Just not losing wieght



  • chilipeppers
    If you're not eating your exercise calories, then there is your problem. You NEED to have 1200 NET calories at the end of the day, or you're essentially slowing down your metabolism and your weightloss will stall. If you're only eating 1200 and then you're burning calories, your body is trying to run on too little calories. Up the calories, eat your exercise calories, make sure your NET says 1200 (or thereabouts) every single day, and you'll see that drop.

    It's true! believe it or not the more you eat the better your metabolism and the more success you'll have losing weight and keeping it off! It may be a slower "gain/lose" process that is frustrating, but you don't have to live on 1200 calories forever as long as part of your weight loss is also building your metabolism!
  • Shamrock40
    Try eating more than 1200 net calories ever couple of days. If you are burning anything close to 500-1000 calories in exercise, even if the calculations are off by 100-200, you could still add 300 calories every 3-4 days to switch things up a bit. It might make your metabolism work a little harder to burn off those extra calories. And if you want to friend me, I'll look at your food diary and see if there are some changes you can make. Try not to eat too many processed/pre-packaged meals. You can do some simple cooking and food prep at home that will probably save you some calories and cash.

    Like everyone says, eating more does usually make the number on the scale go down.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member