Drinking alcohol



  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    I have a drink at least 2 times per week and have managed to keep losing. I make sure that I count it in my calorie limit for the day. I also exercise on those days and drink lots of water as well.
  • AppleBottomJeans
    I'm about a week in and I've lost 4 lbs without foregoing my favorite alcoholic beverages. But, realistically, I don't think its sustainable for the long run. Alcohol slows down the metabolism...
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    OMG I almost spit out my water reading the post about giving up the weed too...OMG I love it. Yes I would think thats a good thing to give up since it gives you the munchies...LOL too funny girls HOWEVER I have not given up my beer I just drink Mich Ultra now. ITs ok and every once in a while if I feel I need a kick start shot of vodka, less in calories...So drink up mama's!!! We cant give it all up at once .LOL
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I've lost weight while drinking.....but I gained it all back. I havent had a drink since New Year's Eve (18 days but who's counting!?) and while I thought I would miss it terribly, the 6 lbs ive lost are worth it. I just know, from yo-yo-ing for so long, that alochol sabotages all the hard work I am doing to try to lose this weight. I wont cut alcohol out forever and ever, but I need to cut it out long enough to get the rest of my body back in shape. It will be worth it when I can sip tropical drinks on the beach in a bikini instead of a muumuu :)
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    I drink - I know it slows down my progress but hey, its a choice. I log in everything I drink and eat so I don't lie to myself.

    I noticed a post above that said on drinking days decrease your carb intake - that sounds smart. I might try that.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I wish I could say that it's not a factor...but it's a HUGE factor in slowing weight loss. It's not so much the calories that make the difference, it's how the body metabolizes alcohol. I can't post links right now (I'm at work), but alcohol can slow your fat metabolization process by as much as 75% for hours after having only 1 drink!! You're body sees this foreign substance come into the body and it moves it's attention to processing the alcohol and ignores the rest of the food/stuff. It will also mess with your hormone levels which are vital to losing weight.

    If you want to drink, limit it to once a week or special occasions. It will make or break your weight loss.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • Phatpatty
    Phatpatty Posts: 55 Member
    LOL--55 calorie beer flavored water!! soooo true.... thats basically what it is!!

    **When I did weight watchers u stay within ur calorie/points count most of the week but have an extra amount of points to use during the week, obviously i used them for beer.... however, i did notice I lost, just not as fast as if i werent drinking the empty calories!**** Good Luck
  • texasguy
    texasguy Posts: 21 Member
    God forbid life can't exist without alcohol.

    I would say stop drinking for 2 months and see if the weight immediate flys off.

    Then work the alochol back into your life, if the weight rises back up, then you have found your weight problem.
  • barberella
    Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I was amazed at the results from people...
    I must answer back to some questions though..Here goes: Yep, I only drink my Canadian Club/ Canadian Mist with Diet Coke. Funny how I have totally given up soda, but that is the only time I will drink it; diluted by whiskey :tongue.
    And secondly: I do track the calories when I drink, and do manage to stay within my calorie intake of 1231 (according to Livestrong.com)

    Again, thanks for the replies everyone. It's great to know that there are other social drinkers out there who don't wanna give up their booze!
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I know what you mean! I refuse to give up my drinks. Friday is near and dear to my heart because I regularly go to bars with 'Happy Hour' specials.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    This is a tough one because I am a Jack girl and love my alcohol, however if i want to continue progress drinking doesn't work well even when I am with in my calories. For me drinking leads to eating more and usually no work out the next day (no matter how little or much I consumed). My game plan is to eat healthy and work out and not drink to hopefully reach my goal weight sooner. Once there I hope try to slowly work it back in and maintain the balance. I won't lie drinking in college is likely one of the biggest culprits to my gaining 30lbs since highschool. If you can do it your way that is likely the best for you I just know I can't. This past weekend was a cheat weekend and between the food and drinking I came home 6lbs heavier then the morning before I left. There are ways to make it healthier but it comes down to your goals. Good Luck!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    OMG I almost spit out my water reading the post about giving up the weed too...OMG I love it. Yes I would think thats a good thing to give up since it gives you the munchies...LOL too funny girls HOWEVER I have not given up my beer I just drink Mich Ultra now. ITs ok and every once in a while if I feel I need a kick start shot of vodka, less in calories...So drink up mama's!!! We cant give it all up at once .LOL

    FUNNY as HELL!! Love it! Yes, I have lost weight while continuing to drink. I usually drink vodka w/ diet 7up and lime. HOWEVER, I have no illusions that my weight loss would be faster if I STOPPED drinking. But I've stopped smoking recently too. Geez.! A girl's gotta have SOMETHING! :smokin:
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I hear Ya!!!! I gave up smoking and drinking and fatty foods all on the 1st of Janu....Now I have to say life at home was not easy...everyone hated me LOL so I did drink the other night with my friends and OH how much better I felt...LOl I even sneaked in a few smokes:( Oh well Im back on track and it was our Girls night out which I dont get often so I guess once in a while is ok!
  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    hallelujah :laugh:

    I lost 6 stone a few years ago, and never stopped drinking, refused to count it in my calories, just made sure I danced the night away working it off and i still don't count it as calories, jsut make up for it the next day and really pull the reigns in.

    i lost weight continually, down, down, down .. and never looked back.

    Go girl .. just pay for it the next day, you gotta carry on living after all .. life's about having fun!!!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I hear Ya!!!! I gave up smoking and drinking and fatty foods all on the 1st of Janu....Now I have to say life at home was not easy...everyone hated me LOL so I did drink the other night with my friends and OH how much better I felt...LOl I even sneaked in a few smokes:( Oh well Im back on track and it was our Girls night out which I dont get often so I guess once in a while is ok!

    Hahahaha! We were definitely meant to be friends! :drinker:
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    LOL Agreeee
  • Earthmom2018
    Earthmom2018 Posts: 5 Member
    After watching my Grandbaby all day I love my glass of red wine at night. Hey Isn't Red wine suposed to be good for you. I just do a little more walking to compensate for it. Life is toooo short so enjoy a little.
  • barberella
    Nice response, guys! I refuse to give up the alcohol, but I am going to try to cut back. Tonite, we're going to play Team Trivia with friends, and I have already eaten at home to avoid the temptation of the the evil, yet so fricken yummy bar food. And tonite, I'm not going to drink since I drank last night, and don't feel the desire. I know i have eaten well today, and ran my *kitten* off in racquetball at lunch (it pays to have a racquetball court in my work bldg) for 45 minutes. I think I will just simply enjoy water as my friends totally make fun of me tonight, but oh well, there will be other happy hours!
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    I am also a social drinker (not all the time, but do the happy hour with friends at least 1x/week). I have lost the weight before (30lbs) and didn't need to give it up and don't plan to give it up this time either (have 35-40lbs this time). I do, however make sure I include it in my daily totals and make sure I behave myself on the food end those days:)
    We'll see what my body tells me as I go but so far, so good - good luck!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Alcohol, like anything else, will only be destructive if it's not in moderation. A night or two of "drink-till-you-drop" on a weekly basis, isn't exactly moderate either, so I usually sip until I get a good buzz, then I'm good.

    On that note, if I know I'm gonna out partying and drinking, I usually amp up my workouts the days before leading up to that day. If it's a random, "Hey, let's get ****faced!" kind of moment, I'll immediately count it as a "rest/cheat day," then work it off the days after. I know my body enough to realize it will take no more than 2 days before it totally recovers back to its normal metabolism. If I don't prepare for, or repair, a night of blasphemy, I notice weight gain. If I deal with it, I actually lose weight after such a night.

    Though, since I've taken on a whole different lifestyle, the religious weekends of pimpin' and panderin' are dwindling. And I don't really miss 'em either. Every now and then is good enough for me.