Self Sabotage



  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    Why don't you just sometimes give yourself a break? I lost 6 stone in 18 months and during that time, though I sometimes felt like you did, I had to accept that if I wanted to get thin / stay thin, then this new healthy way of eating was forever - if you look at it like that, no-one can be a saint forever, there are days when sometimes you just can't stick to it, but that's ok, I had days like that, and I never gave up alcohol, though I don't drink loads, I was out with friends at least twice a month and got very, very drunk, but regardless of all that, I still lost the weight, more often than not, downward.

    It's not self sabotage, it's just much easier to give in than to fight .. but if you give yourself some leeway, and if for one day you are bad, and I mean even if you are really bad, don't beat yourself up about it - just make the next day a whole new day and a whole new start.

    I often found that bad days, and remembering how they made me feel, usually lead to a good day the next day, as long as you forgive yourself for being human, especially in tough times.

    Remember, this is a way of life so you have to accept, that like life in general, it is going to have its ups and downs, you just gotta ride them out ....

  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Sounds like we all go through days like that. I sabotaged myself yesterday. I've been doing SO good and feeling great about myself. We had plans to go away last night with the kids to our local "farm show". I know, it sounds redneck, but we took the kids to see all the animals,etc. So you know places like that have BAD food choices. I knew this going in. I had a vanilla milkshake and half a soft pretzel and went WAY over my calories. I didn't exercises yesterday either. Ugh. But today, I am back on track. You just have to remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day and you can start over. I have to take it day by day anyway. Good luck!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    To succeed at weight loss and maintain it you have to battle your old mind. What do I mean by that? When you decide to make life changes I believe we are birthing a new beginning. Just like a baby you have to protect your new beginning from outside dangers. Just like a baby you have to train them in stages.

    Right now the danger is your old way of thinking, your insecurities, your willingness to give in to defeat where there is none, your willingness to just settle.

    You have to fight for what you want even if your are fighting against yourself. In this fight you have to win the battle as well as the war.

    You need to get you a sticky pad and put little notes to motivate yourself around your house. On your bedroom mirror, bathroom mirror, refrigerator door.

    You are only a failure if you fall and don't get back up if you have the ability to do so right?

    You already have taken the 1st step recognizing that you have a problem with self sabotage now you need to implement a plan to counter act that. I gave you an option and they other posters did as well. Use them. Don't start them and them let them fall by the waist side.

    You have to really want this.

    Get determined!!

    What she said! Couldn't have said it any better! :smile:
  • suedong
    suedong Posts: 11
    I totally understand where your coming from but try eating more fruit and drink more water it will stop the hunger pangs.

    Or alternatively find a new hobby or read a book, go for a stroll, basically something else to put your mind to, hope this helps.

    Give yourself little targats and treat yourself. Keep a photo of yourselft on the fridge of what you looked like before you started.
    Look in the mirror and see how well you have done :)
  • Thanks for all your posts. Very helpful. Love the toothbrush analogy!

    I agree that we have to love ourselves and give ourselves a break. This is a way of life.
    I just find myself doing the same song and dance over and over the years. I know it takes a mindset that you just have to get up the next day and try to keep to tracking/exercising.

    So, thanks for the support. Still struggling through today with the urge to eat junk but I'm thinking about all you there to support me and going to keep to it today!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Remove the junk from your home and replace it with healthy choices. If you are eating healthy then so should your family. Eating healthy can be tasty if you take the time to plan out the meals and snacks. I have a 18 yr old, 10 yr old, and 9 year old. They eat healthy. Their treats are fast food once a month (only Wendy's). Pretzel M&M's (150 calories) twice a month. The rest of the time its fresh fruit, home cook meals (no processed foods), water, milk, 100% juice (no sugar added). They exercise everyday by playing Just Dance 2, Dance Central and other video games on the Wii and Xbox Kinect. We also have 3 lbs weights that they like to lift. they even brisk walk through the house. I don't make them exercise. They do by watching me and they think its fun. I join them in the game playing so I'm shedding calories as well.

    I want you to succeed at this because I know how it feels to go every year making myself promises and then breaking them...beating myself down because I felt like a complete failure. We damage ourselves so bad with our own thoughts and we bury them in our core. I want you to try daily to dig yourself out. Don't worry about tomorrow. I just want you to get through today. When tomorrow comes then fight that war.

    For you to even start this thread shows you have some strength and desire to break the chains....

    I may not know you personally, but I believe in you. Now believe in yourself and you abilities to achieve your goals.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Prepare your meals and snacks ahead of time. Eat smaller portions more often thru the day, you cant really say Im hungry if you just ate 2-3 hours ago. Call a friend when you feel the urge to over eat and just talk and maybe it will pass, take a walk when you feel your going to go over board, get out of the house away from the kitchen......instead of eating something with a ton of calories eat a bunch of celery until your full.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I do the same exact thing. But for me, I lose a little weight, just a couple of pounds and the old voices come back to haunt me, saying "it's ok to be bad the next few're losing weight etc" KNOWING HOW MUCH this weight has affected my life in every aspect and has hurt me. WHY do we do it? Who knows?? But MFP is really helping. When I feel that way I talk to people here and get advice, then I read up on their successes and see how they have acheived their goals. I look at their workouts and it really motivates me. YOU CAN DO IT. do not give up. we are all here for you!!

    Yep, me too! Now I plan what I'm going to eat all day first thing in the morning, and I stick to it. I always try to go at least 150 calories under my goal, just in case I get a late-night munchie attack. I always have a plan for what I'm going to eat when this happens.

    I've found that I too react to stressful situations by over-eating, and I beat myself up too. I think a huge part of it is positive self talk. When I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see, the negative self talk IMMEDIATELY begins. What I've started to do now is counter that by saying, "I USED to be that way. And yes, I still have all that flab and cellulite. But I'm working on it. I'm making a change now. I've seen positive results, and it's not going to happen over night. I'm good because I'm making the change, and I'm going to stick to it." This helps me a bit.
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