Pizza! Suggestions????



  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    I agree with a lot of people here about the sodium. But the grease can get out of hand too... To cut down on some of the grease, I use a napkin and blot the top of the pizza a little. It will soak up a good bit of it, so if you like meats or pepperoni on yours, this trick will help a lot!

    I also like the make-your-own recipes posted too. Try a whole grain tortilla, bagel, or some other healthy bread, with low sodium tomato sauce, skim milk cheese, and low-fat, low-sodium toppings of your choice. Yum!!
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    I'd make my is what I do. I love this:
    Orowheat - Sandwich Thins, 1 roll 100
    Hunt's - Tomato Sauce (8oz) , 1/4 cup (62g) 20
    Dole - Pineapple Tidbits In !00% Pineapple Juice , 1/4 cup 35
    Kraft - Shredded Mozarella Cheese Part-Skim, 1/4 cup 80
    Falls Brand - Tavern Ham, Boneless, Baked, 1 oz 33

    Total 268 calories!

    YUM! This sounds really good, ill have to try this..... i have been craving pizza latley!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    It is hard to beat a good NY style pizza like we get at our local pizzeria, but we like to make our own as well. We'll use crunchy tostadas as the base crust. A little light cheese or refried beans, and variety of toppings make for a pretty good pizza variant.