Ladies, what’s on your mind? Let’s talk about it..



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Yaaaay furthering base stereotypes!!!
    Thank goodness for the google...I had to look up the word "stereotype".
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Yaaaay furthering base stereotypes!!!
    Thank goodness for the google...I had to look up the word "stereotype".

    Shhhh... put away that internet machine and go back to your sandwiches and sex wanting, simple creature!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Yaaaay furthering base stereotypes!!!
    Thank goodness for the google...I had to look up the word "stereotype".

    Shhhh... put away that internet machine and go back to your sandwiches and sex wanting, simple creature!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Lol- this thing looks like one of the mucinex creatures!
  • 77Lola
    77Lola Posts: 37
  • aschroyer
    WHAT!!!! Men would rather pursue porn than real women? Maybe some men, but I know alot who are looking for a "normal" woman who isnt looking to change them, accept them for who they are. Men like porn cause it doesnt ***** at them when they want to watch football.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Yaaaay furthering base stereotypes!!!
    Thank goodness for the google...I had to look up the word "stereotype".

    Shhhh... put away that internet machine and go back to your sandwiches and sex wanting, simple creature!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member

    We men-folk typically love all manner of stereo equipment!

    We can talk about stereo types for hours!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I grew up in a house that was male dominant. I have my mom and my grandmothers, but that was pretty much it. Guys really aren't that hard to figure out. They like to feel good and are believers in instant gratification.

    Why did he stop calling?? Because he didn't enjoy talking to you anymore
    Why isn't he having sex with me?? Unless he has a medical problem, he either wasn't attracted or it wasn't fun enough
    He treats me like a girlfriend but won't call me that, why? He doesn't want to be tied down, if he wanted to, you'd be GF
    Why does he leave his s**t laying around for me to pick up? Because you keep picking it up...and alot of men are slobs

    Those are just examples. There are exceptions here as men can be clueless sometimes....simple to a fault. See ladies alot of this falls on our shoulders. Most of what he does or doesn't do reflects on what WE do or don't do.

    Feel secure with your man but he isn't romantic or chivilrous anymore? He stopped DOING it when you stopped DEMANDING it

    They want to be told what to do, preferrably with written instructions and photos. They want lots of praise whether he built a house, or tied his shoelaces. Most positive reinforcement should come in food or sexual form.

    I hope this helps my friends!

    There's my girl! Tell it like it is sista!!!!
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member

    Shhhh... put away that internet machine and go back to your sandwiches and sex wanting, simple creature!

    sex wanting...Ha...i think I just peed a little!!
  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    Posted this one yesterday. Do you have a dog? HELP! lol :)

    I really like my boyfriend, and I really love his dog. He adopted him after a few months into us dating. The dog is affectionate and adorable. I have grown rather attached to him. The actual problem is how this man lets the dog dominate his entire life, which is ruining our relationship. He cannot spend one night without it. We cannot go on trips where the dog cannot stay, and even if we do, we cannot stay long because we have to "get back" -- same with even short social gatherings. Moreover, he lets the dog sleep wherever it wants (in between us in his bed), and he insists that it is "cute" or "funny" that the dog seeks affection during and after we do the dirty. I can even count on one hand how many times we've been intimate without the dog in the room, which is now disgusting me as I write this. It has ruined the intimacy level in our relationship, since he believes that shutting the dog out of the bedroom is also cruel. He will often lie around kissing, stroking and petting the dog (even lying on the floor with it) in front of me while we spend time together, but refuses to give me the same affection (he was very loving at the start of our relationship, however). It is really slowly starting to upset me and may even drive me to a breaking point. I have said little things like - "I would like to lay next to my boyfriend" or, "I never sleep at your place with the dog in the bed". Nothing. Am I crazy and seeing things? Does he have a problem or do I? I'm smart enough to know that there's something wrong with this picture at this point and have been giving him the benefit of the doubt to come around due to his redeeming qualities, but on the same end I feel stupid for feeling this way, as if I am overreacting.

    To be honest, this wouldn't bother me. I have dogs (chihuahuas) and am a dog person. Yes, I kiss them. No, not on the mouth. That's gross. :smile: One of them is constantly in my lap and I love it. She's my girl.

    Yes, they've been present during intimate moments. My boyfriend at the time and I just laughed when one jumped on the bed. We removed the dog and shut the door. That boyfriend didn't mind if they slept in our bed. Luckily he loved them as much as I did. Another boyfriend did not want them in the bed. Guess what? They didn't sleep in the bed. I understood not everybody is ok with that.

    I think it's cute seeing a guy play with his dog and being affectionate. I think the issue is you've discovered you're not really a dog person. He is. If you give him an ultimatum "Me or the dog" don't get too upset if he chooses the dog. Ultimatums are terrible in relationships. Tell him how you feel and he should be able to compromise. Same for you. Maybe the dog is out of the bed but the dog can sit on the couch by your SO. But if he is unable to compromise then you have to decide if this is a deal breaker.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yea yea yea... I get it. We is simple. Brit has got it right.
  • Mrbackslap
    Did someone say sammiches? Mmmmmmmhhhhhh Bacon
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    I had something on my mind, then forgot it when he said BACON. Dangit. >.<
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My guy has a 5 S approach to our relationship.... 1. Sleep, 7-9 hours a day, nap if necessary. 2. Sandwich, keep sandwich fixings in the house at all times. 3. Sports, let the guy watch his fav sport, or at least sportscenter. 4. Silence, no talking during sports unless it is related to the action on the tv. 5. Sex, good and often. In return for following these simple rules I get pretty much anything I want (projects done, yard mowed, nights out, whatever!).
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    My guy has a 5 S approach to our relationship.... 1. Sleep, 7-9 hours a day, nap if necessary. 2. Sandwich, keep sandwich fixings in the house at all times. 3. Sports, let the guy watch his fav sport, or at least sportscenter. 4. Silence, no talking during sports unless it is related to the action on the tv. 5. Sex, good and often. In return for following these simple rules I get pretty much anything I want (projects done, yard mowed, nights out, whatever!).

    And pearls and heels to wear while you're vacuuming! :laugh:
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Posted this one yesterday. Do you have a dog? HELP! lol :)

    I really like my boyfriend, and I really love his dog. He adopted him after a few months into us dating. The dog is affectionate and adorable. I have grown rather attached to him. The actual problem is how this man lets the dog dominate his entire life, which is ruining our relationship. He cannot spend one night without it. We cannot go on trips where the dog cannot stay, and even if we do, we cannot stay long because we have to "get back" -- same with even short social gatherings. Moreover, he lets the dog sleep wherever it wants (in between us in his bed), and he insists that it is "cute" or "funny" that the dog seeks affection during and after we do the dirty. I can even count on one hand how many times we've been intimate without the dog in the room, which is now disgusting me as I write this. It has ruined the intimacy level in our relationship, since he believes that shutting the dog out of the bedroom is also cruel. He will often lie around kissing, stroking and petting the dog (even lying on the floor with it) in front of me while we spend time together, but refuses to give me the same affection (he was very loving at the start of our relationship, however). It is really slowly starting to upset me and may even drive me to a breaking point. I have said little things like - "I would like to lay next to my boyfriend" or, "I never sleep at your place with the dog in the bed". Nothing. Am I crazy and seeing things? Does he have a problem or do I? I'm smart enough to know that there's something wrong with this picture at this point and have been giving him the benefit of the doubt to come around due to his redeeming qualities, but on the same end I feel stupid for feeling this way, as if I am overreacting.

    I can relate in some way. Worst part is the dog sleeping in bed. I can't take it. Between the dog and him, I barely have room - even to move. And at times, it's like he loves the dog more than I. Does he? I doubt it, but sometimes I too, would like the same affection.

    My husband was similar with his dog, except he wanted me to do all the care while he always got to play and not take responsibility. It came down to "Its me or the dog"... I hated to do it, but it wasn't fair to me and was causing problems in our relationship. For us it was our 1st year and almost broke us-- things are better now. I wish you both the best of luck. Sometimes you just have to be blunt and tell them what is going on. Maybe you can work things out.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    WHAT!!!! Men would rather pursue porn than real women? Maybe some men, but I know alot who are looking for a "normal" woman who isnt looking to change them, accept them for who they are. Men like porn cause it doesnt ***** at them when they want to watch football.

    Just to set this right-- My husband is the one who b*tchs when I want to watch football. I can't watch a game if he is home.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    I love sex, sandwiches and football. I shoulda been a man.
  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    Why are sandwhiches so amazing to guys? It's just a sandwhich.:huh: