SBF Reboot Boogaloo!... 1/17



  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    checking in after some time away.....

    rollercoaster of emotions last few weeks...currently on an upswing. Many many many things to do and not everything is getting done. And yet, it just kind of seems normal. I have only recently started logging food again after getting very discouraged a while ago. I'm learning that seeing people on MFP losing weight (seemingly) so fast is making me feel like a failure. I'm avoiding reading MFP forum so I can get a grip. I'm trying to go by feel. Do I feel energetic, happy, are my clothes comfortable. slowing down and trying to have some distance from the judgments in my head.
    The cold in Toronto is not helping at all...we need a break soon.

    thinking of you on your journeys.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    When I read the forums, I felt the same way, SMJ, I only look through the Fitness and Exercise one now - and read very few.

    Good luck finding a new apartment, V.

    After 4.5 hours of yoga yesterday, I felt like I got very little exercise. I taught one class, restorative in another, and seated poses in the third - though I will say my legs are a little sore, workshops will do that.

    Today I'm off to school. We are supposed to wear tight clothes - blah! - I forgot how uncomfortable the tank tops were - they pull on your shoulders and feel like a bad bra. Maybe they're too tight? I can't remember what I weighed when I bought them, but clothes shrink in the closet or at the bottom of a drawer - they've done studies.:wink:

    Oh, I had my first gray hair the other day. I'm waiting for the second one to appear before getting out the bottle.

    Hoping for some standing poses, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I am a contrarian....I have been crunching numbers/having second thoughts about moving all morning. I just don't know if it's the time, financially/professionally. I'm worried that I'm looking for a geographical solution to my discipline/working problems. I sort of came to the conclusion that a very fancy pair of noise-blocking headphones (a few hundred dollars) and an actual daily work schedule of "enforced quiet time" with my husband (free, mostly) could solve many of the same problems that the move (several thousand, all told) would. Sometimes, I do miss the day when my whole life would fit in my car (I lived like this throughout my twenties. After my first marriage exploded, I pretty much sold everything and went camping for a year.) So, we're waffling. We did look at a beautiful mansion of an apartment yesterday, that if we knew we would live here for more than another year, I would move to in a heartbeat. (I'd be packing right now) But, the combination of a third floor walkup and a baby grand piano...intimidating. (if you're wondering, it would most likely involve removing a window and a crane and then replacing said window when the piano was in. Then, next time we moved, repeat the process. .:wink: Seriously.)

    So, today is looking at a ground floor apartment, a much needed massage (postponed from last week when my lady was sick) and then a serious decision-y talk.

    Mary, I had a great many "platinum highlights" by this year, when I finally broke out the dye. I was weird about it, even though I spent much of my twenties with black, purple, blonde, crazy hair. I cannot count the number of "wow, you look nice today." bemused compliments I've gotten since I did it. Best $8.69 I've spent in a while.:laugh:

    Sarah, I am super glad you checked in. I was about to come on a no-pressure stalking trip for you.:tongue: I know what you mean about the boards/life in general. I could tell you "Hey, you don't need to compare yourself to anybody! You're awesome!", which is totally true, but I definitely understand that that is hard to hear. The "let's race, everybody!" mentality is a bit strong here, which is why I love our cozy little group...I think we do tend to focus on the idea of working on ourselves at the pace we determine. I think we're supportive without least I hope we are. :heart:

    That is a heck of a novel for not planning to exercise today.

    heckufavovel, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SMJ, I don't read other threads other than this one because it's also discouraging to me and I get tired of hearing people complaining about or asking about the same things over and over again. Maybe that's mean for me to say. I do once in awhile look at progress pics because I like to see how people have changed when they lose it. Other wise the boards just aren't that encouraging to me.
    Mary, first white hair? Wow. I have had like ten in the last year or so, and I blame the adoption. :wink: I will probably dye my hair when it gets a little more frequent. It seems to have slowed down since our adoption as been on hold. Coincidence?
    V, I know what you mean about moving. I want to move really bad but when it comes down to moving my camaro (which is driveable but not legal) and having to pack everything, I think maybe I can stay here just a little longer. Moving is a big decision. I would love love to be out of this house before bringing another child home, but the only time we could move would be between the court date and bringing the child home (about ten days) or waiting until 6 months or so after the child comes home. :grumble: I just have to pray for mercy and grace to make it until then. Since the rats are gone (I think) then I don't dislike the house as much, so that helped me a lot. Hope you have a good talk and get some decisions made.

    I didn't enjoy my dinner out as much as I had hoped. I didn't feel well yesterday afternoon. I think it was something I ate. So I only had part of my dinner last night, which was a good thing. It made me SO thirsty though that I was dreaming of drinking water and not getting enough. :laugh: I apparently had too much sodium. Lots of water drinking today!
    Suppose to have dinner with friends tonight again. :sick: I like eating out but as of late I really don't want to. I think I am just tired of food in general. Nothing sounds good. Maybe it's just from not feeling well for so long. Other plans are to get on the TM and jog again today. I did manage girly push ups the other day and my muscles are still sore from that. I will try to do them again today. I guess that's it. :smile:

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, owning a non-street legal car you'd have to move sounds exactly like the piano...I love that piano (and the guy who plays it) beyond words...but I wish it could magically transport itself whenever we move...
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Here in SA. Hotel is better this time. I did the treadmill last night and will again shortly this morning. I had Thai food last night and had a hankering for fruit and/or dessert. I got two oranges and some very dark chocolate from a grocery store, the oranges were sweeter than the chocolate and really hit the spot.
    Today is the last day of breathing exercises - I will be grateful when it's over. Actually, I'll also be fateful when this whole training is over.

    Don't like controlling the breath, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    It's officially too cold to go outside. (-4 F, before windchill) I'm taking a day to clean the apartment instead of workout. The cocooning urge, I have it.

    Yesterday (you may have seen this on FB) I cancelled one of my gyms. I hadn't gone, or had a real desire to go for three weeks. I will miss the access to cardio equipment, but it was too expensive to justify and the classes were always too crowded with snotty women. My other gym (where I had been doing drop-in classes) now has an unlimited for x dollars, and has doubled the amount of classes they offer (and I like the people and the teachers more). I'm still in "changing things I can" mode. But, we decided not to move. I sat down and did some brutal arithmetic and figured out what the move would cost (actual expenses of moving) and then how much the extra rent would be over the course of the year. It was just cutting it too close. Now the struggle is to find a living compromise (yesterday my beloved uttered the unfathomable phrase "well, empty space is just wasted space." to which I replied ":noway: ") My ideal living situation would be as empty as possible. I love nothing more than a clear flat surface/ empty patch of flooring.

    cocooning, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member

    Not a lot to report here. I am still feeling bad, so I have taken this weekend to rest. I am at the point of wanting to scream or cry from feeling bad for so long. Mary, I don't know how you've put up with a cough for over six months. I guess when we're sick we really don't have much of a choice, huh? It's messing with my sinuses again so I hope it's not trying to turn into an infection again. Alex isn't feeling well (although you can't tell other than a messy nose and a little coughing), so it's getting a little old.
    I will try to get back to working out tomorrow. I want to start jogging again so that will be my goal: 3x this week. I will have to start at the beginning but I will start. I am also going to get back to push ups, wrist pain or not, and see how I do.
    We have been running errands this weekend, so that's been my exercise. We may go do some more in a bit. I have been wanting tall boots with a heel for several years. I think I found some that I like and I think they might be on sale for $27! I hope they are. I get excited about the little things. :)

    Enjoying small things boogaloo!
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