

  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Just to put this in perspective. Your starting weight is my goal weight. Please try to not be negative about your body. You had the courage to make the change at that weight. Never disrespect the woman (you at 160 lbs) that made that choice. She was strong and wanted to be happy in her own skin.

    You are just starting out, right? When I first started, I was constantly hungry for the first three weeks. You have changed, and your body is not used to it yet. It will get better if you stick with it. Promise.

    Stay away from those vending machines. Those machine snacks are part of the problem that are keeping you so hungry. Try some Fiber One bars. 140 calories and 9 grams of fiber goes a long way. Keep it up with the healthy snacks you are carrying around. Never skip breakfast. Drink plenty of water.

    You will get through this but it will take time. Think *long run* not *short run*. You are learning to have a healthier lifestyle and your body will protest in the beginning but YOU are the one in control and you CAN be stronger than anything in that vending machine. Hang in there. It will get better. I wish you the best. :flowerforyou:
  • j3289
    j3289 Posts: 9 Member
    I feel the same way! I started only a week ago, but I still haven't had a perfect day yet. TOM...is killing me. I ate over 700 cals. in bad snacks just 2 days ago. Today wasn' much better. Every now and then I can distract myself and forget how I want to eat everything in sight. I'm hoping once TOM leaves, things will get better.
  • jdavila73
    Hang in there girl...it can really be tough in the beginning...but once you get over that hump then it gets easier. The first few weeks is the toughest. Trust me, I know. I'm a good size man and used to eat between 2400-3000 calories per day before I started my quest. The first couple of weeks I craved everything, but I kept my cool and now I eat anywhere between 1200-1500 calories per day. And with a good cardio workout after the kids go down for the night, I net about 1000 calories for the day. Some days are better, other days not so much, but keep your eye on the prize and we'll get there - that's what I'm trying.

    OW: 257 - 12/7/2010
    CW: 244 - 1/12/2011
    GW: 200 - 6/1/2011
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    As mentioned, drink more water if you aren't drinking enough. Get more good protein (almonds, peanut butter, chicken, etc) and good fats - those help you feel full longer. And it does take time for your body to adjust and for you to find the right combination of things that works for you.

    TOM can have a huge impact. But it's usually more cravings than actual hunger. Do you get enough iron? That can make you feel hungry & low energy.

    You might also look at your goals - when you set your goals, did you set the right activity level? You might need to up that if it isn't reflective of what your daily schedule is like. What is your weight loss goal per week? If you're trying to go too fast, your body may be telling you something. You may need to ease into it with a higher cal goal for a couple of weeks.

    Even if you can't get to a gym, go for a walk with the kids or find some free workouts on tv or just dance! A workout doesn't have to be that structured. Getting up and moving is what counts. Yes, I know it's hard after a long day at work and coming home to take care of the kids. But find something fun you like. It earns you more calories and will help you feel more energized.

    Just some ideas. Experiment and find what works for you. Above all - don't give up! Stay committed and you'll find a way to make it work.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I would agree with the posts about fiber/protein. I notice often if i am 'filling up' on not so good foods, i would be hungry also. The water thing has really helped also!!! Most of the time we are feeling hungry our bodies are asking for more H20!!! Load the protein and you'll start to drop. I have only been here this week, trust me im no expert, but over the past 5 years i have lost/maintained a 113 lb weight loss ( and OMG are these last 20 lbs hell) , and most of it is due to protein intake!!! :) Good Luck
  • nextstepsailing
    Oh my gosh, you are trying too hard. When I started this, I just ate as I was accustomed to. I found out that I could eat the same way with some portion control and splurges here and there.

    You can adjust you meal groupings to match your life style - it is not just: meal, snack, meal, snack...

    Finally, when you had in the exercise, you food rations rise exponentially. Most people can not eat enough.

    Relax, and be you - keep on posting :)
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    beans are not only good for your heart, they're also super filling. i'd give them a try. :)
  • nextstepsailing
    Oh my gosh, you are trying too hard. When I started this, I just ate as I was accustomed to. I found out that I could eat the same way with some portion control and splurges here and there.

    MFP lets you adjust your meal groupings to match your life style - it is not just: meal, snack, meal, snack...

    Finally, when you had in the exercise, your food rations rise exponentially. Most people cannot eat enough.

    Relax, and be you - keep on posting :)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Thank you everyone! I feel better just knowing that I am not alone! My husband is also doing it but due to his work schedule (off @ 2:30pm) he is able to get to the gym and I am starting to resent the fact he starts with 2000 calories, and ends up having 800+ by the end of the day as I am starving! I am drinking water (dont always log, but I do) I will just keep going. Thanks again! :smile:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am going to say a bad word ..FATS.. are you getting enough of the good kind? Look at you log and check it out. Having healthy fats help me feel fuller. Avacodo is my fav. Just a thought.
    And I agree with the being resentful/jealous of the husband. Mine can eat whatever he wants and if pisses me off, sometimes. lol
  • 123nikki123
    I am having the same problem too! I am starving mostly in the late afternoons/dinner time. I eat a ton of protein and I drink lots of water. I wish I could help you be rid of this problem. Maybe it's your body's way of saying it needs those calories. Have you added in your gym time etc...I know when I work out and burn even as little as 200 my calorie range gets bumped up to 1600. I'm still hungry even after that...lol...and it's not my TOM. Maybe chew gum:smile: Good luck!
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yep. TOM for me=over calories by at least 500 per day for a couple days. I try to keep working out through it to offset this a little, although honestly I bloat and add soem water weight, I hide the scale and things drop back down in the next week. dont get too concerned. normally, ie not TOM, aim for Fiber and Protein. these are your diet heros. they will help you feel filled up for longer and as others have suggested, water water water! or tea if you prefer something to sip on and get distracted by :) sounds like you got the raw veggie thing down, thats what I rely on often. also try raw sugar snap peas, they are great and filling! for protein on a busy day egg whites are amazing, or a good quality protein bar (I love Think Thin, always check levels of sugar, sodium and fat to make sure it meets your needs) a glass of almond milk with green or protein powder can also hold me over until a meal. dont get discouraged, this whole thing takes a lot of experimentation to find whats right for you, good luck!
  • lattegirl
    This is going to sound a little odd but I also found the secret is to eat real food as opposed to processed food. I found those frozen meals leave me nothing but hungry - and i know it's hard to find the time and i'm not saying it has to be a grandios big deal but the simplest snack that i LOVE (and when I first heard it i was like that doesn't sound THAT appetizing) is a small piece of light old cheddar a few pieces of green or some kind of coloured pepper and then wrapped in a single piece of lowfat turkey or something (I like Mediterranean chicken). It does wonders for the 4pm munchies and i don't know HOW but it just fills me up to make it to dinner time and helps me not make bad decisions at dinner.
    That, and tea / water.
    Whenever I'm hungry I drink a glass of water and have a piece of gum and wait at least 20 minutes and if i'm still hungry then i eat.
    i've been keeping under 1500 most days and i'm not really that hungry.
    and be careful - you really shouldn't eat less than 1200 especially if you're exercising i know we're all here for the same reason but you need that many calories to live and be healthy and your body needs that so you don't yoyo and gain all the weight back.
  • usmcpatience
    My suggestion is also distraction and drinking lots of water! The first few days of any diet plan are rough...Your stomach growls and groans, and by the time you go to bed you're ready to go eat an entire frozen pizza by yourself. If you find things to distract yourself, you're hands will be too busy to want to eat.

    My distractions (yours might be totally different)

    Punch-Needle embroidery
    Polymer Clay
    Playing Guitar
    Playing with my Toddler
    Playing with the dogs

    These are just some suggestions. Good luck!
  • sallyperry
    Drink more water keep a glass/bottle within reach at all times and douce that feeling immediately. Have carrots handy and eat them by the bag full. Good Luck!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I am new here, and just started a blog with a fitness/weight loss tip a day.. maybe you can find some tips that might help... I haven´t seen your diary so I don´t know what you eat nor if you drink water. There are so many reasons you might feel hungry.
    you could: Drink 8 glasses of water a day (I don´t know if you already do that)
    Have a soothing warm drink (I find that any kind of tea soothes me; however, I do not add anything to my drink).
    Check to make sure that the snacks you are having are the best ones FOR YOU. If you are happy with the snacks you take, then you won´t raid the machines and at the very least you´ll have things more under control. If you have to raid the machines, at the very least pick out the more healthy ones ahead of time, and stick to those.
    If you don´t change your snacks to find some that you like better, at the very least do the following: a)Pick out the least harmful snacks from the machine ahead of time and plan which one you´re going to have if you feel hungry, even precalculate the calories in your diary ahead of time just in case and then say what your limit is and where you´re going to stop.
    Find ways to manage stress. Think about what you are eating before you eat it and realize what you tell yourself.
  • GoofyOne
    I like the stomach growl coz that's when you're burning fat! At least that's what I heard Oprah say. LOL When I hear my tummy grumble I smile and say 'burn baby burn' (off fat that is) :laugh:
  • babyfat11
    It helps for me to drink plenty of water. Also, I'm usually the most hungry at night so I save as many calories as I can for night time. If you are exercising make sure that you add those extra calories to your day! :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It will get better, the first 2-3 days are the hardest. Make sure your activity level is correct. If you are moving ALOT due to your kids, make sure its not set at sedentary so that the calorie counter is correct.

    I personally have to work out so that I can eat. At 5'8 138 lbs I'm too hungry to stick to 1200 cals so I eat about 1400 which still leaves me with 300+ left over after burning 500 on the elliptical for just under an hour.
  • p_nutprincess
    p_nutprincess Posts: 25 Member
    You need more protein!!!! When I first started losing weight, my breakfast was three scambled eggs, lunch was a turkey and low fat cheese low carb wrap and a salad with oil and vinegar, mixed nuts for a snack, then a protein shake post-workout, and grilled/baked chicken with a salad or some green veggie for dinner. If I was starving at some point in the day, I would have a TBS of peanut butter, and if I was still hungry after dinner, I would have some low-fat cottage cheese. Trust me, the more protein you add, the less hungry you will be. Cut out the processed carbs like the frozen meals and the granola bars! They will only make you hungrier. Hope this helps! I lost 80 lbs this way :-)