Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 4 (CLOSED GROUP)

Krys- I hope you don't mind I went ahead and posted a discussion thread. :wink:

Discuss what worked for you this week, what didn't. What you might want to do different or the same.

I added sodium to my diary tracking and looked back on last week to see why I only lost 1 lb or how I could have done better. My sodium was through the roof on most days!! OMG, that is something I am going to have to work on. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to stay below the recommended 2500 mg?


  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I do have to watch my sodium. I haven't had potato chips at all this year, which is huge for me, I used to eat them almost daily and just allow them into my calorie count. Canned soups have a lot of sodium in them. If you eat canned veggies, you should rinse them first to get the extra salt off. Drinking lots of water can help you too if you eat a lot of sodium. I aim for no less than 10 cups a day!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Sodium is a tough one! I also noticed that certain sandwiches at Subway have a bit more than I would like. I order off the 6 grams of fat or less menu (which I love), but I've learned to be careful on the days I eat there. I'm also trying to lower the sodium by eating more fruits and veggies as snacks as opposed to processed foods.

    After gaining last week, I had a loss this week! I really do attribute the last week's gain to sore muscles retaining water b/c, as soon as my muscles felt great, the scale went down. It creeped up a bit this morning just in time for weigh-in... and wouldn't you know it, I have sore muscles again from starting Level 2 of 30 Day Shred! Still, thinking positively, I had a 1.5 pound loss from last Friday to this one!

    My goals this week: 1) drink more water!!! I have some days where I get 64 oz and others where I'm stuck at 32.
    2) only step on that scale once a week!!! (ugh, such a tough one for me!)

    Have a great week, everyone! :smile:
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I need to work on my Carb intake. I love potatoes so naturally I'm eating them every day. I can't give them up. but on the flip-side I need to make a change. *sigh*
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    My exercise goals for this week are Zumba at least 3 days a week and vinyasa yoga at least 3 days. Getting them both on Monday, Wednesday and Friday are not a problem, but I've got to work out in on Thursday and one day on the weekend.

    I'm excited about my food potential this week. I will get to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods this weekend to load up on bulk items like brown and wild rice, raw sugar, seeds, nuts, beans...Lots of whole, clean eating goodies. What helped so much last week was that I cut up all my veggies for my salads (cucumbers, peppers, carrots, celery, radishes, etc.) and placed them in sealed container in the fridge so that whipping up my own variety of salads is a cinch. For the spinach leaves, butter lettuce and romaine hearts, I laid paper towels in the containers to soak up the extra moisture so the veggies wouldn't rot. Sodium is such a challenge to watch when its a preservative for just about every packaged, commercially prepared or boxed food out there. It's hard but my goal for this week is to cook or prepare 80% of my meals.

    Snowflake to Sunshine ROCKS
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Well i had a gain this week :grumble: .5 up...I have no idea what i did wrong this week....I am being true and honest with every calorie i have eaten, i have been drinking tons and tons and tons of water...seriously like more than 15 cups a day....I worked out for over an hour at the least an hour and 15 i dont get it.

    Seeing a gain this week broke my heart. seriously i cried. I have never tried so hard to lose weight and to gain is just a slap in the face. I feel like giving up because all of my hard work isnt paying off....I literally havent lost anything. I am back at my starting weight. I dont understand what is going on with my body. I'm burning calories and staying under calories and drinking water and i am gaining weight. :sick: I seriously am beginning to hate myself even more than i did before starting to diet....Atleast then i knew why i was gaining its just not fair......i dont know if i can keep pushing myself when i am not seeing any changes in my body....I have lost 17 pounds since October and I am still in the same size pants....when will I see a difference? when is all of the sweat and tears going to pay off? when is it going to be worth all the hard work? Been the same weight for a month now....not losing inches....clothes arent fitting any better and yet i am not eating what i want and i am killing myself working out!!! :explode:
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Well i had a gain this week :grumble: .5 up...I have no idea what i did wrong this week....I am being true and honest with every calorie i have eaten, i have been drinking tons and tons and tons of water...seriously like more than 15 cups a day....I worked out for over an hour at the least an hour and 15 i dont get it.

    Seeing a gain this week broke my heart. seriously i cried. I have never tried so hard to lose weight and to gain is just a slap in the face. I feel like giving up because all of my hard work isnt paying off....I literally havent lost anything. I am back at my starting weight. I dont understand what is going on with my body. I'm burning calories and staying under calories and drinking water and i am gaining weight. :sick: I seriously am beginning to hate myself even more than i did before starting to diet....Atleast then i knew why i was gaining its just not fair......i dont know if i can keep pushing myself when i am not seeing any changes in my body....I have lost 17 pounds since October and I am still in the same size pants....when will I see a difference? when is all of the sweat and tears going to pay off? when is it going to be worth all the hard work? Been the same weight for a month now....not losing inches....clothes arent fitting any better and yet i am not eating what i want and i am killing myself working out!!! :explode:

    How's your sodium intake? Could you be gaining muscle weight? Do you eat enough? I was undereating and kept gaining and losing the same darn lb. I upped my calories to 1300 from 1200 and have been losing steadily. I also did not exercise this week because I was sick and still lost. Do you eat extra calories when you workout so hard?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Thank you for starting this....

    For me I need to just keep doing what I am doing..still watching the sodium, drinking the water, and building up my metabolism. I decided to go ahead and enlist the help of a childhood friend of mine that is a personal trainer back home. I basically emailed him and said, "Ok, hey...what am I doing wrong!? I am eating 1400 or less calories...working out and busting my butt with this Zumba...watching sodium, fat, and carbs...what is the problem?" So I am waiting for his response because at this point, I am a tad bit annoyed...but at the same time I know my muscles or sore, I am I must be doing something right. The only thing I can think of is that I may need to eat more calories because of what I am burning. But we will see!

    I am very happy for everyone that has seen a loss this week! That is awesome and you all are doing great! I am like a proud mama bear LOL....As I was looking at everyone post their losses, gains, and maintains..I said to myself "These 100 women are doing it!" No matter what, we are sticking to something and trying our hardest, there is always room for improvement and we are trying to get the answers and make it work. It takes many people YEARS to even get off the couch and exercise...let alone log and watch what they are eating. And for that reason alone...I am so FREAKIN PROUD OF YOU ALL!

    For those, like me, that didn't see a loss or as much as you want DONT GIVE UP! You have all of us to lean on and to push you. No one in life, who has ever watched what they have ate and worked out didn't lose weight! So remember that...and keep trucking so we can be on the top of that list.! :smooched:
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    307.5 lbs today... hmmm lost 2.0 lbs

    Not that much of a loss but.... I should have watched what I was eating last weekend since I was out all weekend for hockey at the arena. Not too many healthy meals over there. The worse part is that I'm leaving in a bit for another hockey tournament...:frown: I hope I can handle this one better...

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Chantal :flowerforyou:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Saw a .6 pound loss. Need to work on doing more! More water and more exercise and less eating!

    For those that gained or stayed the same-don't worry-we have all been there-and you will get past it. We will all succeed in this! Don't worry!!!
  • glittersoul
    Krys- I hope you don't mind I went ahead and posted a discussion thread. :wink:

    Discuss what worked for you this week, what didn't. What you might want to do different or the same.

    I added sodium to my diary tracking and looked back on last week to see why I only lost 1 lb or how I could have done better. My sodium was through the roof on most days!! OMG, that is something I am going to have to work on. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to stay below the recommended 2500 mg?

    Limit packaged foods and up your potassium intake. Fruit normally has a lot of potassium in it as well as greens. Some people swear by coconut water, but I don't want to try it because I really hate coconut and it was horribly expensive when I looked. Here is a list of stuff, but there are more options if you look it up :)
    Food Sources
    What foods provide potassium?

    Potassium is found in abundance in many foods, and is especially easy to obtain in fruits and vegetables. Excellent sources of potassium include chard, crimini mushrooms, and spinach.

    Very good sources of potassium include fennel, kale, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, winter squash, blackstrap molasses, eggplant, cantaloupe, and tomatoes.

    Good sources of potassium include parsley, cucumber, bell pepper, turmeric, apricots, ginger root, strawberries, avocado, banana, tuna, halibut, cauliflower and cabbage.
  • glittersoul
    Well i had a gain this week :grumble: .5 up...I have no idea what i did wrong this week....I am being true and honest with every calorie i have eaten, i have been drinking tons and tons and tons of water...seriously like more than 15 cups a day....I worked out for over an hour at the least an hour and 15 i dont get it.

    Seeing a gain this week broke my heart. seriously i cried. I have never tried so hard to lose weight and to gain is just a slap in the face. I feel like giving up because all of my hard work isnt paying off....I literally havent lost anything. I am back at my starting weight. I dont understand what is going on with my body. I'm burning calories and staying under calories and drinking water and i am gaining weight. :sick: I seriously am beginning to hate myself even more than i did before starting to diet....Atleast then i knew why i was gaining its just not fair......i dont know if i can keep pushing myself when i am not seeing any changes in my body....I have lost 17 pounds since October and I am still in the same size pants....when will I see a difference? when is all of the sweat and tears going to pay off? when is it going to be worth all the hard work? Been the same weight for a month now....not losing inches....clothes arent fitting any better and yet i am not eating what i want and i am killing myself working out!!! :explode:

    Just keep up with it.. I'm sure it will start coming off soon! :) You are doing good so don't let it bother you.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Well I def. did WAY better this week. The extra 100 calories I added to my days really helped. I am now set at a 1.8 loss a week. I lost 2.4 this week :) I def. think I was undereating. I have been sick so I have not exercised in about week, but focused more on diet and eatting less processed crap.

    My goal for this week is to get to the 220s so close! I will like to continue eatting less processed crap. I would like to get 4 good days of exercise in, with a healthy mixture of using my treadmill, zumba dvds, and the 30 day shred. :)

    Everyone who rocked it this week awesome job! Anyone who maintained keep pushing. Anyone who gained, dust yourself off and get back at it. Gains happen you can push through it.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been MIA this past week due to major illness. No weight lost yet again, but I'm not surprised or worried just because I don't want to deprived a sick body or worry about all that when the only thing I really want is sleep, broth, and tea! I woke up today feeling better so next week I'm definitely going to make up for the lagging.

    Today it is negative 23 degrees where I live and let me just say that I can't wait for the SUNSHINE part of this challenge!! :)
  • forgiven4life
    Well i had a gain this week :grumble: .5 up...I have no idea what i did wrong this week....I am being true and honest with every calorie i have eaten, i have been drinking tons and tons and tons of water...seriously like more than 15 cups a day....I worked out for over an hour at the least an hour and 15 i dont get it.

    Seeing a gain this week broke my heart. seriously i cried. I have never tried so hard to lose weight and to gain is just a slap in the face. I feel like giving up because all of my hard work isnt paying off....I literally havent lost anything. I am back at my starting weight. I dont understand what is going on with my body. I'm burning calories and staying under calories and drinking water and i am gaining weight. :sick: I seriously am beginning to hate myself even more than i did before starting to diet....Atleast then i knew why i was gaining its just not fair......i dont know if i can keep pushing myself when i am not seeing any changes in my body....I have lost 17 pounds since October and I am still in the same size pants....when will I see a difference? when is all of the sweat and tears going to pay off? when is it going to be worth all the hard work? Been the same weight for a month now....not losing inches....clothes arent fitting any better and yet i am not eating what i want and i am killing myself working out!!! :explode:

    How's your sodium intake? Could you be gaining muscle weight? Do you eat enough? I was undereating and kept gaining and losing the same darn lb. I upped my calories to 1300 from 1200 and have been losing steadily. I also did not exercise this week because I was sick and still lost. Do you eat extra calories when you workout so hard?

    Amanda, I posted a response on the other board, but I agree. Look at your sodium. Try to work on that this week and see if you have a difference.
  • bhonniered
    Well i had a gain this week :grumble: .5 up...I have no idea what i did wrong this week....I am being true and honest with every calorie i have eaten, i have been drinking tons and tons and tons of water...seriously like more than 15 cups a day....I worked out for over an hour at the least an hour and 15 i dont get it.

    Amanda - I have to agree with what everyone else is saying - really watch your sodium. Looking at your diary you are over on your sodium almost everday for the last week. I had the same challenge and have been working REALLY hard at cutting the sodium down. (I even starting throwing stuff away at home because of how high the sodium was on a couple of my favorite snacks). Once I really watched it I started to lose weight like crazy. Use the reports on here to get a good 30 day view on your sodium intake.

    Don't give up - you are making the right choices and it will get better! :flowerforyou:
  • bhonniered
    Hi everyone!

    I've been MIA this past week due to major illness. No weight lost yet again, but I'm not surprised or worried just because I don't want to deprived a sick body or worry about all that when the only thing I really want is sleep, broth, and tea! I woke up today feeling better so next week I'm definitely going to make up for the lagging.

    Today it is negative 23 degrees where I live and let me just say that I can't wait for the SUNSHINE part of this challenge!! :)

    Glad to see you are feeling better! You can do it!
  • bhonniered
    Ok - so my goal for this week:

    Cardio 5 days this week for at least an hour a day
    Weights 2 days this week for at least 45 minutes each time

    Water - Water - Water! :drinker:

    Eat my Net calories of 1200 each day (I struggle with that)
    Watch my sodium - it is to easy to let that get out of control

    Start cutting out more of junk and eat more fresh veggies!
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    Had a 2.8 lb loss this week and I am beyond estatic about it. Its my TOM week and usually I gain 3-5 lbs because of water retention.. this week I upped my water like crazy and really tried to watch my sodium.. its so hard especially when you are on a budget and all the budget foods seem to be loaded with extra sodium! Glad to hear all of you ladies out there who are doing it and I"m so proud to be a part of such a kind and supportive group! xoxo
  • forgiven4life
    Use the reports on here to get a good 30 day view on your sodium intake.

    Wow, thanks for this tip! Never thought to do this. Mine for the last 30 days (well those I logged anyway) were all up near 4000mg!! Holy buckets! I can't wait to get a handle on this aspect of my diet and hope to see the pounds slide off!