Going away for the weekend...FREAKING OUT!!!



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    okay first of all calm down...you did the right thing by coming here for help...you didnt just say f*** it, i'm going away, i'll just eat what i want...that is a huge SUCCESS right there before you have even gone away....

    secondly, pack healthy snacks, bring a cooler of fruit, cheese, crackers, baked chips, salsa, tostitos, yogurt, fruit dip....things that are healthy but NOT diet foods that your girlfriends will want to eat...

    next, send out an email to the girls asking them to try to do the same....dont ask them to change who they are or how they eat but ask if they could "help" you out by helping you make better choices this weekend....if you get a ho hum response than you will know YOU have DO THE WORK YOURSELF - and you can do it.....

    next, if you are going to be in a cabin, i'm assuming you are going somewhere "rustic"???? will there be an outdoors??? will you have an opportunity to take a hike or a nice walk outside??? ask the girls to join you...it will be a nice time to chat and get some fresh air after being cooped up in the cabin...

    if you can, i would get in some extra workouts before you go to help with a "loss" before you head out for the weekend to help balance any gains if you cant do what i suggested above....

    but most of all GO and HAVE A GOOD TIME....making these changes are a part of the process...we are not going to be in an ideal gym/eating situation every day for the rest of our lives....we will have to make choices and then live with them and move on....you can make good choices BECAUSE from your post i can tell you WANT to or you wouldnt have asked for help.....

    and if you don't, oh well, monday is another day....it takes 3500 EXTRA calories to gain 1 pound......just be mindful of what you eat and do....you can do it....
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Perhaps you need to look at your mindset. All your posts are you saying you will fail. With that outlook you will fail. You need to tell yourself what you can do not what you can't.

    Oh, I know...like I said, I feel like I'm not strong enough yet for this. I have to give myself a pep talk and have a good attitude about it, I know.

    Thank you ALL for the great advice!!!! I will be fine. I can do this!!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Spoil your appetite and wear a tight belt/fitted outfit/whatever.

    I was in Washing DC for four days on vacation and was able to enjoy myself without binging by using these tactics.

    Remember, it's just food. It's not going to leap into your mouth. It won't get you. YOU are in control of food, not the other way around.

    When you eat, stop frequently to check in. Is this bite as delicious as the last? If not, stop. If you're not sure, have one more bite and ask yourself again. Does this food taste as good as I thought it would? If not, stop. If yes, have another few bites until your current bite isn't as delicious as the last. You came, you ate, it won't get any better, why not stop? Also remember that you will see this very same food (and even BETTER food) again in your lifetime. This isn't your only shot at enjoying food :)

    Also have foods with you that you can use to spoil your appetite. Make yourself some almond snack packs (or some other good fat, filling food) that you can eat whenever you're hungry and right before temptation. Having that healthy fat in my tummy makes my brain more rational about the less-healthy options I encounter.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
