Why I dislike Gyms



  • vwghiafreak
    vwghiafreak Posts: 15 Member
    My sister got me a 6 month membership to a gym for Christmas. I am super excited bc I've been trying to lose all the baby weight after my 4th baby. Anyway, I also got 2 free sessions with her trainer, with her. (so we went together) After the 2nd session he tried to get her to buy another 4 sessions and was going to throw in 4 free. 'For only $200!' Neither my sister (a fulltime student) or I (a stay at home mom) could afford it, even if we split the cost.
    My mom offered to lend us money, but I said no bc I didn't like his persistence. We said we couldn't afford it but he kept pushing. Anyway, he finally let go and we still go to the gym.
    Ignore that personal trainer and just go work out at the gym. You can do some of the exercises he showed you at your home! I do that and my kids even like trying to do it with me. :smile:
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    I hate people who try to force gym memberships on you. It's a personal choice. Why go to the gym when you can work out outside and in your own home?!
    I like the gym because I'm lazy and would rather go there than run out in the street.
    It's not for everyone. Don't worry about people forcing you into joining things. That trainer sounds stupid but tbf, he's paid to try get people to join.

    Good luck with weight loss :)
    Remember, you are beautiful. And always will be!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    That s terrible and m sorry you had such a bad experience... the guy sounds terrible - of course classes will help you lose weight - it's exercise! Do what is best for you - whether it be workng out a home or trying a gym /dfferent guy. Like you, it tok me a lot of courage to jon the gym, but I was lucky, there was no pushin a personal trainer - f fact, they have just started this service and certianly ont push it like the guy did wth you.
    feel so angry for you - he had know right! I hope your son s better now, and dont let this get to you - you can get to here you want to be and I wish you all the best,

    pen xx
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    Just keep going for "You" It sounds like you have a plan to me. Just ignore people that are trying to sell you stuff. Go do your workouts and have fun...
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I am a shy person when it comes to my workouts and although I know they are not I feel like everyone is looking at me. Like why is that fat chick here, look at her.

    Hi there-
    Don't let this one hard-sell trainer ruin your experience! First of all, most people there are thinking what you're thinking - they are so busy worrying about people looking at THEM that they are not looking at OTHERS! And honestly, other people that ARE looking might have started out where you are and are rooting for you. I'm not naive - there are always some judgemental *-holes, but you have taken the step of deciding to take charge of your health and quality of life, **** the naysayers and judgemental people!

    Everyone has to do this their own way, or else they will not keep it up as a healthy lifestyle! The trainer was obviously trying to 'scare' you into spending money that you would rather spend/save for other things for your family. Ignore that trainer!
    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    My ex wife started out at 360lbs. She never hired a trainer, and was too embarrased for the classes. 90% of losing weight is diet. She did hers mostly by walking the track, she was also too embarrassed to use the treadmills. She also used lifted some of the weights. She got herself down to about 200lbs in a year and a half. You don't need a trainer. You just need to keep yourself motivated enough to stick to a weight loss program. Sometimes a support group will help too. Especially if you have a lot of questions, but you can get that through your friends, and through this site.
  • That's not a good trainer/professional, IMHO. I realize they have to sell themselves I guess ... but that is not a way to do it ......?!? Horrible that you had to deal with that. Not all gyms are that way.... not all allow PTs to advertise in their gym, such as Planet Fitness, etc.... you know what you need to do and I don't care what they tell you, anything out of your every day routine,... vary it up, getting your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes, is AWESOME! It's a start!

    We all have to start somewhere.

    That trainer was a BUTT and needs to find another profession!
  • aimon87
    aimon87 Posts: 19
    I was always worried that if i joined a gym people would be staring and judging my wobbly bits but ive been going for a week now and realised everyone there is there to either bulk up or slim down, and not really interested in anyone else, so im less concious now. Dont let that guy get to you, these guys probably get commission so hes trying to push it and isnt going about it well.go for you and ignore everyone else. put some headphones in and pretend your there by yourself :D xx
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Remember one thing..you dont need a gym to lose weight or classes..I lost my first 75lbs walking outside and doing in home Walk Away The Pounds Dvd's...the person at the gym knows this as well thats why they push way too hard..so keep your money..get on a strict calorie allottment and excercise regimen (doctor and nutritionist supervised) go back to see him once you've lost a bit of weight a noticeable amount on a guest pass and say "oh I decided to do it on my own since you mentioned classes wouldnt help me"...
  • laurnol
    laurnol Posts: 23
    I agree with you. In the past I have used buddy passes given to me by daughter and it was the same crap, you have to meet with a trainer first. That's why I work out at home.
  • Dont give up. i had a trainer and some are great while others in what happened in ur sitution was a major JERK! but hey dont give up, though i dont see my trainer anymore i still workout i find other people to work out with. thats a good way to do it. have a tiny group of people to work out with. Oh and dont fel embarrssed about working out, when i see people working out i admire them for doing it and that theyre doing there best. Im sure when other people saw u working out they admired u and prolly were wondering should i work just as hard as she is? so keep going but no matter always think of urself as beautiful just the way u are and dont be too hard on urself.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My sister got me a 6 month membership to a gym for Christmas. I am super excited bc I've been trying to lose all the baby weight after my 4th baby. Anyway, I also got 2 free sessions with her trainer, with her. (so we went together) After the 2nd session he tried to get her to buy another 4 sessions and was going to throw in 4 free. 'For only $200!' Neither my sister (a fulltime student) or I (a stay at home mom) could afford it, even if we split the cost.
    My mom offered to lend us money, but I said no bc I didn't like his persistence. We said we couldn't afford it but he kept pushing. Anyway, he finally let go and we still go to the gym.
    Ignore that personal trainer and just go work out at the gym. You can do some of the exercises he showed you at your home! I do that and my kids even like trying to do it with me. :smile:

    Not to mention any trainer that would give away 8 sessions for $200 isn't much of a trainer. I know that's a lot of money, but no serious, well-qualified trainer could live on that kind of income. Unfortunately, the kind of trainer you get at that type of facility is either A) a rank beginner with little experience or B) a mediocre trainer who can't get a better job anywhere else. Trust me, a guy like that wouldn't even get callback if he tried to apply at our facility.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    That guy sounds like a complete jerk. I really hope I don't feel the need to stoop as low as to LIE to potential clients just to get their business when I get my certification some day.

    You can do it how ever you want, at home, at the gym, with or without a trainer as long as you are eating healthy and moving your butt.

    When I have kids I'll probably ditch my gym membership since they charge you extra per month to use the supervised play room.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So last night I had a "free" session with a personal trainer. It started of good and then went bad very bad. I am a heavy woman to begin with I started at 293 pounds. Three of my friends join the gym and I started working out at home. My friend was nice and gave me a guest pass and I went a few times and thought hey this isn't too bad. So I joined, I got to my session 10 minutes early and it began. He asked me general health questions and tested my BMI. After that it was 5 minutes on the treadmill. Then some core work. We go back to his desk and that's where it went bad. He started asking me what my plan was. I stated to do 2-3 classes a week then treadmill bicycle and light weights. He proceeded to tell me that's not how you lose weight classes are NOT going to help you, you need a trainer to focus in on what you need. I told him that I would have have to talk to my husband about that because I am a stay-at-home-mom and we are living on one income. He's reply you mean he wont let you spend $100 to get you where you want to be. No I don't want to spend $100. My little boy just got out the hospital and $100 on me is not what I want. He proceeded to push the issue. I very calmly asked him to drop the issue and told him that I couldn't do it right now. He continued to push it and I ended my session.

    It took a lot for me to sign up to the gym. I understand that he was selling me a service and was a pushy sells man. But when you tell someone that classes will not help you and your plan isn't going to help you. It makes you feel bad well it made me feel bad. He is the reason why gyms are not appealing to me. The core exercises he had me do where embarrassing. He had me show him across the gym horizontally walking lounges. So everyone saw my attempt at doing them. I am a shy person when it comes to my workouts and although I know they are not I feel like everyone is looking at me. Like why is that fat chick here, look at her.

    I might attempt the gym again but I don't know. This was my 2nd day going by myself and I just don't know if I can continue it.

    SW: 293lbs
    GW: 150lbs
    CW: 289lbs (by going to classes and training on my own)

    You are at the gym to improve your health and quality of life. Those are two things worth fighting for with everything you got. If you let that experience prevent you from returning the only person it hurts is you.
  • Girl!!! Let this motivate you!!! Lose that weight by going to classes and working out on your own!! Prove him wrong!! Oh, and make sure you run into him when you start lookin all fit and sexy! :)
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Well I'm here to tell you the classes WILL help. I have had great results attending body pump, yoga, spin and most recently body combat. My gym uses the Les Mills series for the classes but it is so popular that most gyms in our area have something very similar to offer.

    Yes it is their job and our gym gives you one free session per month and I use them just to check progress but I just let the trainer know going into it that I am not interested in personal training so don't even start in on how a $100 bucks a month could get me to all my goals in 8 months that I am happy just chuggin along. Usually shuts em up pretty quick.

    Since so few people are interested in personal training right now my gym just started a free group training session which is just like personal training only up to 10 people, it is an hour long and there are several times of day to choose from, not sure if I'm ready to be tortured :laugh:

    Anyway, you just keep moving and doing what is right for you and amp it up when you need to and eventually you will reach your goals and you can use that $100 per month on a new wardrobe :wink:
  • borys12
    borys12 Posts: 98
    In fact you can do it yourself. We are all here to help you, there is a lot fitness information
    online. When I joined gym nothing like this happened ! I had health check, personal
    plan prepared, and after 2 months next check. Anytime I want, I can ask any trainer
    to help me, get information. There are there to help us.

    Don't give up !

    Wish you good luck !
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Oh and for future reference YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MEET WITH A TRAINER TO START YOUR MEMBERSHIP! This is a sales tactic at every gym everywhere so if they ever try to talk you into a second or tell you to meet the first day politely decline.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    We had the same thing happen when we were joining. He just wouldn't stop! I kept telling him I already have a personal trainer and he proceeded to tell me "they weren't good enough." She's just fine! In fact, she knows a hell of a lot more than he does. He told me that running doesn't burn fat, it just burns calories. You won't lose weight with running. WHAT! I don't know what he was on, but come on! I've lost plenty of weight with running!! And burning calories makes you lose weight! What an idiot.

    Regardless, I go to the gym just to prove him wrong. I use my OWN trainer. I do the routine I like and what works for ME. Don't let a pushy trainer get in your way! It's your body, do what makes you most comfortable (the same goes for your wallet!)
  • eshyay
    eshyay Posts: 18
    At my gym this would not be acceptable behaviour as making their customers comfortable is a huge part of their philosophy. I hope you keep going and ignore the personal trainer. IMO this would be a good reason to talk to the management!

    I started at 294 (last week; 290.5 today). Would you like to be weight loss buddies?

    I went to my first class at the gym on Thursday night, and was very worried as I'm terribly unfit. The trainer was sooo nice, and made a point of telling me I was doing well (he did this with others too, and was discreet so I didn't feel singled out). I pay them a lot of money, and I expect them to provide me with a comfortable environment to work out in!
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