Way off topic...Any advice?



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I need to add this as well. I don't see anything wrong living with someone before marriage- the only thing I said was that you should wait a little longer than just being together for 6 months. I have been married to my husband for 6 years and we have been together for 8 (when I was 17 we got together) yes when we moved in together our relationship had somethings to grow through but that is part of seeing if your relationship can with stand the trials and tribulations of 24/7 non stop with each other the good and the bad and trust you will get annoyed at things he does and you will annoy him with things that you do but its a way to see if it is something you can deal with forever if you two do plan on getting married-- In the end this is your choice nobody knows what or how your relationship is-- So make the best decision for yourself

    If you do decide to move in make sure you always have a reserve of money to have enough money to get your own place just in case things don't work- Alot of people stay in a miserable relationship because they dont have the funds or their own resources to leave- They say a woman should have enough money to put a deposit on an apartment at all times-- Just remember nothing is set in stone.. and don't put everything in your name because if it doesn't work out you will be left with the responsibility to pay everything.. I know this because i have seen both examples with my own eyes (not me personally thats why I make it a point to work even though my husband doesn't really want to because he wants to be the bread winner he was raised that man are supposed to be bread winners and the woman stay home HA HA HA I sure changed that up my husband never cooked did laundry nothing you should have seen his dad's expression when I came home to dinner being done and the house clean HA HA HA priceless its 2008 not the iceage it takes 50-50 to make a 100%. Good luck in your decision