Angel and the Tree Limb



  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    it's amazing how our pets being in pain hurts us as well. Hoping she's feeling better soon and that both of you have a better day tomorrow:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    Posted some pictures in my profile of the girls! ~smiling~

    Nia -Border Collie - Blue Merle

    Angel - Australian Shepard - Red Tri - Injured Reserves :frown:

    Appreciate all of your responses! ~smiling~
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    aw tim your babies are so beautiful!!!! and seeing your injured reserve breaks my heart even more...soooo sweet!!!

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Beautiful dogs.
    I have spent soooooooooo much money on my dogs (I have 5)
    I spent nearly $3000 on my Doberman to keep him alive when he contracted Parvo.
    Last month I shelled out $450 on my Italian Greyhound for stitches on a bad cut and nuetering. Not to mention costs of shots etc......
    But when you take on pets, you also take on the responsibility of seeing that they are well cared for and it sounds like yours are. They do become part of the family. It really is strange to me how some people don't understand that connection and say "They are JUST dogs". No, they are more than that.

    My hat is off to you for taking such good care of the babies and I am wishing her a speedy recovery.

  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    awwww! poor baby!
    Hope she gets well soon!
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Hope Angel is feeling a little bit better this evening than she was this morning. Poor puppy :flowerforyou:

    I have to ask... how did you come up with their names... especially Nia... I like that name
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    How is Angel?????
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh, they are beautiful..... i love dogs (and cats............ bunnies, oh heck, i just love critters)
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    Hope Angel is feeling a little bit better this evening than she was this morning. Poor puppy :flowerforyou:

    I have to ask... how did you come up with their names... especially Nia... I like that name

    Well, Nia is from Niagra Falls - Her AKC name is Niagra's A Fallin

    Angels mom was named Sweetness, so her AKC name is Sweet Angel Kisses (for all of her freckles)...

    Nia is my pride and job. She has EVERY bad and good border collie trait in the book -

    BAD -

    Sound Anxiety
    Car Anxiety
    Light Anxiety
    Water Anxiety
    Ultra Protective of the home front
    Doesnt like older men that smoke

    Good -

    She knows when thunderstorms are about 1 to 4 hours out and immediately gathers up all of her toys and heads to the kennel or the tub.
    She will chase ANY light or reflection or squirting water until her tongue is hanging out.
    She can herd ANYTHING... from cows, to horses, to sheep, to geese, to frogs. Yes one day I arrived home to find 3 frogs back to back in a long legged last stand.
    She know so many tricks... Her dream is to look like -

    But for now she can -

    Down stay in the middle of Pet Smart or any public place for 5 or more minutes
    Only release on the word "come"
    At a full run, tell her down and she stops strides and immediately skids to a stop
    Eyes (covers eyes with paw)
    Fetch non stop (LOVES frisbees)
    Fetch slow (crawl up to the target by name)
    Turn Left
    Turn Right
    Balance food on her nose and "Flip It"
    Balance anythign on her head including tennis balls
    Rollover (2 or 3 times)
    Turn Around
    "Under" put paws on my arm and look under
    She also knows about 40 toys by name (beaver, squirrel, bunny, dinosaur, platypus, chip, dale, lobster, seal, fish, dog bone, keys, phone, rabbit, sheep, snail, etc) and will find them by name while hidden the house. She can also know a new toy by name if you put it out with two popular toys (like if I put a fish for the first time with beaver and squirrel, and tell her to get the fish.. .she will look at the other two, know what they are, and then the fish will be fish from there on out.

    She is a lot of work, and a nuclear reactor as far as energy level, but LOVE taking her on as a running partner.
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Watched the video... it has one of my favorite songs in it

    I can tell you are very proud of your dogs, as you should be. I had to laff at the rounding up of the frogs and her rounding up her toys.

    She sounds like she already knows alot of stuff.

    Hope this finds Angel doing better today.
  • auranda
    auranda Posts: 59 Member
    I hope Angel heals quickly. What a freak accident. My little dog just would not move a couple of months ago. I had to lift her up on the deck after she would be outside, she was not eating unless I fed her. The vet said she had strained her back. He gave me pain reliever with anti-inflammatory. I kind of that the sprained back was weird. But she was okay in about a week. One time she jumped from the recliner and injured her hip. Keep us posted on how Angel is doing.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Absolutely Beeeeeuuutiful dogs!! ~sigh~ I want another dog, but hubby and I are gone ALL day, I feel it's an injustice to the animal to be alone for 11 hrs at a time almost every day. That's why we went with the cat, he's self sufficient, doesn't need us, maybe doesn't even like us....who knows with a cat.....but he does greet us when we come home...that counts for something!! :laugh:

    I read the book "Marley and Me'" by John Grogan, reading your dog's good and bad points made me think of that book.

    Hope she's feeling better today
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member

    Marley was quite the dog! The latest book by Ceaser talked about Marley quite a bit.

    Angel is doing well. I took the donut off her neck (towel tied with duck tape to keep her from licking). She hasnt paid any attention to her stitches/staples yet! Gave her her pain medication and antibiotics and now she is sleeping away!

    Luckily all this happened while I am on leave so I could spend all day with her.

    Marine Corps Artillery is firing this morning, so Nia is in the Kennel hunkered down yelling "In Coming" even though its probably over 15 miles away. Sounds like thunder to her.
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    :laugh: @ incoming

    I tried to google and find a picture of what I had in my head but no luck :grumble:

    Hopefully when the stitches start healing and getting itchy she won't bother them then either. Of course it's most important that she hasn't bothered while they are still new and they are getting to heal a little bit before she notices them too much.

    I'm sorry that it happened to her but I'm glad that you were able to spend the time with her that was needed. That has alot to do with how well she heals also.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member

    Marley was quite the dog! The latest book by Ceaser talked about Marley quite a bit.

    Angel is doing well. I took the donut off her neck (towel tied with duck tape to keep her from licking). She hasnt paid any attention to her stitches/staples yet! Gave her her pain medication and antibiotics and now she is sleeping away!

    Luckily all this happened while I am on leave so I could spend all day with her.

    Marine Corps Artillery is firing this morning, so Nia is in the Kennel hunkered down yelling "In Coming" even though its probably over 15 miles away. Sounds like thunder to her.

    Too funny!!!!

    I live in central Louisiana, close to an army base here and even closer to one of their larger ranges....we're only about 3 miles from it through the woods, and the windows do rattle quite a bit when they are doing live fire!!!! It's like a train though, you hear it enough and it becomes white noise.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    [I read the book "Marley and Me'" by John Grogan, reading your dog's good and bad points made me think of that book.

    I absolutely LOVED that book. Can't wait to seet the movie!!!!
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    [I read the book "Marley and Me'" by John Grogan, reading your dog's good and bad points made me think of that book.

    I absolutely LOVED that book. Can't wait to seet the movie!!!!

    I'm a big reader and I have to say that it ranks up there among the best I've ever read. I would find myself laughing so hard there were tears going down my face and two chapters over I'd be crying, again with tears running down my face!!
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Hope Angel is feeling better... how is she healing up?
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    Hope Angel is feeling better... how is she healing up?

    She is actually quite miserable with the rather "slow in Aussie Terms" healing process. Plus, I think the staples are starting to hurt. I left her for the first time yesterday for 3 hours and then 2 hours, and on the second trip, she managed to get to her stitches. She had one of them lose. I performed Dr Tim surgery and managed to get it retied, but I know she is frustrated.

    She is out of pain killer now, we will have to see if the Vet allows me to give them children's aspiron.

    Its also just DARN hot out! 97 and 80 to 90% humidity! It needs to storm soon! UGH!

    Thanks for looking into her though! :flowerforyou:
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    oh poor thing. I was hoping that her healing was going to be fast. When does she go back to the vet to have them taken out? At least it was only one and not all of them! There is a girl at work her cat has stitches too and I know what she has been going through with her cat, I'm sure it's much harder with a dog trying to keep them away from them.

    It was hot here yesterday too, not as hot as what you have it. Was 83 with 68 % humidity. We did get wonderful thunderstorms come through all night. Slept like a baby and woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day and it's cooler outside. But the rain flooded my garden... and I just planted yesterday so hopefully the plants don't mind the extra water :laugh:

    Hope she's all healed soon :flowerforyou: