SAHM 1/17 to 1/23



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Welcome to any newcomers! ( I can't remember who is new and who is not so very sorry!)

    krisl~That is awesome that you ran in the snow! I personally couldn't bring myself to do that one. I often see people out running in the winter here but for me I can't bring myself to go out when it is that cold. I know you warm up after you get going but it is the waiting until then that would get me.

    fouchou09~traveling with lil ones is so very hard! I hope that he adjusts quickly to your sister's house. The worse part of traveling with lil ones for me is the drive. :grumble:

    mcurtis~Sounds like a good plan. Take healthy snacks and leave the cash at home!

    ajweekley~Don't forget turn on some music while your doing housework it will get you moving quicker and then in turn burn some more of those pesky calories. Lately I have been turning the music on and dancing with my lil guys. Talk about a workout holding that much weight will you dance around.

    Nicole~By the sounds of it we are around the same weight. I am currently 154 but did get down to 152. I really can't wait until I am 140 (that is when I will be in the "healthy" range for my height).

    I weighed and measured today. Although I did not change on the scale I lost 3/4" off my hips and I am excited about that one. :bigsmile: I worked out this morning for 20 min burned 243 calories. I got in all my exercise for the week bring on the two rest days I am ready for them. Although I may do something tomorrow to be a workout buddy for a friend that is wanting to exercise. For the week I have passed my goal for minutes and calories burned. My minutes/goal 243/200, calories burned/goal 2381/1140. :love: I could not have done this with out the push from Stacey (thank you Stacey) and the support from all of you ladies, Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    you're so sweet! glad that it helped you have a week of success! it goes both ways, y'know. i haven't exercised yet today but am seriously considering when the kids go to bed. i'll keep you posted.
    exer already scheduled for tomorrow and sunday.
  • emilillymom
    I am a SAHM to two wonderful little girls. I've had problems losing the baby weight and my youngest is 21/2. Last year, my hubby got me a treadmill for our anniversary and I was able to lose 20 pounds in a year. I am looking for motivation to lose the last 40 pounds. i am emotional eater and its hard being 2000 miles away from my family. Currently from the PNW and live in Pa now due to my hubby job. Looking to meet others moms who can help motivate me.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome em! we have other pnw's and pa'ers on here. :)

    gotta do some paperwork. dd1 is taking tests tomorrow am for a private school's admission process. i think i just want to send her to the local public middle school in the fall, but want to keep options open. so there is this private school and also a magnet school for the arts, incl visual arts. we'll see....

    congrats on all for the hard work this week. hope the weekend brings more success!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    So I finally got to try the zumba cardio party, love, love it......its great for when i cant make it to my Zumba class or when I cant get outside and definately made me sweat! Got about an hour of snow shoveling in yesterday it was a good calorie burn day.

    Welcome Emili......i live in PA.....glad to have you join this group! are doin great! I know how hard it is when hubby is gone with a bunch of little ones.....keep up the good work

    stacey.....let us know how dd makes out on her test.....we wish her well

    barb....keep pushing toward that can do it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome Em! I used to live in PA, near Philly, but we moved to Nebraska this summer. It's hard being so far from family. It helped me to find a playgroup/moms' group to have a local support system. I hope you can find some people near you that you like!

    Stacey, good luck with the paperwork! It's nice to have those options. :)

    Kris, that DVD sounds fun!

    I am bumming this morning. Last night we had a dinner catastrophe so I asked my husband to bring dinner home. I had my meal all planned out to stay within my limit, and waited for him to text me that he was coming home so I could tell him what I wanted. He didn't, and decided instead to bring home DQ because it's my favorite and I had a rough day. But I didn't check the calories, so after I ate it I found out it put me like 900-some calories over my limit. :( I'm not stressing too much, but it's frustrating. Now I know what to avoid. That one meal was more than my entire limit for the day! But today's a new day, so I'll just stay on track better today. And I already told him that while I appreciated the thought, no more surprise food. It's dangerous! :laugh:
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Hi ladies,

    I'm still here I just sort of had to take some time to straighten myself out but I'm feeling motivated and ready to get this journey started. I have been pre planning my meals and staying within my cal limit. I also plan to start exercising next week. I stepped on the scale this am and lost 3.2lbs so I'm pretty happy with that.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm still here I just sort of had to take some time to straighten myself out but I'm feeling motivated and ready to get this journey started. I have been pre planning my meals and staying within my cal limit. I also plan to start exercising next week. I stepped on the scale this am and lost 3.2lbs so I'm pretty happy with that.

    Woo hoo! That's great progress! :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~How have you been doing on the exercise this week? Good job on scheduling it for today and Sunday.

    Welcome Em! I think that you have a new nickname. :wink: :laugh:

    Kris~That sounds like a fun dvd. I am going to have to check into getting a Zumba dvd.

    Aj~I know how you feel about the whole eating out thing. The hubby and I went out last night and we ended up not able to go to our "normal" place because they had already closed. So we ended up at Del Taco and some 715 calories in one meal and 1650 sodium. :sick: :grumble:

    Veronica~Good job on the loss!

    Out to have a "girls afternoon" with some friends.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    I just had to share real quick. I am SO excited!!! :happy:

    Did my measurements this morning...
    after 2 weeks of doing Slim in 6 I lost 1 1/2" on my waist (at belly button), 2" on what I call my post-baby belly (about 3" below belly button), 1" on my hips, about 1/2" on each thigh, and about 1/2" on each arm.
    Wow is that even really possible!?! I had to remeasure more than once, haha! Plus I got into & zipped the pair of pants I was wearing when I got pregnant, crazy!!
    Even though I still have 10lbs to get to pre-pregnancy weight I am so happy to see this change. Makes me even more pumped to keep going for the next 4 weeks to see what happens!!
  • emilillymom
    So proud that I was able to get all my working out done today. I have been able to a week a 30 DS and I feel great. Plus jumping on the treadmill for a quick walk. During the week, its so hard for me to get my workouts in. My hubby is working night shift right now so I am trying to let me sleep, get my oldest to preschool(e), potty train my youngest(L) so i need lots of motivation.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Christi Great job it's so nice to see those measurements go down and to fit into clothes that you haven't worn in a while

    We went out to eat tonight with my fil and we went to friendly's. I already knew what I was getting because I looked up their nutrition facts yesterday and they have a new promotion of healthier meals all under 555 cals so I was able to eat out with family get something that tasted really good and still be well within my cal goal.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yay Christi, that's awesome!

    Em, go you! Keep up that momentum.

    Veronica, good for you for planning ahead!

    Today I am frustrated, not because of what I ate, but because I can't get any kind of consistent answers as far as how many calories are in the recipe I made. Nobody seems to know how many calories are in a raw, boneless, skinless chicken breast. All the numbers I find are wildly different, and then I saw somebody post a recipe on the forums here and said that the finished recipe was 80 cals per breast, which is so much lower than any of the numbers I found. So I have no idea how many calories I had for dinner, and I'm irritated. I know it's not a huge deal, it's just one meal and it's a healthy one, but still, it's frustrating. How can I count calories when I can't find ANY kind of consistency anywhere on the net? Urg. Does anybody know of a reliable place to find out things like that, a site that doesn't rely on user-submitted numbers? /end rant But otherwise, I did fairly well staying within my goals. I hope the number I ended up choosing for my chicken breast was right, because if it is, then I was under my goal for the day even with eating McD's for lunch.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Christi~Great job on the loss!

    Aj~Doesn't the package for the chicken have the nutritional info on it? That would be the best place to look for it but if it doesn't then I am not sure where you would go. There is this website that I have used for some of my recipes (when I haven't known the nutrition info) Good luck.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Aj~Doesn't the package for the chicken have the nutritional info on it? That would be the best place to look for it but if it doesn't then I am not sure where you would go. There is this website that I have used for some of my recipes (when I haven't known the nutrition info) Good luck.

    Store-brand meat department. I don't think it had that info on it. I'm going to talk to the butcher next time I see him and ask him about it.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Aj~Doesn't the package for the chicken have the nutritional info on it? That would be the best place to look for it but if it doesn't then I am not sure where you would go. There is this website that I have used for some of my recipes (when I haven't known the nutrition info) Good luck.

    Store-brand meat department. I don't think it had that info on it. I'm going to talk to the butcher next time I see him and ask him about it.

    We buy the store brand individual portioned chicken (only because it's hormone free and I want that for my daughter) and it's a uniform calorie amount, but I think even the packaged store brand has a calorie count for a 4 oz serving. You might just have to weigh the chicken.

    I lost 2.2 lbs this week and worked out every day Mon-Sat! It has been a challenging weekend - we went out to dinner Friday and I was over 300 cals and yesterday was girls night (wine and fondue). But with a last minute workout I managed to stay in check. I hope the junk doesn't set me back! Congrats to everyone else on great results. Sounds like it was a good week!
  • emilillymom
    Has anyone else done 30 day shred? I am excited that after a week, I am starting to notice my baby pooch go down a little. I know that I have a long way to go with that. I am starting the C25K program over again, I have been trying to decide if I want to do the Race for the Cure 5k this may here in pa. We went out yesterday and for once I was able to keep my calories in check. Might have gone over a little today with it being playoff weekend. Don't think this week will have much of a change. I am starting to notice some water retention. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Has anyone else done 30 day shred? I am excited that after a week, I am starting to notice my baby pooch go down a little. I know that I have a long way to go with that. I am starting the C25K program over again, I have been trying to decide if I want to do the Race for the Cure 5k this may here in pa. We went out yesterday and for once I was able to keep my calories in check. Might have gone over a little today with it being playoff weekend. Don't think this week will have much of a change. I am starting to notice some water retention. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    I'm doing it right now, I'm on day 11.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Wildcatmom, yay you for working out to get rid of those extra cals! That's awesome. Thanks for the tip on the chicken, although our store is small and I don't think they have single portions like you're describing. I'd have to pay more for Tyson. I'll just ask the butcher.

    Em, yay for a smaller baby pooch! I'm hoping to reach that goal myself, although even when I was underweight I always had a little pooch, so... :) Good for you for keeping your calories in check.

    I was concerned about today because I didn't get much sleep -- the kids were tag-teaming me with bad dreams, and my oldest fell out of bed and even though she woke up, she just laid there whining until I came to help her. She just didn't feel like doing it herself, she said. Blargh. Normally when we have a night like that, I reach for the chocolate and sugary drinks, but today, I DIDN'T! I was really hungry this morning though because I was so tired, but even with that, I'm going to have no problem staying under my calories today. Woot! I even did some Wii Fit while hubby went out and shoveled snow. Before MFP, today would have been a mess of sugary snacks and lazing around on the couch. I told my mom this morning that even if I don't lose weight, I'm happy because I've been feeling so much better, just from keeping an eye on what I'm eating, making sure I'm getting the protein I need and keeping my carbs in check. It feels good. :)