Second week curse?



  • peach0913
    peach0913 Posts: 14 Member
    I am experiencing the same thing in my second week. I just trying to focus on the fact that I feel great and already I am noticing my clothes fitting better! Here's to a great week 3!!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I've also been at a stand still since the end of week one.. but my clothes are fitting better, I have more energy, and I feel better overall. Sooo.. I'm staying away from the scale, at least for a few days. :-) I upped my calories a bit from 1200 to 1370 and I'll see if that makes any difference. Before I started eating healthy, I was probably eating anywhere from 2500-3500 calories multiple days a week. I wouldn't be surprised if my body went into shock and starvation mode after cutting more than half my daily intake! So just fiddle around with your calories and such. As long as you're eating good whole foods that are nutrient-dense, I'm sure you'll overcome this plateau!
