Girl Scout Cookie Season...

Ugh... a dieter's nightmare!

Adorable little faces shoving the delicious, scratch that, MOST DELICIOUS COOKIES KNOWN TO MAN in your face. How can you avoid the temptation!?!?!

Samoas are what makes my dreams come true! I think maybe I will buy a couple of boxes and keep them under lock and key until my once weekly "cheat meal." I will then keep it to one serving rather then my usual habit of eatting them until I physically can't manage to work my jaw from exhaustion. God i love girl scout cookies...

Anyone else having GS cookie issues?


  • dstaroska
    Down here in Nashville we have the option to buy them, then have them sent to the troops in fort Campbell KY.
  • KaylatheChristian
    Ohhh The chocolate peanut butter ones are the best cookie ever...Hoping the Girl Scouts don't track me down this year ;)
  • Robyn1733
    I was just thinking about them this year. Havent decided on if Im going to purchase, and if so how many. Now that you have mentioned them, my mouth is watering for them. I say buy them and limit yourself. Test of willpower
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    DEFINITELY! I love the shortbread cookies (plain, I know...but soooo yummy!). I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it yet. I am kind of hoping I just won't have the opportunity to buy any, but I know the girls will be at Wal-Mart on Sat mornings (when I usually shop). I like your idea of using them with your cheat meal...just gotta keep myself from eating the entire sleeve. :)
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I am with you on the Samoas and unfortunately for me my husband is all stoked up about buying them this year. UGH I don't know what I will do because I am not sure how well I will fight the temptation.
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    Try having a daughter that sells them! Those Samoas are the evil spawn of Satan! You can't just eat one or two.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    My daughter gets her order forms next I understand. My plan is to buy a few boxes (she's my kid...I have too lol) and then use ziploc snack bags to seperate them into 100 calorie/one serving bags. Then I can have a baggie of them and not completely blow my day :smile:
  • thetorontokid2
    Samoas are THE BEST! I love the thin mints, too. I guess lucky for me, I don't really know any girl scouts! Although, with this new office I'm working for...there's bound to be someone with a girl scout daughter!! oh noes!!

    good plan you got there though for saving them for your "cheat meals" ...
  • dustbunnie
    I already gave showed up at my door step last week and I ordered 4 boxes for hubby and I...but we move to Germany in 4 weeks so we won't see a box for 3 years.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    That's a great idea Jennyfair! I'll have to do the same!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I used to be a girls scout I feel the need to support the next generation. The cookies freeze really well. Just buy 1 or 2 boxes and eat them 1 or 2 at a time. freeze the second box for a treat down the road.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Samoassssss yum! Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth at all. I can't justify buying them when I know I won't eat them. It would take me a year to eat a whole box of cookies. My bf doesn't like sweets either so that's another bonus!
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37
    My plan is to buy a few boxes and then use ziploc snack bags to seperate them into 100 calorie/one serving bags. Then I can have a baggie of them and not completely blow my day :smile:

    Brilliant!!!! I will do this as well!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Every year my husband's mom sends up about 3-4 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies this year i plan on saving one for my kids and sending the rest over sea's to the Troops...
  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    They ususally make a fat-free one...last year's I think was some sort of cinnamon bun type one that was fat free. If I have to support any GS, I will probably have to buy the healthy one! BUT, I love the shortbread and the iced lemons and the animal crackers!!!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    My daughter is a girl scout! Fortunately for us we sell and only buy a few boxes for the kids. ;)
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Look at those adorable little monsters and tell them "Go away....I am gaining 5 lbs back just looking at you" I think that might do the!:bigsmile:
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    The day before I started P90 my neighbor came over and I ordered $28 worth!
    What was I thinking? I guess its better than having my wife as the cookie mom this year.:noway:
  • Tonya84
    Tonya84 Posts: 18
    Samoas....... YUMMY..... My ALL time FAV!!!

    I think I am going to hybernate till girl scout cookie selling is over!! lol
  • hesechel
    hesechel Posts: 3 Member
    Great idea! I am in the same boat-my daughter is selling them so I have to buy!