Why I dislike Gyms

jenmarkub Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So last night I had a "free" session with a personal trainer. It started of good and then went bad very bad. I am a heavy woman to begin with I started at 293 pounds. Three of my friends join the gym and I started working out at home. My friend was nice and gave me a guest pass and I went a few times and thought hey this isn't too bad. So I joined, I got to my session 10 minutes early and it began. He asked me general health questions and tested my BMI. After that it was 5 minutes on the treadmill. Then some core work. We go back to his desk and that's where it went bad. He started asking me what my plan was. I stated to do 2-3 classes a week then treadmill bicycle and light weights. He proceeded to tell me that's not how you lose weight classes are NOT going to help you, you need a trainer to focus in on what you need. I told him that I would have have to talk to my husband about that because I am a stay-at-home-mom and we are living on one income. He's reply you mean he wont let you spend $100 to get you where you want to be. No I don't want to spend $100. My little boy just got out the hospital and $100 on me is not what I want. He proceeded to push the issue. I very calmly asked him to drop the issue and told him that I couldn't do it right now. He continued to push it and I ended my session.

It took a lot for me to sign up to the gym. I understand that he was selling me a service and was a pushy sells man. But when you tell someone that classes will not help you and your plan isn't going to help you. It makes you feel bad well it made me feel bad. He is the reason why gyms are not appealing to me. The core exercises he had me do where embarrassing. He had me show him across the gym horizontally walking lounges. So everyone saw my attempt at doing them. I am a shy person when it comes to my workouts and although I know they are not I feel like everyone is looking at me. Like why is that fat chick here, look at her.

I might attempt the gym again but I don't know. This was my 2nd day going by myself and I just don't know if I can continue it.

SW: 293lbs
GW: 150lbs
CW: 289lbs (by going to classes and training on my own)


  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    dont let that stop you girl. you can do this without trainer!!!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    I've had similar experiences at gyms before...frankly I'd complain to the manager or the main corporate office. Bullying clients is not the way to gain business.

    Go back, and just have faith in the plan that YOU made. If YOU made it, you're more likely to follow through. If nothing else, proving that clown wrong should be great incentive for you! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Wow. I can understand how that made you feel. This guy clearly has his own interest at heart and does not understand how to really motivate an overweight person. I think you should try again with a differnt person. Just explain to the person in charge that $100 training seesions are not an option for you and that you would like to discuss your goals with someone who will not push that issue. Also let them know that you do not want to feel as if you are on display. You are not there for his amusement. :noway:
    Do not let this "so-and-so" steal your joy. Try again. Good luck to you. :wink:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Don't let a pushy trainer sour your opinion of a gym or its benefits. As with anything good and bad, you will find great trainers who are understanding and some who are the equivalent of used car salesmen. Props for going to the gym. I love the gym.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Yeah, that guy sounds like a jerk, if you ask me. Forget him, forget everyone. Your plan sounds good to me. I know tons of people that have lost significant amounts of weight without a personal trainer. So you do YOUR best, and forget the rest! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    That trainer was a complete jerk. Don't let him push you away from that gym. I have never worked out in a gym myself but I wish we could go there together and we could teach each other and use each other for support.
  • greatsteelersgirl
    greatsteelersgirl Posts: 43 Member
    Don't let this one jerk ruin it for you. I am a lot like you when it comes to the shy thing and scared people are staring at you while you're trying to work out. I just had to tell myself "I'm here for me and they are busy with themselves". Gyms are great because everyone there is doing the same thing you are...getting fit and healthy. Just do your thing and go to classes if you want. Any bit of exercise is good for you. I just can't believe how he treated you. But like I said, don't let him break your stride :D
  • I too am a big girl and I have been doing it without a trainer. I started off at 316 and now i'm down to 285 and all i do is the treadmill, ellipticall, water aerobics, and spinning. I refuse to work with a trainer because I am a stay at home mom also and don't have the money either. Don't stop going, you can do it, I am doing it....Add me for support girlfriend!!! :smile:
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    You must go to an LA Fitness, because that's exactly what happened to me. Don't let it get to you. They are there for business. You are there for your health. Don't let it push you away. The gym is an awesome place once you get used to it and forget the trainers. :)
  • I'm so sorry he did that to you. Please don't let him stop you from doing what's good for you. You don't have to have a personal trainer - just go to the gym. Work out on the treadmills, take the classes, and take care of yourself. You're in it for a healthier you - he's in there to make money! But, remember this as well: they ARE making money. You joined the gym and pay a monthly fee. That is your gym and you get to use it in the way YOU see fit. Take a deep breath and go back to the gym! You can do this!!!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    It really sounds like you had a terrible experience... The 'trainer' sounds unprofessional and insensitive, and more like a salesman. Please don't let it discourage you. You can absolutely do it without a trainer, and if you already joined the gym, why not use the membership, you can accomplish a lot! If you have a lot of weight to lose- any cardio you do will help you lose weight, and it is all useful. You are on the right track by planning to go to classes and use the bike, so stick with it!
    I am really sorry you had such a bad experience, but don't give up! Good luck
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Also the people exercising at the gyms tend to be pretty cool people. I have had people as me how a machine works ot what it does. I'd spend all day helping them.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I know--some trainers have major issues with superiority. They aren't all like that, though, so don't let one ruin it all for you! Don't worry if the gym )and personal trainers) isn't for you, you can do just as much (or possibly more) on your own, you just need to stick to your plan--it's worked for me!
  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    I've had this happen. I am....let's call it...*outgoing* lol. He doesn't get commision unless you sign with him. So he attempts to highjack your self esteem. In this situation, I basically tell him to go **** himself :-) And I say "Thanks for your time, good luck." And you walk away. Then you put the jerk in the back of your mind, and when you think you can't do another 5 minutes on the treadmill...BOOM there he is and you'll think....trainer my @$$. You plan will work, he is just trying to make money. Keep up the good work! Don't let gyms be intimidating. Maybe for the next couple times you go in, go with a friend to get you back in the swing of things.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I am sad to hear that it did not go well - it's hard enough as it is to get the courage to go to the gym (I have been going to the same gym on and off since 2001 and I STILL get nervous when I leave my house!)

    That being said - I am not sure how big the town / city is where you live, but maybe try a different gym. I love the gym I go to - but a few years ago, decided to try a gym closer to the university I was attending - and it was less expensive (by about $10/mo) so I said why not, in my head, a gym was a gym... after about a month and a half, I cancelled my membership and returned to my old (and current) gym - which is a few blocks from my house (10-15 min. walk). While it was a bit more inconvenient to go to this gym, the staff is A LOT nicer and the atmosphere a lot more supportive than the 'downtown' gym I tried.

    Good luck and keep up the effort - and remember - if a class gets ya moving, that's all that matters
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What everyone else said. That guy's a pushy, obnoxious jerk. Don't let him bully you. And he'll be the one eating his words when you get fit and healthy WITHOUT his plan.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    You mentioned three of your friends joined the gym? Are they still there..go with them if you can. A partner at the gym is great so you can push and support each in ways that work.

    I completly disagree with the trainer - I joined the gym and I love the classes! I find the classes give you an hour workout that keeps you going and the class mentality is great motivator. And an hour class goes by way faster for cardio than an hour on machines!!

    Don't let him stop you - go and do your own thing..and watch what other people are doing, I pick up great exercise ideas just by being observant!

    Good Luck!
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. I feel like the gym is always trying to sell me something too. I'm making a game out of it by trying to guess what the next sales pitch will be.

    Good for you though for getting out to the gym. It sounds like you pushed yourself to get out of your comfort zone and that is what is going to help you reach your goals -- going beyond your comfort zone.
  • I feel trainers are all about the money! they get paid for you! I don't know if you get the fit channel but there is a guy named GILAD he rocks and you can do his work out at home he is easy to follow. I found working out at night works better for me so I burn all the crappy calories lol good luck
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I agree with the others, just ignore this guy. I also prefer to work out on my own, not with a trainer. Just by going and doing the workouts you want to do, it WILL help you. I think personal trainers are great especially for people who want to sculpt their bodies in certain ways, or who need the pressure and motivation of having someone tell them what to do, or when they know that what they've been doing isn't working, but going to classes and working out on your own is great for getting comfortable with gyms, the machines, working out around other people, etc. Don't let him keep you from attending the gym!!
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