two weeks later I had not seen any results--and lets face it--we want results NOW! I've been told by my doctor that sometimes it takes time for your body to adjust to working out. Also if your diet wasn't great to begin with it will take time for your metabolism to speed up. It has been a month now and I have only lost 3 pounds, but the weight loss is starting. Hang in there! With the support on here we can't fail unless we just give up!