Is your food diary public or private?



  • skynyrdchick
    I decided to make mine friend's only. For me it helps motivate me to try and eat what I should be eating. I am honest though and if I eat something bad, I add it. Not going to cheat myself because of what someone else might think :o)
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    Go with what works best for you. I'm getting back into logging after Christmas and so far stay under cals. I log everything I eat, despite what it is, if people want to comment then that's great/ helpful. I don't make comments about other people's food choices though. I have a day off once a week so that I can have a 'cheat' day. For example, this Friday I'm having a Chinese take out for someone's birthday, so I'm not going to stress out about logging on that day! Public accessibility makes you more responsible for your food choices. I know if I kept mine private I'd probably not be as truthful to myself, but that's just me! Best of luck ;-)
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Mine is've got to be honest with yourself if you can't do that then public or private its not going to work. :) Just my opinion.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    I just updated mine to be public to friends only. I like to view other's diaries, not to critique or criticize, but rather to gather different ideas for things to eat. I always input what I eat, and have since I started. No shame.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Mine is public, I really couldn't care less who sees that I have popcorn for dinner sometimes or that I often eat the same breakfast for weeks on end (hellooo soft boiled eggs)

    its probably looks strange when I log in stuff that I eat while I'm baking because I log the high fat stuff. My snacks will be a tbsp of chocolate mousse, tablespoon of whipped cream, tsp of icing etc.

    It never occurred to me to care about what other people thought, as long as I lose weight
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Public to my friends only
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I have almost anything and everything on the web private. I work in the legal field and you'd be amazed what I can find people having said and done online. Example - you add alcoholic beverage daily - I can turn you into an alcoholic in a court case because of that information. You not making healthy choices for yourself, I can make you look like a bad parent. You log too much exercise, I'm going to say you aren't spending enough time with your kids. I also look at your friends, and see what their activities are like.

    Bad Idea to have anything public on the web.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I have mine public to friends only, I don't care who sees what I eat. I like having friends who share theirs as well so I can get ideas for meals. I also would have no problem logging junk food, either, though. I've never had a desire to lie on my food log, it would only hurt me in the end!
  • CarolHudson11
    Mine is open to friends only I believe. I don't care if people see what I each, and if I have a bad day, so be it. But then again, I don't give two sh*ts what people think about me anyway haha.

    I'm with her ^. Mine is public to my friends, but not to everyone. I like it because I get great ideas from other people. And I'd like to think they get a few from me, as well. And I find I'm more honest if others are looking - and I get great feedback if I've had a bad day. :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I have almost anything and everything on the web private. I work in the legal field and you'd be amazed what I can find people having said and done online. Example - you add alcoholic beverage daily - I can turn you into an alcoholic in a court case because of that information. You not making healthy choices for yourself, I can make you look like a bad parent. You log too much exercise, I'm going to say you aren't spending enough time with your kids. I also look at your friends, and see what their activities are like.

    Bad Idea to have anything public on the web.
    Hey, dude, you're scary! But my diary is private just on GPs as well. It's disturbing how much information is out there about us already. . . and I'm not all that certain that somebody that really really really wanted to know couldn't crack this site too--if they were trying to find dirt on someone. . And besides, I feel that if I'm not honest about my food to myself, who the hell CAN I be honest with it about? It's my fat *kitten*--not everybody else's--that I'm here for.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    My food diary is open to my friends only. I am just completely honest. It doesn't matter what kind of day I have I am honest. My friends on here are the greatest and they have all had bad does as well. So, they encourage me to do better the next day if I have a bad day and they congratulate me if I've had a good day! Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy!
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Mine is public and I am honest about my food choices and exercise. I feel like if I am not honest with myself and others, I can never truly change. So, read my food diary. Let me know when you think I have done well, suggest things that will help me do better, but always encourage me to do better. That is why I am here. I want to do better. I will do better.
  • nvkatie78
    I Leave mine private-- I feel I will eat what I like within my calories (for the most part). I don't care to know what people eat-- I think that's a private thing. I figure if we are all losing weight then we all must be doing something right anyway.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I have almost anything and everything on the web private. I work in the legal field and you'd be amazed what I can find people having said and done online. Example - you add alcoholic beverage daily - I can turn you into an alcoholic in a court case because of that information. You not making healthy choices for yourself, I can make you look like a bad parent. You log too much exercise, I'm going to say you aren't spending enough time with your kids. I also look at your friends, and see what their activities are like.

    Bad Idea to have anything public on the web.

    If you sincerely feel this way, any social networking site is not going to work for you. I have nothing to hide on my Fitness and Weight Loss journey. I have been motivated by so many wonderful, sincere people on MFP. I have been told that I have motivated others. I am happy to share my success and my challenges.

    Like anything in life: use your best judgment before you say/write anything.

    Good luck to you in reaching your goals.
  • bowserette
    bowserette Posts: 36 Member
    I think it really depends on your personality and what you're looking for in this site. I have no interest in others critiquing my food choices -- I'm focusing mainly on calories right now, and gradually trying to introduce more healthy foods into my diet. But sometimes I'm completely full one day yet still need more calories, so I'll go ahead and have that piece of chocolate. I don't need others criticizing my choices when there are different factors involved. I'm pretty self-disciplined so I'm not going to cheat just because people can't see.

    However, I know there are those out there who are really looking for guidance in healthy eating, and if that works for them, that's great. If keeping an open diary keeps you accountable, then by all means, do it. I don't think either way is necessarily "better," but there may be a way that is "better for you."
  • Mine is public. That was the one of my prime motivators for joining this site. I'm fine with being honest except when I "complete" it and then get really hungry and go back to eat more. I'm comfortable with eating junk - I just hate going over my calories. I am very interested to see what people who successfully lose weight eat.

    People generally don't criticize, in my experience. But you know they're watching hehehehe.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I keep mine public mostly because I'm comfortable with my choices and I really don't care if people want to judge me one way or another. Also, it drives me crazy when a person starts a thread asking for help, why haven't they lost weight, what are they doing wrong etc... and I go to view their diary to try to help and it's private.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Mine is public, but I know the only person I have to answer to is myself. I made it public because I found myself looking at what others ate out of curiosity, or looking for ideas and inspiration. I felt like if I'm gonna look, mine should be open too. If people criticize my diary without me asking for input, I ignore it
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Mine's public. I don't care if anybody thinks poorly of me because of what I eat, and I appreciate the openness when other people share as well :)
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Mine is public and I put every little thing I eat/drink in mine. I don't really care if someone wants to scrutinize my food diary because I think I do pretty dang good!! I just like looking at everyone's to get ideas I normally wouldn't have had :)