How can you burn 600 calories ??? or more

yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I know that people that arebigger than me with burn more while exercising but I must not do the right kind of exercies since I barely burn 200 a day. Right now I am Doing 30DS, swiming and C25K ( starting week 5 tomorrow). it is about 16 minutes running and as many just walking but I've looked at training for a 5k race and even that will only be 300-400 calories. I feel I am workking really hard for so little calories!!! I run pretty slow but I am 4'11'' tall, my legs are pretty short so I will never run as fast as those that have 12 inches on me but it does not mean I am working less then they do. I am just bummed that even with training, I do not see any possibility to indulge in a bit of that food that I am craving. I do not have incredibly hard to resiste cravings but I might want to go to the restaurent in the futur and indulge a bit in the wonderfull food Montreal has to offer.


  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I don't know if you have access to a gym, but on a cardio machines like a treadmill or eliptical, you can burn 500 - 600 or more in an hour depending on how hard you go.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I don't know if you have access to a gym, but on a cardio machines like a treadmill or eliptical, you can burn 500 - 600 or more in an hour depending on how hard you go.
    I have a treadmill but I am nowhere near being able to run for an hour!!!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    It will depend on how much you weigh and how hard you work. I happen to be one of those people with about 90lbs to lose, so I burn a lot of calories. For instance, 30 minutes of high impact aerobics for me, which I do a few times a week, is over 300 calories burned. That plus strength training and you've got 600+ in a day.

    Try to mix it up. Do the treadmill for 20 minutes, 20 minutes of kickboxing or a similar strengthening cardio exercise, 10 minutes of weights, 10 more minutes on the treadmill and I bet you you will see good results.
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    Keep it up, you'll get there. I was right where you are last summer...Today I ran 5 miles and burned over 550 calories. It will come, just don't give up.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I don't know if you have access to a gym, but on a cardio machines like a treadmill or eliptical, you can burn 500 - 600 or more in an hour depending on how hard you go.
    I have a treadmill but I am nowhere near being able to run for an hour!!!

    You certainly don't have to run for an hour straight. I can't do that either. I started with 4.0mph walking for .25 of a mile, then 6.0mph running for .25 of a mile and alternating for an hour.

    Now I can 4.0mph walking for.25 of a mile and 6.0 running for 2 miles, then alternate walk/run every .25 of a mile, but I had to work up to this.
  • DaniEss
    DaniEss Posts: 27
    I went on a hike the other day and apparently burned about 800 calories. I wasnt expecting that but it certainly was nice! At the gym the elliptical is where I burn the most calories. About 100+ every 10 minutes. Its easier than running on the treadmill because it doesnt hurt your knees, so I feel like i can go much longer on it than running.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    30DS is pretty intense. Do you wear a HRM to get your totals burned for the day? As you are a small framed person it will be harder to for you get your higher burn rates unless you have a significant amt of weight to lose, which I don't think you do. Just keep mixing up your routine and keep it fun.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I don't know if you have access to a gym, but on a cardio machines like a treadmill or eliptical, you can burn 500 - 600 or more in an hour depending on how hard you go.
    I have a treadmill but I am nowhere near being able to run for an hour!!!

    You can put it on an incline and even a fast walk at a high incline burns more calories, not 600 but it's more than w/o the incline. When I use to do this I would slowly increase my speed and incline every few minutes until I got to about 4.5 mph at 6-7% incline and I burned around 300 calories in 40 minutes.
  • I give you lots of credit for all the exercise you have been doing. It's alot of hard work and you're going to reach your goal! To burn 600 calories, it takes about 5.5 miles of either walking or runnning (obviously walking will take longer but the same calories are burned because the distance is the same). The best way to shed weight is walking/running. It's not easy, but it is most effective. As for the cravings, you need to eat what you crave sometimes. It is your body's way of telling you that you have a deficiency of something. Often when dieting, people deprive themselves to get the weight off but then gain the weight back immediately because they indulge like crazy. Try and eat healthy the majority of the time, and when you crave an unhealthy snack, try and eat something that will hold you over. But honestly, eating "bad" every once in a while won't kill you, especially with the active life style you have. Your metabolism will take care of the rest :)
  • Stephanie4Cali
    Stephanie4Cali Posts: 12 Member
    I like to workout on my elliptical because in 65 min. I can burn 588 calories. It's nice to change things up so you don't get bored.
  • I just worked out with Billy Banks Tae Bo and burned 658 caleries in 1 hr. You should try it ! it's alot of fun.
  • i need to know the samething chica when you fined out let me know... thanks
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Zumba baby! If you have not tried it, you should. You don't stop moving the entire time and use every muscle group. It is so much fun, you don't realize you have been at it the whole time. Most gyms offer it, some schools too. Good luck! Sounds like you have the motivation to do this!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    You could try Beachbody Insanity. I am not sure how much it would burn for you, but I hear it can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour workout! So even if it comes close, that is still a lot! It is a very intense cardio workout so I think it is safe to assume that you would be burning at least 600 calories in a one hour session. You can download it or buy it online.
  • i have used my ellipical numerous times and have burned 600 sometimes 700 calories in 30 min... that is what the screen reads.... i do go the full 30 degree incline and with a 16 resistance the entire time... just curious if thats correct or even possible?
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    R U sure, you are only burning 200 calories?
    R U using a HRM?
  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm pretty sure your burning more than 200 calories with your workout. The best to know how many calories you are burning is using a HRM.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Just an FYI folks, thread is from 2011...and user account that started this has deactivated their account :smile:
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi I hope you get to read this. I USED to burn 500 cals a day at the gym but for some reason my body cant do it anymore. I do ten minute on stair master that thing make you sweat! and then ten minutes running and ten minute eliptical. but I dont need to do this any more. They way I eat now makes me not that hungry. my whole life has changed. I am completely satisfied every day. I NEVER starve my self.

    You should try something new. I recently lost alot of weight after years in MFP struggling to loose some pounds I tried a NEW way of eating. and i love it.

    Last night I ate this:
    Banana slices
    melted white chocolate
    all natural Peanut butter with white chocolate
    all mixed up in a bowl. yum.

    and still under my calorie limit.

    be my friend check my diary, send me a message if you want to try something new that does not involve Chronic cardio everyday. and no im not a person who eats raw vegetable day and night. I eat yummy latin food thats good and even fried food. try me!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I found that while using a treadmill; alternating between high/low intensity burns more calories. Run as fast as you can for 1 minute, walk for 2, repeat.
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