Looking for other P90 Support



  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    I just started a thread on this without realizing one has already been started.

    P90 is completely kicking my butt, and today will only be on day 3.

    So I'll ask my question here... I am super sore, so should I wait a day and let my muscles rest or just keep at it?
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I see you found the thread already!
    Your muscles will definitely be sore for a couple of days, but that should go away fairly quickly. My soreness only lasted a couple of days. Listen to your body, and just make sure you don't overdo the workout. Take breaks during the workout if you need them, even if they are only 20-30 seconds.

    It will be tough for a bit, but I've already made some progress in a relatively short time, so I'm sure you will, too

    Lot of folks with good information in this thread.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Great job today Nigel and Reebs!

    Crys30, I would keep at it if I were you. Once you start moving, your muscles will loosen up and the soreness will start to fade. Also make sure to get plenty of protein, especially right after you work out. It repairs the muscle tissue and definitely helps with the soreness. I recommend a whey protein powder if you're not already using it, in addition to high protein foods like eggs/egg whites, beans, chicken/turkey, fish, milk/yogurt, etc.

    I completed day 4 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 this morning, and I felt stronger than last time. Got through the first half a little easier, and once again the kicks and punches felt fantastic. My form was a little better for the power yoga and for the abs, so I feel like I'm making progress... Not to mention the 594 calories my Polar said I burned!!

    Pumped for another Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!

  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Wow - that's a great burn, mwm. Keep it up.
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    Great job today Nigel and Reebs!

    Crys30, I would keep at it if I were you. Once you start moving, your muscles will loosen up and the soreness will start to fade. Also make sure to get plenty of protein, especially right after you work out. It repairs the muscle tissue and definitely helps with the soreness. I recommend a whey protein powder if you're not already using it, in addition to high protein foods like eggs/egg whites, beans, chicken/turkey, fish, milk/yogurt, etc.

    I completed day 4 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 this morning, and I felt stronger than last time. Got through the first half a little easier, and once again the kicks and punches felt fantastic. My form was a little better for the power yoga and for the abs, so I feel like I'm making progress... Not to mention the 594 calories my Polar said I burned!!

    Pumped for another Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!


    Should I do a protein powder as like a meal replacement, or after my exercise? I'm doing 1200 calories a day if you need to know that.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Great job today Nigel and Reebs!

    Crys30, I would keep at it if I were you. Once you start moving, your muscles will loosen up and the soreness will start to fade. Also make sure to get plenty of protein, especially right after you work out. It repairs the muscle tissue and definitely helps with the soreness. I recommend a whey protein powder if you're not already using it, in addition to high protein foods like eggs/egg whites, beans, chicken/turkey, fish, milk/yogurt, etc.

    I completed day 4 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 this morning, and I felt stronger than last time. Got through the first half a little easier, and once again the kicks and punches felt fantastic. My form was a little better for the power yoga and for the abs, so I feel like I'm making progress... Not to mention the 594 calories my Polar said I burned!!

    Pumped for another Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!


    Should I do a protein powder as like a meal replacement, or after my exercise? I'm doing 1200 calories a day if you need to know that.

    If you are looking to lose weight that I recommend a meal replacement shake as well as a recovery shake after your work out.
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    Great job today Nigel and Reebs!

    Crys30, I would keep at it if I were you. Once you start moving, your muscles will loosen up and the soreness will start to fade. Also make sure to get plenty of protein, especially right after you work out. It repairs the muscle tissue and definitely helps with the soreness. I recommend a whey protein powder if you're not already using it, in addition to high protein foods like eggs/egg whites, beans, chicken/turkey, fish, milk/yogurt, etc.

    I completed day 4 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 this morning, and I felt stronger than last time. Got through the first half a little easier, and once again the kicks and punches felt fantastic. My form was a little better for the power yoga and for the abs, so I feel like I'm making progress... Not to mention the 594 calories my Polar said I burned!!

    Pumped for another Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!


    Should I do a protein powder as like a meal replacement, or after my exercise? I'm doing 1200 calories a day if you need to know that.

    If you are looking to lose weight that I recommend a meal replacement shake as well as a recovery shake after your work out.

    What kind of meal replacement shake do you recommend?
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I have the WORST balance and bad form with the leg kicks...Anyone else feel like they are falling all the time?

    I was thinking about his during Sweat today. You should probably try to kick lower and also try to slow down a bit and focus on form.

    Pretty much what I was going to say...kick lower. Don't worry about keeping in time with them on the DVD, worry more about your form and balance. It will get easier.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Great job today Nigel and Reebs!

    Crys30, I would keep at it if I were you. Once you start moving, your muscles will loosen up and the soreness will start to fade. Also make sure to get plenty of protein, especially right after you work out. It repairs the muscle tissue and definitely helps with the soreness. I recommend a whey protein powder if you're not already using it, in addition to high protein foods like eggs/egg whites, beans, chicken/turkey, fish, milk/yogurt, etc.

    I completed day 4 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 this morning, and I felt stronger than last time. Got through the first half a little easier, and once again the kicks and punches felt fantastic. My form was a little better for the power yoga and for the abs, so I feel like I'm making progress... Not to mention the 594 calories my Polar said I burned!!

    Pumped for another Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!


    Should I do a protein powder as like a meal replacement, or after my exercise? I'm doing 1200 calories a day if you need to know that.

    Personally, I use a natural whey protein powder (Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey) just mixed with water or lowfat milk immediately after each workout. The scoop of powder has 24g of protein, but only 130 calories, so it doesn't replace a meal for me, it's basically just part of my breakfast. Between the powder, plus my morning eggs and/or egg whites and milk, I sometimes have 50-60g of protein by the time I finish breakfast...
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    What does everyone do for exercise on their "rest" day? I can't survive on my daily net cals without getting to eat some exercise calories. I just get too hungry. Last week I went for a short walk. I will try that again this week. BUT there is snow and ice everywhere and it's freezing out. I suppose I could actually head to the gym for a bit and walk there.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    What does everyone do for exercise on their "rest" day? I can't survive on my daily net cals without getting to eat some exercise calories. I just get too hungry. Last week I went for a short walk. I will try that again this week. BUT there is snow and ice everywhere and it's freezing out. I suppose I could actually head to the gym for a bit and walk there.

    If I do anything, I might do the treadmill, but usually I "rest".
    My feeling is if I'm under most of the week, being a little over (as long as its healthy) isn't a big deal for me.
    Plus my "rest" day is my weigh-in day, so I have another 7 days to work off anything extra I eat.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    What does everyone do for exercise on their "rest" day? I can't survive on my daily net cals without getting to eat some exercise calories. I just get too hungry. Last week I went for a short walk. I will try that again this week. BUT there is snow and ice everywhere and it's freezing out. I suppose I could actually head to the gym for a bit and walk there.

    If I do anything, it's usually centered around stretching or yoga.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    What does everyone do for exercise on their "rest" day? I can't survive on my daily net cals without getting to eat some exercise calories. I just get too hungry. Last week I went for a short walk. I will try that again this week. BUT there is snow and ice everywhere and it's freezing out. I suppose I could actually head to the gym for a bit and walk there.

    I don't do anything. My weigh-in day is the day after my rest day and from my experience is normally the most accurate way for ME to check my weight.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Congrats to all on their progress! Welcome to the new folks!

    As to soreness, I also say just push through. It'll fade within a few days. Just make sure it's really just soreness and not actual pain.

    As to post workout drinks, I use the P90X Results and Recovery Formula. It feels like it does more for me than the whey protein or creatine drinks that I had been using previously.

    On rest days I rest though that's the night I stock shelves at the grocery store so perhaps I do a little exercise lifting boxes and walking around the store.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I survived another week of 5 am. Now I just have to get up at 6 am tomorrow to complete my week. Today was Sweat 1-2. I think next week for cardio I am going to do the FBE. I would like to get my hr a little higher for my cardio. Today is my official weigh-in day, but I cheated and got on the scale yesterday. Weighed the exact same, so I doubt today will be any different.
    I hope everyone has a great Friday and great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I felt strong doing Sculpt 1-2 this morning, and it was a great feeling! I pushed to 15 reps of every dumbbell exercise, and also did 12 normal pushups, 12 wide pushups, and a full 7-7-7 for the first time! Although the narrow 7 and last regular 7 were still from the knees, I think it was an accomplishment! All my other pushups are from the toes now... I also did 8 modified chair dips, so I'm improving there too!

    Day 5 complete! Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper tomorrow morning to complete my first week!!!

    Thanks for all your support guys (and gals) and have a great workout today!

  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Today is my rest day. Though I will be jumping on the treadmill tonight for a few mile run...

    What I am most proud of lately is, I have finally mastered the rhythm of the bicycle crunches in the ab ripper...THEY ARE TOUGH!! But I've got the hang of it and can keep up with the people in the DVD...

    Woo HOO!!!!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Today is my rest day...I am going to do exactly that! I weigh-in tomorrow and I doubt I will see a loss but I will entertain myself anyway......Enjoy your workouts
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I keep forgetting to check this thread so I apologize if this has been asked already. I just completed day 19. I am having to increase my weights every week. I am doing extra push ups every time. I think I am ready to move up to phase 3-4 circuit. But I am no where near ready to move up to phase 3-4 cardio. For those of you who have moved on, did you move up with at the same time with cardio & circuit or is it ok to stay at phase 1-2 with one for awhile longer?

    Edited to add---I am loving P90!!!! I lost 7.5 inches the first week. Forgot to measure last week. Measured today for the last 2 weeks & have lost another 13.25 inches. That is 20.75 inches in 3 weeks! I do Zumba 2-3 days a week & I've been walking/jogging some but the inches didn't start coming off this fast until I started P90.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Mike and Polar, you two are kickin' butt! Way to go :)

    CCJ- It's perfectly fine to move up to 3-4 on one disc and stay at 1-2 on the other. That's the beauty of this thing, you go at your own pace :)

    Reebs- I did the FBE the other night to see what my burn was and it was less than I get during Sweat though it felt like I worked harder. I dunno...

    Keep up the great work everyone!