What are some of the things/habits/feelings you will NOT mis



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I will not miss:
    * going to sleep at night with an that uncomfortable "I gorged myself" feeling;
    *when I buy clothes, checking to see if there is enough seam allowance to let it out "just in case" I get bigger;
    * making a point to consciously pulling down the back of my shirt/ sweater every time I stand up because I know that it has crept up and is now bunched up around my BIG FAT *kitten*
    * hearing my mother say, "well dear, be thankful that at least you've always had a pretty face"
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    - I will not miss the total exhaustion...always wanting to sleep
    - I will not miss not playing outside with the kids because I knew I couldn't keep up
    - I will not miss wondering if my husband is disgusted by my fat
    - I will not miss seeing old friends and them looking at me like "man she let herself go"
    - I will not miss going to the plus sizes in stores and seeing a bunch of elastic waist pants, floral shirts, and dresses cut like boxes
    - I will not miss my boobs popping out my bras
    - I will not miss my thighs rubbing the inside of my jeans till there are holes ripping in them
    - I will not miss any of the above crap and all the things you all have mentioned :indifferent:
  • boxerlovers
    I love this!

    I will not miss hating having my picture taken. I can't wait until the day I'm fighting to be in the front row looking HOT! :)
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I will NOT miss being told I look like I am pregnant again or being asked if I am pregnant again.

    Also, my husband use to pick me up all the time and he enjoyed it. After 2 kids and gaining 100lbs, I stopped letting him because I didn't want to hurt him. I will not miss that feeling AT ALL.
  • boxerlovers
    Boy do I agree with this one!
  • helenamonks
    I will not miss:

    -People telling me how cute something was at the Avenue/Lane Bryant
    -Hating taking pics because of how fat I look when they come out
    -Having no pics of me with my husband (seriously we only have our wedding pics)
    -Being absolutely winded by a slight jog
    -I dont miss fast food and wont be eating it again.
    -not being able to wear jeans b/c of my funky shape
    -not being able to shop in department chains
    -looking like a tard tard in lingerie
    -feeling like a whale ALL THE TIME
    -being associated with *a fat chick*
    -looking at those really really obese people at walmart and wondering if thatd be me next year
    -back cleavage, arm cleavage, lovehandle cleavage, bulge every where
    -not fitting into my fat clothes
    -not fitting into ANY clothes
    -wearing sweats and PJs

    I will be wearing short shorts summer of 2012 and they will look effing hot on me!!!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Not being able to fit in a movie theatre seat.
    Using a scooter at Walmmart because its too much walking.
    Seeing doctors 2-3 times a week for 2 years because my health got so bad (& the 15 medications I was on).
  • ktmunchie
    I second that!! There is NOTHING worse for me that being asked when my babies due when I'm not prego!
  • Izzygirl1985
    Holy cow...reading all these make me realize just how much being an unhealthy weight affects us all. This really does motivate me to want to change. I hope you all feel the same too. I LOVE YOU ALL AND WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I will Not miss...

    -Not fitting/squeezing into a seat at a theatre or worrying about overflowing into the seat next to me
    -On that same subject, I won't miss not being able to sit in a booth if we go to a restaurant and wondering when I sit in chairs, if I might be heavy enough to break them
    -Having to buy all my clothes at Lane Bryant. Don't get me wrong, I actually really like most of the clothes there (guess I'm an old 26 year old...lol) because I'm def not a flashy person or anything, but I would LOVE to be able to just walk into Wal Mart or something and grab anything under a size 16!
    -Not being able to wear shorts or capris because I have cankles and they're just gross
    -Always feeling like and being the fattest person in the room
    -Bumping into/brushing up against EVERYTHING when I try to "squeeze" through a small aisle or area.
    -Wondering anymore what my life would be like, if I'd finally done things right and lost weight.
    -The fact I miss out on so many active things I want to do, because I can't go do them. I can't do a 2 mile hike up the some of the lakes in the mountains I want to go take photos of...but I WILL someday!
    -People treating me differently, like I'm lazy, etc....because I'm fat.
    -I won't miss knowing how worried my dad would be that I was so heavy and unhealthy....
    -My thighs rubbing together and wearing allllll my pants on the inner thighs
    -Being unhealthy and hindering myself from living my life
    -Having to literally grab my leg and pull it onto my other knee, to get my socks on. ='(
    - Taking any photos of myself/face, and doing that "fat person" face angle where you aim the camera down and point your chin down or tilt your head. lol
  • t1981
    t1981 Posts: 54 Member
    -not being able to cross my legs.
    -being the 'fat sister' (I have 4 beautiful
    and thin sisters).
    - 'sucking in' whenever someone takes out a
    camera, or if I'm standing next to someone smaller
    than me.

    Great and inspiring post... I loved reading them all!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Not what you are looking for, but:

    I will not miss my grand daughters growing up.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I will not miss losing my favourite pair of jeans just because my chubby thighs have ripped a hole right through them!!!
    ...this has happened SEVERAL times! :cry:

    I will not miss constantly worrying if my pants are going to split at the crotch at an inopportune moment! :angry:

    I will not miss having to buy larger size pants to accommodate my giant THIGHS, but then having it miles too big along my waist :ohwell: