I'm going on a "Scale Diet" -- want to join me? LOL

TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I am one of those people who weighs themselves every day and it's not a problem -- I' okay with seeing fluctuations up and down and stay focused. But just for the sake of knowing I can break myself of this habit and just to see if it makes any difference, I'm going on a "Scale Diet." Effective yesterday, I am committing to only weighing myself once a week (my day is Saturday) until April 1st.

Want to join me?


  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    That's a great idea... I'm going to give this a try... jumping on the scale daily is driving my nuts!! lol

    My day is Saturday as well.
  • lgochya
    lgochya Posts: 39
    I'm in, once a week is all I should be doing also. I hate the fluctuations!! I get them but I don't like em!! Last week I logged 8 hours of exercise and was excellant about eating, and that damn thing didn't budge! SERIOUSLY!!!! Then I wake up this am and sure enough my monthly visitor, which isn't really monthly so I;'m never really sure when!! but totally explains the NON movement!! Good luck!! Keep in touch!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I always do weekly. Monday mornings for me :)
  • yaafee
    yaafee Posts: 274 Member
    I have also decided to stop weighing everyday. Those fluctuations are frustrating to me. I have decided to start slow and do mine twice a week: Wednesday & Saturday mornings.
  • GabrielMaestas
    GabrielMaestas Posts: 88 Member
    Can't do it! Too scared! JK
  • Thank goodness I am not the only one who does this! I weigh myself sometimes twice a day which is terrible! I am going to commit to once a week as well! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I'm in, once a week is all I should be doing also. I hate the fluctuations!! I get them but I don't like em!! Last week I logged 8 hours of exercise and was excellant about eating, and that damn thing didn't budge! SERIOUSLY!!!! Then I wake up this am and sure enough my monthly visitor, which isn't really monthly so I;'m never really sure when!! but totally explains the NON movement!! Good luck!! Keep in touch!!

    LOL. You and are are REALLY in sync! It'll be interesting to see if checking in once a week feels better. Thanks for joining me!
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    I broke myself of the habit when I was logging at another similiar site, once a week, same time, same day, without clothes. It took me about 3 weeks to break the habit, but as the weight slowly crept back I found myself jumping on it any time I ate. Now my scale is in my closet, far away that it is not in my sight. I pull it out once a week and put it back immediately. It still have "cravings" to pull it out, but I have resisted. You can do this and I will continue my efforts to avoid the scale.. I learned to judge my success by the clothing and by the tape measure.

    The Truth about the SCALE:
    The scale doesn't tell you how much fat you have. Your scale does exactly what it's supposed to—it tells you how much you weigh.
    The scale can't tell if you've gained muscle
    You didn't really gain 5 pounds of fat overnight. Your scale is registering water, stored carbohydrates, and food. Also, cheap bathroom scales may have measurement errors
    Your body's water levels are constantly changing.
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in. My days are Mondays. Jumping on the scale daily doesn't do me any good!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Yay! Y'all are fun. Let's see how this goes!!! Now y'all have to promise to confess "cheating" and then jump back onto the "once a week" train! :) LOL
  • danser84
    danser84 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in as well !!! Its not encouraging to step on the scale every morning and see that it hasn't moved lol...once a week would be alot better and than I may actually see some results !!!! I've gotten into the habit of stepping on the scale every day sometimes more than once and analyzing every little ounce !
  • kbairdphillips
    kbairdphillips Posts: 275 Member
    I'm in too, at least I'll try. I weigh myself every day sometimes twice a day. It's and addiction, lol. I only log my weight in on Friday's, so I will try to only step on the scale on Friday mornings.

    Good post!
  • t7mitch
    t7mitch Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a scale junkie! I can't do it!!!! LOL..
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Yes! I was already thinking I shouldn't be checking my weight so often, as I do it in the afternoon after work, and it is always different depending on what I have eaten... I checked on Sunday, so ı will wait until Sunday to check it again, great idea! But I am heading to the gym tonight, it will be hard to not jump on the scales...
  • I NEED to do this. I don't know if I can make it til April 1st, but I'll try. :)

    ETA: I just thought about this, I usually weigh in for my goals on Wednesdays but do challenges that weigh in Monday and Friday?? Maybe I'll start small and only weigh 3x/week lol.
  • I am so in I hope I can do it, my husband says I am obsessed !!! Yeah well I am the fluctuations are killing me though.... So I am going to pick Fridays as my day!!!!! Good luck to everyone who finds this to be challanging
  • I am going to give this a try. I weight myself daily as well.. it drives me nuts. My weigh day is Sunday.. good luck everyone!
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    This was my plan too!!! I want to weigh only once a week so I can actually see a difference at the moment im doing it daily!!!

    Yay im in!!

    :) My weigh day is monday! x
  • YES YES YES, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in, weigh in day for me is Monday!!!!

    Woot Woot, if we an stick to our calories we can go on a scale diet!!!
  • suszieq55
    suszieq55 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in too! My weigh in day is Monday.
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