Scranton to NYC with Love - Week 3



  • Previous total: 25.25 miles
    Sat: Rest day
    Sun: 1 mile (running intervals) 7.25 (bike)
    Mon: 0 miles (42 min circuit training)

    Total: 33.5
    Remaining: 86.5 miles to GO!
  • So I haven't been able to exercise for like a week and a half and I went to the doctor today and he told me no exercising for at least another 2 weeks until my follow up appointment. I am so bummed and I doubt I'll be able to catch up when he finally does clear me because i'm sure I'll have to go easy at first. :( So, I'm pretty much out of the challenge, but I hope that everyone else makes it to NYC!!! I will try be signing up for a new challenge as soon as I'm able!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Sat: 2.5 (zumba)
    Sun: Sick- rest day
    Mon:2.25 (C25K- week 4)

    Total for week: 4.75
    Complete Total: 29.75
    Left to go: 90.25
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    So I haven't been able to exercise for like a week and a half and I went to the doctor today and he told me no exercising for at least another 2 weeks until my follow up appointment. I am so bummed and I doubt I'll be able to catch up when he finally does clear me because i'm sure I'll have to go easy at first. :( So, I'm pretty much out of the challenge, but I hope that everyone else makes it to NYC!!! I will try be signing up for a new challenge as soon as I'm able!

    I'm sorry!
  • Previous Total: 16.75 MI

    Saturday: 3.5 MI (walking at work)
    Sun: 2.8 (walking at work/ target)
    Mon: 3 MI (walking at work)
  • So I haven't been able to exercise for like a week and a half and I went to the doctor today and he told me no exercising for at least another 2 weeks until my follow up appointment. I am so bummed and I doubt I'll be able to catch up when he finally does clear me because i'm sure I'll have to go easy at first. :( So, I'm pretty much out of the challenge, but I hope that everyone else makes it to NYC!!! I will try be signing up for a new challenge as soon as I'm able!

    I'm sorry!

    Thanks! It makes me sad cause this was the first challenge I joined. I am surprised at how much I miss exercising. I want to do it so badly now that I can't! haha. It's also making it harder to stick with my eating habits because I feel a little defeated...but I will not let this throw me out of whack!! :)
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Previous total: 30.69

    Saturday: rest
    Sunday: 3.41
    Monday: rest

    Weekly total: 3.41
    Grand total: 34.1
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Previous Total: 56.49

    Sat: 2.8 miles C25K, plus did 25 min circuit training (Jillian's Shred).
    Sun: 6.1 miles, elliptical
    Mon: 3.01 miles, C25K
    Tue: 4.8

    Week 2 Total: 16.71
    Complete total: 73.2
    Miles to go: 46.8
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 83 Member
    Previous = 12 Miles

    Week 2 =
    Sun :
    Mon : 2
    Tue : 2
    Wed : 3
    Thu : 2
    Fri : 2
    Sat :
    11 Miles

    23 Miles done in total, 97 to go!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Previous total: 30.69

    Saturday: rest
    Sunday: 3.41 walk/run
    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: 3 miles running on treadmill

    Weekly total: 6.41
    Grand total: 37.1
  • Previous total: 25.25 miles
    Sat: Rest day
    Sun: 1 mile (running intervals) 7.25 (bike)
    Mon: 0 miles (42 min circuit training)
    Tue: 8 miles (spin bike) 1.5 miles (incline 3 walking)

    Total: 43
    Remaining: 77 miles to GO!
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Previous total: 68.41miles

    Saturday: 5.10 miles (treadmill) & 4.50 miles (crossramp)
    Sunday: REST DAY
    Monday: 5.26 miles (treadmill), 3.89 miles (crossramp) & 6.25 miles (bike)
    Tuesday: 6.58 miles (treadmill) & 3.82 miles (crossramp)

    Week total: (so far) 35.40 miles
    Complete total: 103.81 miles
    Left to Go: 16.19 miles

    (I've gone crazy due to my new gym membership and the desire to wear a size 12 on my birthday *Feb 12*!!)
  • Eloise! That is wonderful! I hope you reach your goal! I usually set pant size goals myself! I have a goal of a size 8 and am sitting in a 12 JUST WAITING ;) It'll happen we just have to work for it! Good luck!
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    Excellent job, Everyone!!! We're covering a lot of miles!

    Goal: 120 miles

    Sat: 4.6 miles (Elliptical)
    Sun: 2.5 (Elliptical)
    Mon: 4.5 (Elliptical)

    Total for week 3: 11.6 miles

    Week 2: 23.8 miles
    Week 1: 29.2 miles
    Left to go: 55.4 miles
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Everyone is doing SO fantastic!!! I am going to the doctor tomorrow and going to beg him to start doing low impact...I mean, if he thinks its I just feel so flabby. I'm ready to start putting some miles in again even though I probably won't be running right away again. :o)
  • Tara!!! You promise you will come up with another fun one after this? ;)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Giiiiiiiiiiiiirl...I already have one in mind! Hehehehe! Its a good one too!!! Ha ha! :o)
  • Previous Total: 33 miles
    Sat: 3 (walking)
    Sun: 0
    Mon: 2 (walking/jogging)
    Tues: 3 (C25K and walking)
    Wed: 3 (walking while watching The Office) :)
    Total for Week 3: 11 miles

    44 miles total, 76 miles to go!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Previous total: 30.69

    Saturday: rest
    Sunday: 3.41 walk/run
    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: 3 miles running on treadmill
    Wednesday: 2.26 miles intervals on treadmill
    Thursday: rest

    Weekly total: 8.67
    Grand total: 39.36
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