Happy 1 Year Anniversary on MFP to me!



  • Loribell23
    Congratulations!!!!!!! You look amazing!
  • amcteague
    Congrats to you! I just started MFP a few weeks ago and hope to be successful. I am trying to make life changes for cleaner eating. I have 20lbs to lose and it is sooo hard! I hope to have it gone in about 4 months.
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    AMAZING!!! Way to go!! You look GREAT!!
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    WOW!!! Happy Anniversary and you look awesome!!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    that is amazing happy 1st year
  • purplespeckle
    Happy 1 Year Anniversary on MFP to me! Jan 18, 2010 – Jan 18, 2011

    Wow, can’t believe it’s been one year today since I started on this life changing journey.
    In the past year, my daughter has graduated from college and is now working in Radiology at a hospital along with taking another semester for additional certifications, SO proud of her! Hubby and I are getting along just as well as ever. He is the love of my life and I’m in it for life . . . We took a trip to London for 10 days. I started exercising with Zumba classes three times per week.


    I have lost 106 lbs
    I have gone from a size 22W to a size 8, (getting too big for me)
    I have lost a total of 43.5 inches
    I no longer have high blood pressure
    I no longer have high cholesterol
    I no longer take prescribed medications
    I no longer have Sleep Apnea, no more CPAP

    I hope I can encourage at least one person. Believe me, I have been in battle with my weight since as far as I can remember. If I am able to stick to this and loose over 100 lbs in one year, you can too. It has not been easy, but in all actuality it has been easier than I thought it would be. Nothing else has worked, diets don’t work we all know that. I did not give carbs up, I did not give sweets up, I did not give cokes or coffee up. I substituted for healthier choices, what I consider healther. I am a carb addict so no subbing there. I have always drank diet drinks, and I have always drank decaf. I made better choices on my sweets, but still splurged every now and then. If I were to of deprived myself from any of these items, or anything else for that matter, I would of given up a long time ago. How bad do I want to burn those extra 240 calories for that snickers bar? Would I rather have a bigger serving of a healthier choice or remain hungry by having a smaller serving of higher calorie item? You need to stop and think before you put it in your mouth.

    I am loving shopping in the Misses section instead of the plus sizes. I am loving the way clothes fit me, although I lost almost all my “cleavage”. I can live with that, not all women are well endowed right. I look around to see if there is anyone I know when before I would not hardly even look up. I have not “advertised” my life changing journey outside MFP. Only my work, some family members and some neighbors were aware because they would see me every now and then. And of course my Zumba gals, because as of April they see me 3 times per week. I have a facebook account and I have yet to speak of this there. I am planning on “coming out” today also for my 1 yr anniversary. Odd, you’d think I’d be shouting it off the roof of my house!

    Choices, will (lots and lots of will power) and accountability, nothing else to it.

    Before and after pictures up to Dec 17th, one month ago.Weightloss2011-2.jpg

    this is very inspiring...great job!!!
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    You absolutely look drop dead gorgeous. Other than Zumba, please share other exercise routines that helped in your success. Love to hear what toned your arms, this has always been a struggle for me. Did you mention your height?
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    You absolutely look drop dead gorgeous. Other than Zumba, please share other exercise routines that helped in your success. Love to hear what toned your arms, this has always been a struggle for me. Did you mention your height?

    I am 5'3" and all the exercise I've done is Zumba. When I first started last January, I would go for walks, but didn't like the alone time. I started Zumba in April and that is all the exercise I've done. I do have bat wing arms but easy to hide under clothes or by not lifting my arms and shaking them around. haha
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    I have 102 to still go to reach a realistic goal for me, and seeing this post helps so much. Thank you! and you look great :)
  • bassetthree
    bassetthree Posts: 143 Member
    Oh what a wonderful and inspirational story! You look fantastic and very happy! I hope to follow in your footsteps as I just started.
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    You look AMAZING! Happy Anniversary!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I hope I can encourage at least one person. Believe me, I have been in battle with my weight since as far as I can remember. If I am able to stick to this and loose over 100 lbs in one year, you can too. It has not been easy, but in all actuality it has been easier than I thought it would be. Nothing else has worked, diets don’t work we all know that. I did not give carbs up, I did not give sweets up, I did not give cokes or coffee up. I substituted for healthier choices, what I consider healther. I am a carb addict so no subbing there. I have always drank diet drinks, and I have always drank decaf. I made better choices on my sweets, but still splurged every now and then. If I were to of deprived myself from any of these items, or anything else for that matter, I would of given up a long time ago. How bad do I want to burn those extra 240 calories for that snickers bar? Would I rather have a bigger serving of a healthier choice or remain hungry by having a smaller serving of higher calorie item? You need to stop and think before you put it in your mouth.

    Believe me Rosie, you are encouraging at least one person... ME...I want to lose more weight this year when I see that you lost that much in 11 months!

    Congrats and Happy Anniversary on MFP! You look good lady!

    Thanks for sharing your story!

  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    You are officially my new Goddess of weight loss. please add me.

    LOL Add on the way
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank all of you for your wonderful comments. I will continue on this journey and will be here for any of you that need encouragement, need to vent or just need a chat. Friend me, my food diary is open too.:flowerforyou:
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    congrats! you look great! Keep it up!
  • Fertilegrounds5
    WOW! Amazing congrats! I am inspired
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Great job and inspiring story with lots of motivation esp for us newbies...just to know it is possible!!!
  • amandakay23
    You look AMAZING!!! Great job, what an inspiration!!!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    You look awesome! I especially love how you were able to put your progress pictures in a photo line up. It really shows how far you have come!

    How did you put you before and after photo collage together?
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    WOW!!!! What an accomplishment.
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