how to get motivated to get up in the morning to excercise



  • buffalo77
    TV on the treadmill. Watching Glee on Hulu on the treadmill is the best motivator I've got.

    I bought a shelf at Target, had my husband install it and I put my laptop up there with some computer speakers.
  • AbbyLu
    AbbyLu Posts: 29
    I keep my alarm in my bathroom next to my work out clothes and sneakers. That way I HAVE TO get up to turn my alarm off, and since my stuff is right there, I might as well change and work out since I'm up. I know me too well, I am too tired and lazy to workout after work so I just remind myself, you know you won't do it later, just do it now and be done with it.
  • mwkinney
    mwkinney Posts: 14 Member
    I used to hate getting up so effing early too until I just simply made the decision that this is what needed to be done. Simply making this decision to get up is a good metaphor for our journey, yes the easy way would be to hit the snooze just like eating that fast food is the easy way to feed yourself. If you make this first step, it will snowball and making those decisions down the road will seem so simple.

    Sorry to get all dr. freud on you.
  • helengator1
    1. Sleep in your workout clothes.2. MOVE YOUR ALARM CLOCK. Okay, I live in FL and my idea of cold is 60 degrees. But, it's all relative, lol. I wear wool when it goes below 60. Anyway-I have recently become successful getting up for 5:30am spin class. I would like to thank whomever here in MFP that gave me this advice, wish I could remember who! 1. Sleep in your workout clothes. Even if you go out to a gym like I do, if they expect us to workout AND look cute at 5:30, they are just going to be let down, lol. If you're lucky enuf to do it at home, then you have no excuse. Your clothes will still be warm and not cold from drawer or closet. 2. MOVE YOUR ALARM CLOCK. If I have to get up and cancel the alarm so I don't wake up my 3 kids, hubby, and dog and have to actually get out of bed to do it, I'm less likely to crawl back into the bed. So, easy two step process to being out of bed and already dressed for ur early morning workout :). Plus, think of the swaagger points you get all day for being able to tell yourself "I get up early just to workout. I rock!" Good luck everyone! I just realized I have to stay committed since I just told you guys how to do it! Good and bad of MFP-accountability ;) lol!!
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I wake up at 4:30 every morning to stretch and then exercise. I have fallen out of the routine a few times. To get back into it I drink a glass of water before bed (about 8 oz). It forces me up early to go to the bathroom. Since I'm up and I already have my workout clothes on (I sleep in them) I have no excuse to not exercise. Also, one summer I scheduled a workout buddy. My friend showed up at my house every morning at 5:00 to walk. It was a great movitivator to get out of bed and be ready!
  • marciml
    marciml Posts: 41
    I work really long hours and have a daughter and a very lovey dog. I have been wanting to do some sort of video at home, but with the loving "distractions" I have, I knew I had to find a way to get up even earlier to do it. I just started doing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I have not had any problem getting up at 4:30am since I started and I feel great throughout the whole day. I think the reason I have been able to do this, is because I must do 10 days at each level. If I miss a day, then its going to throw off my whole schedule and I want to complete this workout as its meant to be done. Having a daily commitment is really helping to motivate me to get me out of bed.

    Best of luck to you!
  • mpatternmaker
    mpatternmaker Posts: 20 Member
    I get up at 5am to go to the gym & work out 4-5 mornings a week and it is NOT easy. I've been doing it for about 2 years & now it feels wierd if I don't do it. The first couple weeks are the hardest!! Put the alarm clock across the room and make sure it's an obnoxious alarm, not nice music you would want to lay in bed & listen to. Get enough sleep the night before. I know that I need to work out and I positively CANNOT do it after work or in the evening, as far as I'm concerned that's when I relax. If I get my exercise in in the morning I feel so much better that it's done and out of the way, not something looming for later on to have to deal with.
    The best advice I can give is from NIKE, Just Do It..... It gets easier I promise. Good luck!
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I totally agree (especially 'cause I live just outside of Saskatoon). That bone-chilling cold weather just wreaks havoc on my motivation.

    I'm trying to get out of bed earlier so that I can get up and exercise before I have to take the boys to daycare and go to work. I'm finding that, if I'm (1) not super-organized the night before and (2) not getting to bed early enough, it's just *so* hard to not hit that snooze button 15 times. It helps that the only time I watch TV is when I'm on the treadmill, and I usually deliberately set my timing so that I'm in the middle of an episode of something when I'm finished my workout--further motivation to get at it the next day.

    Good luck!
  • terpgirl23
    terpgirl23 Posts: 9 Member
    I have just started getting up at 5:15 to work out and it's been the smartest move ever. Like others who do this have said - once you start it just feels 'right"; you get totally thrown off if you don't do it.

    Here is my advice - as someone who recently made the move to AM workouts - tell yourself you are only going to get up JUST THAT ONE DAY. Don't worry about tomorow or the next day, just think about that one day. You can do anything ONCE, right?

    I have gotten up for flights at earlier times (I told myself) and that one time didn't kill me, so I could certainly get up early to workout just once.

    Lots of people talking about breaking your goals down - think about loosing 5 or 10 lbs instead of 50 - but I have to break things down into itty, bitty tiny bits. I took me a long time to figure this out, but once I did, it was freeing.

    So try it. Just once. The first time is the hardest.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    OMG! This is Right On Time!

    Thanks for posting this because I usually sleep with as little clothes as possible, but "sleeping in workout clothes" is Brilliant. :bigsmile: I never thought of it. :laugh: Oh and placing the alarm in the Bathroom... Genius. :happy:

    I workout at home and I've been getting up at 4:45 to do Chalean Extreme :yawn: If I don't Jump out of bed immediately after I stop the alarm, it's really hard to get up. This morning was an example of that. :ohwell: Gonna Bust it out as soon as I get home, but I feel sooo good when I can tell myself, "Workout done" :bigsmile:

  • littletiger972000
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Morning workouts are difficult - I don't do them because I work at home and my schedule is flexible. However, there are lots of times I'm not motivated to workout. I keep pictures on my computer of when I looked "skinny" and some celebs that I think are fit and great looking. Sounds weird, but looking at those frequently give me a visual of what I'm trying to achieve.

    I also have post-its on my fridge saying "you can do it!" and "no excuses!". I also remember that there are days that I'm a rockstar with eating and exercise. If I did it before, I can do it again! It's not about can or can't, it's about will or will not.

    In her DVDs Jillian Michaels' often says "I know you're probably wanting to quit and turn this DVD off. Now is the time to remember all the reasons you bought this DVD in the first place. All the reasons you wanted to get healthy and fit. This is YOU time! Don't quit!". I don't know, it's inspirational to me!
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    When Im not really motivated to exercise, I will put on my head phones with some fun pumping song on it- that usually makes me want to dance and get moving. So maybe after you get up to turn off your alarm, your headphone could be sitting next to it. Then you could put them on listen and get pumped on your way to the treadmill :) Just a thought :)
  • Mary92881
    I had to start with baby steps.....

    First, I moved my exercise bike into my bedroom, literally right next to the bed. It seems a whole lot easier when you know you only have to move a few steps to get started! I always started out very slow too because I knew if I overdid it that early in the morning I'd end up giving up.

    After I became adjusted to waking up early, I started mixing up my routine with the treadmill and my other exercise machines at the house. I try to do something a little bit different every day now so that I don't get bored. I also watch the news while I'm exercising and it makes the time go by a whole lot faster!

    My best tip is to MAKE NO EXCUSES! I try to get in at least 30-45 minutes every morning, but if I accidentally oversleep a few minutes I don't beat myself up over it. I try, NO MATTER WHAT, to do at the very least 10 or 15 minutes of something. It might not seem like much, but it's still better than doing nothing!

    Good luck to you! I promise that it only gets easier in the mornings as you get used to it! Plus, it's a beautiful feeling going through your work day knowing that your exercising for the day is already over! :)
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Thank all of you for the advice!! I never thought of some of those! Like sleeping in my workout clothes... thought about moving the alarm clock but never got around to doing it... which starting now I will move it when I get home!! Thanks again! WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    1) Move your alarm clock out of reach. Put it somewhere where you have to GET UP AND WALK ACROSS THE ROOM.

    2) Change the time for your alarm to go off. Set it an hour earlier than what you have it.

    3) Watch the reality show HEAVY.....see their determination. See how they got to the point where they are.

    4) Think about living a longer/healthier life.

    5) Punish yourself. If you don't get up and work out on your workout day. Deprive yourself of something you enjoy. It doesn't have to be food. S3x, a favorite show, do 20 push ups, etc!

    6) Get your clothes ready at night.


  • molina76853
    Awesome post and replies! I have the same problem, I keep tellling myself that I am going to get up earlier but have trouble doing it. I will focus one day at a time!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    This is a little different than the other posts, but works for me. I am religious, so when it kept getting harder and harder to motivate myself to exercise, I decided I would give it as a sacrifice to God. I don't do fasts, so this is something I can sacrifice as a gift to my Lord. I hate to exercise, but if I know I am doing it as a promise to God, I get up and do it.
    Just an idea if you walk with God.
  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    Thank all of you for the advice!! I never thought of some of those! Like sleeping in my workout clothes... thought about moving the alarm clock but never got around to doing it... which starting now I will move it when I get home!! Thanks again! WE CAN DO IT!!!

    I know!! Thanks so much for posting this, fedup!! I will be sleeping in my workout clothes tonight, and headphones and pandora ready to go when the alarm goes off! I'll let you know how it goes :) here's hoping...
  • Scarletblue
    Could you join your kids tae kwon do class
    1. that would get you in a good workout
    2. you are already there and
    3. your doing something with your children.